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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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A resolved Value Set Definition containing the Coding Scheme Version reference list that was used to resolve the Value Set Definition and an iterator for resolved concepts.

Error Handling

LexEVS Value Set Definition services uses org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.loaders.MessageDirector to direct all fatal, error, warning, info messages with appropriate messages to the LexBIG log files in the 'log' folder of LexEVS install directory.

Along with MessageDirector, the services will also make use of org.LexGrid.LexBIG.exception.LBException to throw any fatal and error messages to the log file as well as to the console.

Load Scripts

Following are the scripts that can be used to load value set definition that are in LexGrid XML format into the system :


Code Block
 sh -in "file:///path/to/file.xml"

Sample Value Set Definition XML File

Below is a sample XML file containing Value Set Definitions in LexGrid format that can be loaded using LexEVS Value Set Definition Service.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lgVD:valueSetDefinition  xmlns:xsi=""

    valueSetDefinitionURI="SRITEST:AUTO:PropertyRefTest1-VSDONLY" valueSetDefinitionName="Property Reference Test 1" defaultCodingScheme="Automobiles" effectiveDate="2009-01-01T11:00:00Z" isActive="true" status="ACTIVE">
        <lgNaming:supportedCodingScheme localId="Automobiles" uri="urn:oid:"></lgNaming:supportedCodingScheme>
        <lgNaming:supportedConceptDomain localId="Autos">Autos</lgNaming:supportedConceptDomain>
        <lgNaming:supportedSource localId="GM">GM</lgNaming:supportedSource>
        <lgNaming:supportedSource localId="Ford">Ford</lgNaming:supportedSource>
    <lgVD:source role="role1" subRef="subRef1">GM</lgVD:source>
    <lgVD:source role="role2" subRef="subRef2">Ford</lgVD:source>
        <lgCommon:property propertyName="textualPresentation">
            <lgCommon:source role="PropRole1" subRef="PropSubRef1">GM</lgCommon:source>
            <lgCommon:source role="PropRole2" subRef="PropSubRef2">Ford</lgCommon:source>
            <lgCommon:usageContext>PropUsageContext GM</lgCommon:usageContext>
            <lgCommon:usageContext>PropUsageContext Ford</lgCommon:usageContext>
            <lgCommon:propertyQualifier propertyQualifierName="PropQual1Namuuuuu" propertyQualifierType="PQual Type 1">
                <lgCommon:value dataType="text">PropQualValue GM</lgCommon:value>
            <lgCommon:propertyQualifier propertyQualifierName="PropQual2Namuuuuu" propertyQualifierType="PQual Type 2">
                <lgCommon:value dataType="text">PropQualValue Ford</lgCommon:value>
            <lgCommon:value>All Automobiles nodes</lgCommon:value>
    <lgVD:definitionEntry ruleOrder="1" operator="OR">
        <lgVD:propertyReference codingScheme="Automobiles">
            <lgVD:propertyMatchValue matchAlgorithm="LuceneQuery">General</lgVD:propertyMatchValue>



System Testing

The System test case for the LexEVS Value Set Definition service is performed using the JUnit test suite:


This test suite will be run as part of regular LexEVS test suites AllTestsAllConfigs and AllTestsNormalConfigs.

Installation / Packaging

Value Set Definition Services are integrated parts of core LexEVS API and are packaged and installed with other LexEVS services.
