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  • Patlak M,


  • Balogh


  • E,


  • &


  • Nass


  • S


  • (2012)


  • Facilitating


  • Collaborations


  • to


  • Develop


  • Combination


  • Investigational


  • Cancer


  • Therapies.


  • National


  • Cancer


  • Policy


  • Forum.


  • Jeon


  • Y,


  • Xun


  • Z,


  • Su


  • P,


  • &


  • Rogers


  • P


  • (2012)


  • Genome-wide


  • transcriptomic


  • analysis


  • of


  • a


  • flocculent


  • strain


  • of


  • Zymomonas


  • mobilis.


  • Applied


  • Microbiology


  • and


  • Biotechnology:1-6.


  • Lembo


  • A,


  • Di


  • Cunto


  • F,


  • &


  • Provero


  • P


  • (2012)


  • Shortening


  • of


  • 3UTRs


  • Correlates


  • with


  • Poor


  • Prognosis


  • in


  • Breast


  • and


  • Lung


  • Cancer.


  • Plos


  • One


  • 7(2):e31129.


  • Lockwood


  • WW,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2012)


  • Integrative


  • Genomics


  • Identified


  • RFC3


  • as


  • an


  • Amplified


  • Candidate


  • Oncogene


  • in


  • Esophageal


  • Adenocarcinoma.


  • Clinical


  • Cancer


  • Research.


  • Lu


  • Y,


  • Wang


  • L,


  • Liu


  • P,


  • Yang


  • P,


  • &


  • You


  • M


  • (2012)


  • Gene-Expression


  • Signature


  • Predicts


  • Postoperative


  • Recurrence


  • in


  • Stage


  • I


  • Non-Small


  • Cell


  • Lung


  • Cancer


  • Patients.


  • Plos


  • One


  • 7(1):e30880.


  • Tseng


  • GC,


  • Ghosh


  • D,


  • &


  • Feingold


  • E


  • (2012)


  • Comprehensive


  • literature


  • review


  • and


  • statistical


  • considerations


  • for


  • microarray


  • meta-analysis.


  • Nucleic


  • Acids


  • Research.


  • Imielinski


  • M,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2012)


  • Integrated


  • proteomic,


  • transcriptomic,


  • and


  • biological


  • network


  • analysis


  • of


  • breast


  • carcinoma


  • reveals


  • molecular


  • features


  • of


  • tumorigenesis


  • and


  • clinical


  • relapse.


  • Molecular


  • &


  • Cellular


  • Proteomics.


  • Roy


  • A,


  • McDonald


  • PR,


  • &


  • Chaguturu


  • R


  • (2011)


  • The


  • Open


  • Conference


  • Proceedings


  • Journal.


  • The


  • Open


  • Conference


  • Proceedings


  • Journal


  • 2:130-136.


  • Land


  • W,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2011)


  • Kernelized


  • partial


  • least


  • squares


  • for


  • feature


  • reduction


  • and


  • classification


  • of


  • gene


  • microarray


  • data.


  • BMC


  • Systems


  • Biology


  • 5(Suppl


  • 3):S13.


  • Zheng


  • J,


  • Stoyanovich


  • J,


  • Manduchi


  • E,


  • Liu


  • J,


  • &


  • Stoeckert


  • CJ


  • (2011)


  • AnnotCompute:


  • annotation-based


  • exploration


  • and


  • meta-analysis


  • of


  • genomics


  • experiments.


  • Database


  • 2011.


  • Chen


  • D-T,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2011)


  • Prognostic


  • and


  • Predictive


  • Value


  • of


  • a


  • Malignancy-Risk


  • Gene


  • Signature


  • in


  • Early-Stage


  • Non--Small


  • Cell


  • Lung


  • Cancer.


  • Journal


  • of


  • the


  • National


  • Cancer


  • Institute.


  • Azare


  • J,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2011)


  • Stat3


  • Mediates


  • Expression


  • of


  • Autotaxin


  • in


  • Breast


  • Cancer.


  • Plos


  • One


  • 6(11):e27851.


  • Floratos


  • A,


  • Honig


  • B,


  • Pe'er


  • D,


  • &


  • Califano


  • A


  • (2011)


  • Using


  • systems


  • and


  • structure


  • biology


  • tools


  • to


  • dissect


  • cellular


  • phenotypes.


