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Comment: For HPCDATAMGM-1277: Added a row with icon screenshot & alt-text.


To do this ...Do this ...
Download the collection or file

Click the download icon (The download icon.). The Download dialog box appears. For details, refer to Downloading Data via the GUI

Manage permissions for the collection or file

Click the permission icon ( The permissions icon. ). The permissions page for that collection or file appears. For details, refer to Managing Permissions.

Update user metadata for the collection or file 

Click the edit icon (The edit icon.). In the Metadata section of the page, the user metadata attributes become editable. For details, refer to Updating Metadata via the GUI.

Browse the collection or data file

Click the browse icon (The browse icon.). The Browse page appears, with the hierarchy of collections expanded to display the collection of interest or the parent collection for the data file. For details, refer to Browsing for Data via the GUI.

Bookmark the collection or data file

Click the bookmark icon (The bookmark icon.). The Bookmark dialog box appears. For details, refer to Creating a Bookmark via the GUI.

Delete the file

Click the delete icon (The delete icon.). The availability of this icon depends on various factors. For details, refer to Deleting a Data File via the GUI.

Delete an empty collection

Click the delete icon (The delete icon.). The availability of this icon depends on various factors. For details, refer to Deleting a Collection via the GUI.

Copy the path

Click the copy icon (The copy icon.). The system copies the path for the collection or file to your clipboard.

View information about an attribute

Click the information icon (The attribute information icon.Image Added), if the attribute has that icon. The system displays information about that attribute. 

View the metadata of the parent collectionScroll down to the bottom of the page and click Parent Metadata. The metadata rows for the parent collection appear.