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  1. Display the Add or Edit page for synthesis material of a sample, as described in (link TBD).
  2. In the Materials tab of the Sample (sample name) Synthesis page, click Add, or click Edit next to the item you want to edit. The Add page or Edit page for that item appears.
  3. Select a protocol and provide a description. (TBD: What guidance can we provide here for specifying a protocol & description?)
  4. In the Materials panel, click Add and fill in the following information.

    CompleteHow to
    Material Type*

    Select the type of material comprising this nanomaterial (required).

    Chemical Name*Enter the chemical name given to the atomic or molecular structure that composes the center of the nanoparticle (required).
    PubChem Data Source/PubChem ID

    Include Page
    PubChem data source
    PubChem data source

    (TBD: This panel is similar to composition, but Dev GUI doesn't have PubChem ID field. Is that intentional?)

    Amount/Amount Unit

    Include Page
    Amount unit
    Amount unit

    Molecular Formula Type

    Include Page
    Molecular formula type
    Molecular formula type

    Molecular FormulaEnter the chemical formula of the nanoparticle.
    Supplier NameSelect the supplier name. (TBD: What guidance can we provide here for selecting the supplier name?)
    LotSpecify the lot. (TBD: What guidance can we provide here for specifying the lot?)
    Material DescriptionEnter a description for the composing element.
    Inherent Functions

    Next to Inherent Functions, click Add to expand the panel. An inherent function is the characteristic behavior of a sample that results from the chemical and physical composition and properties of the entity. For details, refer to (link TBD).

  5. Click Save Material Element
  6. Add files. For details, refer to (link TBD).
  7. If editing the synthesis material, click Update


  1. Display the Add or Edit page for synthesis functionalization of a sample, as described in (link TBD).
  2. In the Functionalization tab of the Sample (sample name) Synthesis page, click Add, or click Edit next to the item you want to edit. The Add page or Edit page for that item appears.
  3. Select a protocol and provide a description. (TBD: What guidance can we provide here for specifying a protocol & description?)
  4. In the Functionalization Materials panel, click Add and fill in the following information: 

    CompleteHow to
    Functionalization Type*

    Select the type of material comprising this nanomaterial (required).

    Chemical Name*Enter the chemical name given to the atomic or molecular structure that composes the center of the nanoparticle (required).
    PubChem Data Source/PubChem ID

    Include Page
    PubChem data source
    PubChem data source

    (TBD: This panel is similar to composition, but Dev GUI doesn't have PubChem ID field. Is that intentional?)

    Amount/Amount Unit

    Include Page
    Amount unit
    Amount unit

    Molecular Formula Type

    Include Page
    Molecular formula type
    Molecular formula type

    Molecular FormulaEnter the chemical formula of the nanoparticle.
    Functionalization DescriptionEnter a description for the composing element.
    Inherent Functions

    Next to Inherent Functions, click Add to expand the panel. An inherent function is the characteristic behavior of a sample that results from the chemical and physical composition and properties of the entity. For details, refer to (link TBD).

  5. Click Save Functionalization Element
  6. Add files. For details, refer to (link TBD).
  7. If editing the synthesis functionalization, click Update.


  1. In the Add or Edit page for synthesis (materials or functionalization) of a sample, expand the Inherent Functions panel, as described in (links TBD).
  2. Fill in the following information. 

    CompleteHow to

    Include Page
    Function type
    Function type

    DescriptionEnter any additional function information for the nanomaterial entity that the form does not already include.
  3. Click Save Inherent Function