  • Journal


  • of


  • the


  • American


  • Medical


  • Informatics


  • Association.


  • Suzuki


  • Hiroshi


  • I,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2011)


  • MCPIP1


  • Ribonuclease


  • Antagonizes


  • Dicer


  • and


  • Terminates


  • MicroRNA


  • Biogenesis


  • through


  • Precursor


  • MicroRNA


  • Degradation.


  • Molecular


  • Cell


  • 44(3):424-436.


  • Wan


  • Y-W,


  • Beer


  • DG,


  • &


  • Guo


  • NL


  • (2011)


  • Signaling


  • pathway-based


  • identification


  • of


  • extensive


  • prognostic


  • gene


  • signatures


  • for


  • lung


  • adenocarcinoma.


  • Lung


  • Cancer


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  • 2010,


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  • J,


  • Tan


  • W,


  • Alexander


  • J,


  • Foster


  • I,


  • &


  • Madduri


  • R


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  • Recommend-As-You-Go:


  • A


  • Novel


  • Approach


  • Supporting


  • Services-Oriented


  • Scientific


  • Workflow


  • Reuse.


  • Services


  • Computing


  • (SCC),


  • 2011


  • IEEE


  • International


  • Conference


  • on,


  • pp


  • 48-55.


  • Martin


  • Wiesinger


  • MH,


  • Marco


  • Behr,


  • Henrique


  • Lopes


  • de


  • Abreu


  • Madeira,


  • Gernot


  • Glockler,


  • Paul


  • Perco


  • and


  • Arno


  • Lukas


  • (2011)


  • Data


  • and


  • Knowledge


  • Management


  • in


  • Cross-Omics


  • Research


  • Projects


  • Bioinformatics


  • for


  • Omics


  • Data


  • Methods


  • and


  • Protocols,


  •   (Methods


  • in


  • Molecular


  • Biology),


  • Vol


  • 719.


  • Mader


  • M,


  • Simon


  • R,


  • Steinbiss


  • S,


  • &


  • Kurtz


  • S


  • (2011)


  • FISH


  • Oracle:


  • a


  • web


  • server


  • for


  • flexible


  • visualization


  • of


  • DNA


  • copy


  • number


  • data


  • in


  • a


  • genomic


  • context.


  • Journal


  • of


  • Clinical


  • Bioinformatics


  • 1(1):20.


  • Komatsoulis


  • GA


  • (2011)


  • Collaboration


  • in


  • Cancer


  • Research


  • Community:


  • Cancer


  • Biomedical


  • Informatics


  • Grid


  • (caBIG).


  • Collaborative


  • Computational


  • Technologies


  • for


  • Biomedical


  • Research,


  •   (John


  • Wiley


  • &


  • Sons,


  • Inc.),


  • pp


  • 261-280.


  • Hu


  • H,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2011)


  • DW4TR:


  • A


  • Data


  • Warehouse


  • for


  • Translational


  • Research.


  • Journal


  • of


  • Biomedical


  • Informatics


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  • Amin


  • W,


  • Chandran


  • U,


  • Parwani


  • AV,


  • &


  • Becich


  • MJ


  • (2011)


  • Biomedical


  • Informatics


  • for


  • Anatomic


  • Pathology:


  • Essentials


  • of


  • Anatomic


  • Pathology.


  • eds


  • Cheng


  • L


  • &


  • Bostwick


  • DG


  • (Springer


  • New


  • York),


  • pp


  • 469-480.


  • Tan


  • W,


  • et


  • al.


  • (2010)


  • CaGrid


  • Workflow


  • Toolkit:


  • A


  • taverna


  • based


  • workflow


  • tool


  • for


  • cancer


  • grid.


  • BMC


  • Bioinformatics


  • 11(1):542.


  • Shankar


  • R,


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  • Annotare---a


  • tool


  • for


  • annotating


  • high-throughput


  • biomedical


  • investigations


  • and


  • resulting


  • data.


  • Bioinformatics


  • 26(19):2470-2471.


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  • H,


  • Kallioniemi


  • O,


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  • M


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  • A


  • decade


  • of


  • cancer


  • gene


  • profiling:


  • from


  • molecular


  • portraits


  • to


  • molecular


  • function.


  • (Translated


  • from


  • eng)


  • Methods


  • Mol


  • Biol


  • 576:61-87


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  • eng).


