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Table of Contents

April 22May 27, 2008   National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics and Information Technology

1.0 Release History




17 June 2007


Sept 2007


17 December 2007


X February 2007 2008


May 2008


2.0 New Features and Updates

  • Classification ... DOCUMENT IN PROCESS
    (GF 3269)This is a minor release, mainly to enable complex properties to be brought into the wiki.  A few additional features were added and bugs fixed. Summary below, for additional details, see:  Release 1.2.2 task table 
  • Workflow: GForge #12780 Add a new status of "Rejected" as part of the Workflow when assignment is rejected.
  • Workflow: GForge #12795 Automate the change in status to Accepted when the user adds a Modeler's note.
  • Workflow: GForge #12798 Handle complex properties passed from the Wiki to Protege - Note, some complex properties not yet in the wiki data.
  • Enumerated Ranges can be defined now - GForge # xxxx 8679
    To create enumerated range,
    *Select Properties tab
    *Select Datatype subtab
    *Click the icon 'Create datatype property'
    *Enter a name in 'For Property' field e.g. test_property
    *Select 'string' or any range except 'Any'
    *Click the icon '+' (create value)
    *Enter allowed values e.g. 'word', 'wordtwo', etc.

3.0 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release

  • 12797 GForge #12797 Warn user user when switching tabs without saving- has been implemented.
  • 8679 Annotation Properties:enumerated range can't be defined (string) - has been fixed
  • GForge #12781 Refreshing assignment information when multiple Protege sessions are running
  • GForge #10766 Strange display of PT in copy tab - pipe delimited full syns should no longer occur
  • GForge #12959 Display proposed concept as existing concept - sporadic problem fixed.abcd
    (GF 4135)

4.0 Known Issues

  • When creating or editing a list of Permissible Values based on EVS concepts, whether in a new or existing Value Domain, the Curation Tool displays a message that seems confusing if the Value Domain is new: "The following Value and Meaning already exists in the Value Domain. Value: ..." This message can appear when the user has attempted to add/create semantically equivalent Permissible Values. 

    This occurs when concepts from different vocabularies in EVS are selected as the basis for Value Meanings, but are found to be semantically equivalent through validation against the Metathesaurus. The caDSR business rules dictate that the PV will be based on the NCIt concept instead, if one exists it is reused. The error message will be revised in a future release.(GF 6958)

  • In the Curation Tool when an AC is Versioned, those Alternate Names, Definitions and Reference Documents associated to Contexts outside the Curator's privileges
    are not brought forward to the new Version. The use case and Business Rules are being reviewed with the caDSR Curators and changes, if needed, will be scheduled. (GF 7075) GForge #8376 Need Review button in Copy tab - not implemented in this version.