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h1. {page-info:title}
{panel:title=Contents of this Page}
{include:ImagingKC:Imaging Quick Links}
{panel:title=At a Glance Details}
*caBIG® AIM Data Model and Toolkit*
* Version Number and Release Date: 3.0 October 2010 (Data model)
* Primary audience: Investigators, researchers, implementers, workstation vendors, clinicians interpreting and manipulating images
* Grid Enabled? Yes
* Compatibility Level: Legacy
* Installation Level: Advanced - technical team required for installation
* System Requirements:
** MS Windows 2000 or better, 512 MB RAM or better
** MS Visual Studio 2005 (SP1)
** Source code available. Binaries available for Windows.

h2. Tool Overview
{multi-excerpt:name=AIM}AIM is the first project to propose and create a "standard" means of adding information and knowledge to an image in a clinical environment, so that in the future image content can be easily and automatically searched. AIM provides a solution to the following current imaging challenges:
* No agreed upon syntax for annotation and markup
* No agreed upon semantics to describe annotations
* No standard format (for example, DICOM, XML, HL7) for annotations and markup

The solution is made up of various components, including the AIM Model, AIM Template Manager, and [AIM Data Service]. The AIM Model captures the descriptive information for an image, with user-generated graphical symbols placed on the image into a single common information source. The AIM Template Manager allows the user to generate a set of well-defined questions and answer choices to facilitate collecting the annotations and markup of an image in a XML document. The AIM Data Service then stores the XML documents in a database via caGrid. [AIM on ClearCanvas® Workstation|AIM on ClearCanvas Workstation Documentation] is a reference implementation.{multi-excerpt}

h2. Installation and Downloads

{info:title=Some AIM component downloads are in .rar and .war file compression formats.} {{.rar}} is a proprietary archive file format that supports data compression, error recovery, and file spanning. Both proprietary and free programs are available for accessing such files. A tutorial on accessing {{.rar}} files, including a free extractor, is [available|] {multi-excerpt-include:wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include|name=ExitDisclaimer|nopanel=true}.

{{.war}} files (short for Web application Archive) are Java archive files used for packaging and distribution of Web applications. {{.war}} files often contain a collection of JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries, and static Web pages (HTML and related files). More information can be found in the [Wikipedia article|] {multi-excerpt-include:wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include|name=ExitDisclaimer|nopanel=true}.

Background information on Java Web applications [is available|] {multi-excerpt-include:wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include|name=ExitDisclaimer|nopanel=true}.{info}

h3. AIM Model and Toolkit
* [3.0.2 (Linux and Windows)|] 
* [3.0.2 on SVN|]
* [3.0.1 (Windows only)|] 
* [3.0 XMI and XML Schemas|]

h3. AIM Template Service

Refer to [AIM:AIM Template Service Documentation] for a list of documentation.

h3. AIM Data Service

Refer to [AIM Data Service] for system requirements.

* [3.0|]

h3. AIM on ClearCanvas® Workstation

Refer to [AIM on ClearCanvas Workstation Documentation] for a product description, the system requirements, and a list of available documentation.

* [|] 
* [|]
* (The download file for this release was withdrawn.)
* [3.0.4|]
* [3.0.3|]
* [3.0.2|]

h3. AIM Template Builder

Refer to [AIM Template Builder Documentation] for a product description and a list of available documentation.

* [1.1|] (current release)
* [1.0|]

h3. AIM Template Manager
* [1.0|]

{info}[Help with Downloading Files in Archive Format|AIM:Downloading Files in Archive Format]{info}

h2. Forum and Support

h3. Support

* [End User Forum|]
* [Developer Forum|]
* [NCI CBIIT Application Support email|]

h3. Defects and Feature Requests

* [Submit a defect or feature request for AIM Enterprise Service|]
* [Submit a defect or feature request for AIM Information Markup Model|]
* [Submit a defect or feature request for AIM on ClearCanvas Workstation|]

h3. Open Source Development

Contact [Application Support|] for information about open source development and AIM.

h2. Presentations, Demos and Other Materials

* [AIM:AIM Citations]
* [Implementation of the NINDS Traumatic Brain Injury Common Data Elements using caBIG® AIM Model|]
* [Informatics in Radiology Automated Structured Reporting of Imaging Findings Using the AIM Standard and XML|]
* [Quantitative Imaging Network Summary|]
* [AIM CDEs|]
* [AIM RSNA 2011 Poster|]
* [AIM 3.0 RSNA Power Point|]

h2. Documentation and Training

* [AIM Template Builder Documentation]
* [AIM Template Manager Documentation]
* [AIM on ClearCanvas Workstation Documentation]
* [AIM Template Software Setup Manual|]
* [AIM Data Service Installation Manual|]
* [AIM Terms and Concepts|]