  • McCusker


  • J


  • &


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  • D


  • (2010)


  • Explorations


  • into


  • the


  • Provenance


  • of


  • High


  • Throughput


  • Biomedical


  • Experiments.


  • Provenance


  • and


  • Annotation


  • of


  • Data


  • and


  • Processes,


  • Lecture


  • Notes


  • in


  • Computer


  • Science,


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  • D,


  • Michaelis


  • J,


  • &


  • Moreau


  • L


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  • Berlin


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  • G


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  • The


  • caBIG


  • Life


  • Sciences


  • Distribution.


  • Biomedical


  • Informatics


  • for


  • Cancer


  • Research,


  • eds


  • Ochs


  • MF,


  • Casagrande


  • JT,


  • &


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  • RV


  • (Springer


  • US),


  • pp


  • 253-266.


  • Etcheverry


  • L,


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  • S,


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  • M


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  • Quality


  • Assessment


  • of




  • Genomic


  • Datasets


  • Using


  • DescribeX.


  • Data


  • Integration


  • in


  • the


  • Life


  • Sciences,


  • Lecture


  • Notes


  • in


  • Computer


  • Science,


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  • Lambrix


  • P


  • &


  • Kemp


  • G


  • (Springer


  • Berlin


  • /


  • Heidelberg),


  • Vol


  • 6254,


  • pp


  • 192-206.


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  • C,


  • Kang


  • H,


  • Berman


  • J,


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  • M


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  • The


  • tissue


  • microarray


  • OWL


  • schema:


  • An


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  • tool


  • for


  • sharing


  • tissue


  • microarray data  pp 9-9.


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  • L


  • (2009)


  • Clustering


  • and


  • Tailoring


  • User


  • Session


  • Data


  • for


  • Testing


  • Web


  • Applications.


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  • Fan


  • P


  • &


  • Mei-Hwa


  • C,


  • pp


  • 336-345.


  • Wei


  • T,


  • et


  • al.


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  • Scientific


  • Workflows


  • as


  • Services


  • in


  • caGrid:


  • A


  • Taverna


  • and


  • gRAVI


  • Approach.


  • Web


  • Services,


  • 2009.


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  • 2009.


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  • International


  • Conference


  • on,


  • pp


  • 413-420.


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  • JH,


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  • Convergence


  • of


  • biomarkers,


  • bioinformatics


  • and


  • nanotechnology


  • for


  • individualized


  • cancer


  • treatment.


  • Trends


  • in


  • Biotechnology


  • 27(6):350-358.


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  • SA,


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  • Standards


  • for


  • Functional


  • Genomics.


  • Bioinformatics,


  • eds


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  • D,


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  • J,


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  • D


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  • Data


  • submission


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  • curation


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  • caArray,


  • a


  • standard


  • based


  • microarray


  • data


  • repository


  • system.


  • In


  • 3rd


  • International


  • Biocuration


  • Conference.


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  • Publishing


  • Group.


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  • K


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  • Protein


  • function


  • prediction


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  • data.


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  • Acids


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  • Foster


  • I,


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  • R


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  • Combining


  • the


  • Power


  • of


  • Taverna


  • and


  • caGrid:


  • Scientific


  • Workflows


  • that


  • Enable


  • Web-Scale


  • Collaboration.


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  • Computing,


  • IEEE


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  • T,


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  • J,


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  • an


  • enabling


  • technology


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  • public


  • microarray


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  • repositories


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  • Bioinformatics


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  • Towards


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  • cyberinfrastructure


  • for


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  • biological


  • sciences:


  • progress,


  • visions


  • and


  • challenges.


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  • Genet


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  • EP,


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  • YR,


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  • RM,


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  • MR


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  • semCDI:


  • A


  • Query


  • Formulation


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  • Semantic


  • Data


  • Integration


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  • of


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  • American


  • Medical


  • Informatics


  • Association


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  • GPPaI


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  • Bioinformatic


  • Tools


  • for


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  • Functional


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  • 12th


  • World


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  • on


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  • Informatics.


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  • Biomedical


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  • Processing,


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  • Mapping.


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  • Robust


  • Gene


  • Expression


  • Signature


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  • Formalin-Fixed


  • Paraffin-Embedded


  • Samples


  • Predicts


  • Prognosis


  • of


  • Non-Small-Cell


  • Lung


  • Cancer


  • Patients.


