Page History
In the following sections you will find documentation on what may need to be changed in your code when moving from LexEVS 5 to LexEVS 6. Before you go to each section, you can search your code for these strings (without the surrounding quotes). If you get a hit or hits, then you will need to make some changes in that area of the code. Follow the link for the string that you got a hit on in order to determine what to do in each case. This list may not catch everything, but it is a great place to start."
- changes according to the context of the Iterator.
- replaced by a "new Entity".
- After
- use the new addEntityType() method to set the specific Entity type.
- replaced by new AssociationEntity and new AssociationPredicate.
- renamed to "ValueSet". This affects package names, class names, method names, method's input/output type/names.
- renamed to LexEVSValueSetServices.
- Method
- in LexEVSValueDomainServices, renamed to resolveValueSetDefinition and the method's arguments have changed.
- renamed to LexEVSPickListDefinitionServices
- Method
- in LexEVSPickListDefinitionServices, arguments have changed.
API Changes
For example Iterator<ResolvedConceptReference>