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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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Shell Script

Use and Function


Exports content from the repository to a file in the LexGrid canonical XML format.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="797ecec188ccd8f6-71f28755-44e24bfa-8303a17a-d34726668cea092adc2e1c1a"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ExportLgXML [-xc] [-an null] [-xall] -v null -u name -out uri [-xa] [-f] ]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro>

  • -a,-associationsName Export associations with this name. Only valid with export type 'xa'
  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.
  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting XML file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -xa,-exportAssociations Type of export: export only associations.
  • -xall,-exportAll Type of export: export all content. Default behavior.
  • -xc,-exportConcepts Type of export: export only concepts.

    Code Block
    ExportLgXML -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "NCI Thesaurus" -v "05.06e" -f 


Exports content from the repository to a file in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OBO file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -nf,-noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.

    If the coding scheme and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.

    Code Block
    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -nf -f
    Code Block
    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "FBbt" -v "PRODUCTION" -nf -f 


Exports content from the repository to a file in OWL format.

  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OWL file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.

    If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.

    Code Block
    ExportOwlRdf -out "file:///path/to/dir" -f
    Code Block
    ExportOwlRdf -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "sample" -v "1.0" -f 


  1. Change directory to LexEVS administration directory. Enter:
    Code Block
    cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
  2. Use the TagScheme to tag a coding system and version with a local tag name (e.g. PRODUCTION). This tag name can be used via LexEVS API for query restriction. Example:
    Code Block
    TagScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "10.10d"  -t 