  • Clinical


  • Cancer


  • Research.


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  • genomic


  • and


  • phenotype


  • screening


  • reveals


  • secretory


  • factor


  • SPINK1


  • as


  • an


  • invasion


  • and


  • survival


  • factor


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  • patient


  • prognosis


  • in


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  • cancer.


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  • IGRhCellID:


  • integrated


  • genomic


  • resources


  • of


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  • identification.


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  • Acids


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  • number


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  • mutational


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  • novel


  • somatic


  • events


  • in


  • metastatic


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  • tumors.


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  • A


  • 10-Gene


  • Progenitor


  • Cell


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  • Predicts


  • Poor


  • Prognosis


  • in


  • Lung


  • Adenocarcinoma.


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  • of


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  • Surgery


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  • GSI-I


  • (Z-LLNle-CHO)


  • inhibits


  • [gamma


  • ]-secretase


  • and


  • the


  • proteosome


  • to


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  • death


  • in


  • precursor-B


  • acute


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  • leukemia.


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  • A


  • Five-Gene


  • and


  • Corresponding


  • Protein


  • Signature


  • for


  • Stage-I


  • Lung


  • Adenocarcinoma


  • Prognosis.


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  • Trastuzumab


  • and


  • Pertuzumab


  • Produce


  • Changes


  • in


  • Morphology


  • and


  • Estrogen


  • Receptor


  • Signaling


  • in


  • Ovarian


  • Cancer


  • Xenografts


  • Revealing


  • New


  • Treatment


  • Strategies.


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  • Cancer


  • Research


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  • AL,


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  • A


  • pharmacogenomic


  • method


  • for


  • individualized


  • prediction


  • of


  • drug


  • sensitivity.


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  • Varied


  • pathways


  • of


  • stage


  • IA


  • lung


  • adenocarcinomas


  • discovered


  • by


  • integrated


  • gene


  • expression


  • analysis.


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  • eng)


  • Int


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  • C,


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  • Identification


  • of


  • a


  • novel


  • antigen-presenting


  • cell


  • population


  • modulating


  • antiinfluenza


  • type


  • 2


  • immunity.


  • The


  • Journal


  • of


  • Experimental


  • Medicine


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  • A


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  • Cell


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  • Highly


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  • Hierarchical


  • Relationships


  • within


  • and


  • between


  • DNA


  • and


  • mRNA


  • That


  • May


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  • the


  • Result


  • of


  • Selection.


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  • A


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  • of


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  • Hybrid


  • Models


  • Identified


  • a


  • 12-Gene


  • Signature


  • for


  • Lung


  • Cancer


  • Prognosis


  • and


  • Chemoresponse


  • Prediction.


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  • profiling


  • of


  • response


  • to


  • mTOR


  • inhibitor


  • everolimus


  • in


  • pre-operatively


  • treated


  • post-menopausal


  • women


  • with


  • oestrogen


  • receptor-positive


  • breast


  • cancer.


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  • Cancer


  • Research


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  • Treatment


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  • JC,


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  • Synthetic


  • Lethality


  • Screens


  • Reveal


  • RPS6


  • and


  • MST1R


  • as


  • Modifiers


  • of


  • Insulin-like


  • Growth


  • Factor-1


  • Receptor


  • Inhibitor


  • Activity


  • in


  • Childhood


  • Sarcomas.


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  • J


  • &


  • Ellis


  • MJ


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  • Microarray


  • data


  • analysis


  • in


  • neoadjuvant


  • biomarker


  • studies


  • in


  • estrogen


  • receptor-positive


  • breast


  • cancer.


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  • gene


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  • signature


  • of


  • RAS


  • pathway


  • dependence


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  • response


  • to


  • PI3K


  • and


  • RAS


  • pathway


  • inhibitors


  • and


  • expands


  • the


  • population


  • of


  • RAS


  • pathway


  • activated


  • tumors.


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  • Correcting


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  • BeadChip


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  • A


  • gene


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  • HER2


  • amplicon,


  • C35,


  • is


  • an


  • oncogene


  • in


  • breast


  • cancer


  • whose


  • actions


  • are


  • prevented


  • by


  • inhibition


  • of


  • Syk.


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  • Nuclear


  • Receptor


  • Expression


  • Defines


  • a


  • Set


  • of


  • Prognostic


  • Biomarkers


  • for


  • Lung


  • Cancer.


