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Comment: Copied from other download pages.

If your user account has the Read, Write, or Own permission level on data in DME, you can download that data. You can choose whether to download the data file to Globus or S3. For prerequisites when using Globus with DME, refer to Preparing to Use Globus.  This page describes how to download one data file at a time For a video of downloading a collection to Globus, refer to Video of Downloading a Collection via the GUI.  

To download a data fileto Globus or S3:

  1. Log in as described in Logging In via the GUI. The Dashboard appears.
  2. Select a method:
    • If you are familiar with the metadata, perform a search for the data file, as described in Searching for Data via the GUI (or run a saved search from the Dashboard). The Data File Search Results search results page appears.
      • To download a single collection or file: In the row for the
      • data you want to download, click the download icon (The download icon.Image Modified). 
      • To download multiple collections or files: In the selection column, select each item you want to download. Then click the download option above the list
    • Otherwise, browse for the data file, as described in Browsing for Data via the GUI. Navigate to and right-click the data file item you want to download. Click View Details. The Collection page or Data File page appears. Click the download icon.

    The Download page appears. 
    (Screenshot TBD)

  3. Select the type of download: 
  4. If you want to download the file to your local computer, select Synchronous. In the Download file name field, you can keep the existing file name or specify a new file name. The destination folder structure must already exist.
  5. If you want to download the file to Globus, select Asynchronous (Globus):
    • To select information from Globus:
      1. Click the given link. A Globus page appears. 
      2. In Globus, select the shared endpoint (collection). Navigate to and double-click the folder in which you want to transfer the
      1. data. Make sure the Collection and Path fields reflect your selections. Click Submit. The DME download page reappears. 
    • To enter the Globus information manually:
      • Specify the UUID of the shared Globus endpoint. If necessary, copy the UUID from Globus, as described in Copying the Globus Shared Endpoint UUID.
      • Specify the Globus endpoint (destination) path. If you want DME to transfer the file data to the root of the shared Globus endpoint, specify a forward slash character (/) as the path. If the destination folder structure you specify does not already exist, DME creates it.
        (Screenshot TBD)
      If you want to download the file to S3, select
  6. Select Asynchronous (S3):
    • Specify the name of the destination S3 bucket.
    • Specify the path to and the name of the folder in the destination bucket. Do not begin the path with a slash. If the destination folder structure you specify does not already exist, DME creates it.
    • Specify the AWS access key.
    • Specify the AWS secret access key.
    • Specify the region. 
      (Screenshot TBD)
  7. Click Download. The system responds as follows:
    • The system transfers the
    • data based on your selections:
      • If you selected a single data file, the system transfers the selected file to the specified folder in the targeted Globus endpoint or S3 bucket.
      • If you selected multiple data files, the system transfers the selected files from each DME collection to a separate folder in the targeted Globus endpoint or S3 bucket.
      • If you selected one or more collections, the system transfers the selected collection and all sub-collections. 
    • Depending on your event subscriptions, the system might send you an email notification of the download status. For instructions on subscribing, refer to Subscribing to Notifications.
  8. When the system displays the task ID, consider clicking that link to visit the Download Task Details page and view the progress of the download. For instructions, refer to Viewing Download Status.
