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Please ensure all work is saved before said time.

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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Autocomplete feature enhances your searches by providing a list of suggested terms, based on what you type. To activate Autocomplete while entering search text, type some text and then press Ctrl + Spacebar (on Mac, this is Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar). When Autocomplete is active and working, you will see a red swirling circle while entering a search term.


If you want to use Autocomplete without pressing Ctrl + Spacebar, you can turn on an auto-triggered setting as described in steps 5 and 6 of

#Setting Up Autocomplete


Autocomplete recognizes namespaces for the available terminologies on the wiki. If you type a string without a namespace prefix, such as bed followed by Ctrl + Spacebar, the returned list displays concepts (categories) with a BGT prefix.


Setting Up Autocomplete

1#Authentication] to perform this task.

You need to be

VKC:authenticated to perform this task.

Autocomplete is set up by default. As explained in #About Autocomplete, you can use this feature by pressing Ctrl + Spacebar while searching. If Autocomplete doesn't appear to be working, or if you would rather not press this keystroke during search, you can enable the Auto-triggered auto-completion setting in the following procedure.


Page Section

What it Shows


Displays the concept code, preferred name, links for the coding scheme and coding scheme version, synonyms, and URI.


Displays the META CUI and relevant properties.


Displays associations for the selected concept. You can click association links to view more information about each one.


Summarizes the selected concept, with links to more detailed information. Use the following methods to view specific information:

  • Click a property to link to a descriptive property page.
  • Click an association (relationship) to link to a descriptive page for the related concept.
  • Click the spyglass icon on the right of each property/association to search for concepts that have the same association. For example, clicking the icon to the right of BGT Disease Has Associated Anatomic Site BGT Integumentary System returns a list of all other concepts that have the associated anatomic site BGT Integumentary System.
  • Click the RDF Feed link in the upper right area of the FactBox to view the details for the concept in XML/RDF format. To learn more about RDF, see the W3C RDF specification.


This page explains how to submit proposals and participate in discussions. It also provides links to pages that provide help with editing.

Before You Begin

Before you can author content, you will need to VKC:authenticate.

About the Edit Toolbar

When writing and editing wiki pages, note the following points about the Edit toolbar:

  • The toolbar includes icons for bold and italic.
  • The toolbar includes a carriage return symbol for creating a line break in the middle of a paragraph.panel
  • *The toolbar does not include a button for adding bulleted lists. When you need a bulleted list item, type an asterisk (star) at the beginning of a line of text.
  • The toolbar includes a signature icon labeled "Your signature with timestamp." Click the icon to append your user name and add a date/time stamp to your comment.
    The check box at the bottom of the text entry box enables you to switch between a syntax-highlighted and standard editor.

    If your signature is pre-pending rather than appending, make sure that this box is not checked.

A complete description of the Edit toolbar is available at Removed. in the MediaWiki help.

Proposing Changes and Additions to Terminology

If you are auathenticatedauthenticated, you can propose changes or additions to the terminology that LexWiki is hosting. For example, you might suggest changes to such information as preferred names, definitions, synonyms, associations, and parents. You can do this through either a VKC:structured or VKC:unstructured proposal.

About Structured Proposals

The more formal method of proposing changes and additions is through the submission of a structured proposal. This type of proposal requires that you complete a standardized submission form. You can save and edit the proposal using the same structured form. For more information, see VKC:Submitting #Submitting a Structured Proposal.

About Unstructured Proposals

Before proposing changes, a group of collaborators can start a discussion about the nature of the changes using a discussion page. They can also use this page to make recommendations to curators who may be integrating content from another terminology. A discussion page enables each contributor to add signed, date-stamped comments.


  • "You should consider creating the sibling concepts for this concept because we need them in order to..."
  • "We recommend adding a new property X for this concept and all its children to represent Y (give definition and other relevant info)."



Be as specific as possible in your unstructured comments and recommendations.