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  • Rearrangement


  • of


  • CRLF2


  • is


  • associated


  • with


  • mutation


  • of


  • JAK


  • kinases,


  • alteration


  • of


  • IKZF1,


  • Hispanic/Latino


  • ethnicity,


  • and


  • a


  • poor


  • outcome


  • in


  • pediatric


  • B-progenitor


  • acute


  • lymphoblastic


  • leukemia.


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  • The


  • Myc--miR-17-92


  • Axis


  • Blunts


  • TGF-beta


  • Signaling


  • and


  • Production


  • of


  • Multiple


  • TGF-beta-Dependent


  • Antiangiogenic


  • Factors.


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  • An


  • integrative


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  • driver


  • gene


  • fusions


  • from


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  • sequencing


  • data


  • in


  • cancer.


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  • meta-analysis


  • supports


  • existence


  • of


  • molecular


  • apocrine


  • breast


  • cancer


  • with


  • a


  • role


  • for


  • androgen


  • receptor


  • and


  • implies


  • interactions


  • with


  • ErbB


  • family.


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  • Meiotic


  • behavior


  • of


  • aneuploid


  • chromatin


  • in


  • mouse


  • models


  • of


  • Down


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  • induces


  • apoptosis


  • in


  • triple-negative


  • breast


  • cancer


  • cells


  • with


  • a


  • mesenchymal


  • phenotype.


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  • Research


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  • Modulation


  • of


  • Angiogenic


  • and


  • Inflammatory


  • Response


  • in


  • Glioblastoma


  • by


  • Hypoxia.


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  • profiles


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  • abnormalities


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  • disseminated


  • neuroblastoma.


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  • Correlation


  • analysis


  • between


  • single-nucleotide


  • polymorphism


  • and


  • expression


  • arrays


  • in


  • gliomas


  • identifies


  • potentially


  • relevant


  • target


  • genes.


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  • HIF2alpha


  • cooperates


  • with


  • RAS


  • to


  • promote


  • lung


  • tumorigenesis


  • in


  • mice.


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  • H


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  • Mouse


  • gastric


  • tumor


  • models


  • with


  • prostaglandin


  • E2


  • pathway


  • activation


  • show


  • similar


  • gene


  • expression


  • profiles


  • to


  • intestinal-type


  • human


  • gastric


  • cancer.


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  • Genomics


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  • Enteric


  • Neural


  • Crest


  • Differentiation


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  • Ganglioneuromas


  • Implicates


  • Hedgehog


  • Signaling


  • in


  • Peripheral


  • Neuroblastic


  • Tumor


  • Pathogenesis.


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  • SIK1


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  • LKB1


  • to


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  • and


  • suppresses


  • metastasis.


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  • of


  • genes


  • mapping


  • to


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  • abnormal


  • chromosomal


  • regions


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  • tumours


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  • ploidy


  • status.


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  • 2-Methoxyestradiol


  • Induces


  • Mammary


  • Gland


  • Differentiation


  • through


  • Amphiregulin-Epithelial


  • Growth


  • Factor


  • Receptor-Mediated


  • Signaling:


  • Molecular


  • Distinctions


  • from


  • the


  • Mammary


  • Gland


  • of


  • Pregnant


  • Mice.


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  • High-resolution


  • Global


  • Genomic


  • Survey


  • of


  • 178


  • Gliomas


  • Reveals


  • Novel


  • Regions


  • of


  • Copy


  • Number


  • Alteration


  • and


  • Allelic


  • Imbalances.


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  • Research


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  • An


  • estrogen


  • receptor-negative


  • breast


  • cancer


  • subset


  • characterized


  • by


  • a


  • hormonally


  • regulated


  • transcriptional


  • program


  • and


  • response


  • to


  • androgen.


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  • RL,


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  • Molecular


  • basis


  • of


  • age-associated


  • cytokine


  • dysregulation


  • in


  • LPS-stimulated


  • macrophages.


  • Journal


  • of


  • Leukocyte


  • Biology


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  • Yin


  • Yang


  • 1


  • contains


  • G-quadruplex


  • structures


  • in


  • its


  • promoter


  • and


  • 5-prime-UTR


  • and


  • its


  • expression


  • is


  • modulated


  • by


  • G4


  • resolvase


  • 1.


  • Nucleic


  • Acids


  • Research


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