Creating a Structured Proposal

Prerequisite topic: VKC:About #About Structured Proposals

To submit a structured proposal, follow these steps:

  1. Find the concept for which you want to submit a proposal.
  2. Select the concept in the search results list.
    The wiki displays the detail page for the concept.
  3. Ensure that the second tab at the top of the page shows propose changes in red letters and not proposed changes in blue letters.
    If the tab shows proposed changes in blue letters, then someone has already submitted a proposal for this concept.
  4. Click the propose changes tab at the top of the page.
    The LexWiki BGT Form page appears. The tab at the top of the page shows the word special. Note the four tabs: Meta, Lexical, Properties, and Associations.
  5. Complete the fields for each tab using the VKC:Structured Proposal Form Reference section.

See Also: VKC:Submitting #Submitting Proposals

Creating an Unstructured Proposal

Prerequisite topic: VKC:About #About Unstructured Proposals

To add or contribute to a proposal discussion, follow these steps:

  1. Browse or search for the term that you want to discuss.
  2. Click the discuss tab at the top of the category page for the selected term.
    If a discussion is already in progress, you will see previously entered comments on the discussion page. If no one has added comments, you will immediately see the page title, the Edit toolbar, and a box for typing text. Regardless, you can use the toolbar and text entry box to add your own comments.
  3. Write and edit your comments in the text entry box:
  4. *Start each bulleted item with an asterisk (star).
    • Surround subheadings with equal signs (h2. heading)
      Code Block
  5. Use the*Edit toolbar to add formatting.
    For a complete description of the toolbar buttons, see refer to the following Edit toolbar MediaWiki page: Removed
  6. Append your signature to the comments by clicking the Your signature with timestamp button.
  7. Click Save page.
    The most recent comments appear at the top of the page.

Submitting Proposals

Prerequisite topics:

When you are ready to submit a proposal for consideration, you can submit it as a package. The package can contain only one proposal or several proposals. Once you have submitted a proposal package, your package enters into a workflow process. The process has various stages, each with a status designation that identifies what process stage the package has reached:

  • New
  • Ready to Submit
  • Submitted
  • In Process
  • Completed

Creating a Workflow Package

Prerequisite topic: VKC:Submitting #Submitting Proposals

If you are a registered user, you may click "My workflow" at the top of the page where you may browse and define "MyWorkflow" and browse "My Proposals". Collaborators can propose changes to an existing concepts or propose new child concepts. A logical grouping of the various proposals from a particular collaborator forms part of his/her workflow package. This can be submitted for curation en masse for curation to be incorporated into the existing ontological model. The status for the individual packages tracks the changes to the workflow status. The user can log in to Lexwiki at any point of time and be informed of the status of the workflow by clicking on the "My workflow" link at the top of the page. Post-curation, the workflow status can be set to one of Completed or Completed w/issues. The individual proposals can then be browsed to check whether they were accepted or rejected. For proposals that are accepted the wiki concept is updated or created accordingly.

To create a workflow package, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "My workflow" tab at the top of the page.
  2. In the My Workflow Packages section, enter a name for the workflow package and click the Define Workflow Package button.
    The Add Workflow Request: Workflow:{Package Name} opens.
  3. Select a Priority option.
  4. Add a comment or instructions in the text entry box.
  5. Follow these steps in both the Structured Proposals and Unstructured Proposals sections:
    1. Click Add another.
    2. Enter the proposal name in the Proposal field.
    3. Repeat steps a and b to add more proposals.
  6. Click Save page.
    The WorkFlow:{Package Name} page updates to show details about the package that you just submitted. This page includes the following informtion:
  7. *Submitter: Your user name
  8. *Submission date: The submission date in numerical format
  9. *Priority: The priority level that you assigned
  10. *Proposal: Concepts included in the package
  11. *Package status: The current workflow status for the package
  12. *Facts about {Package Name}: A FactBox showing the workflow component, submission date, priority, and submitted name. The FactBox also provides a link to the RDF feed for the package.
  13. *Categories: Shows the current status of the package. The initial status is WorkFlow Pending Receipt.

Structured Proposal Form Reference

This page explains the fields used on each of the structured proposal form tabs.
