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Property Name




Publicly visible URL for the JBoss Tomcat container hosting NBIA.

This URL should contain the proxy name instead of the host name if there is a proxy.

If this property is not configured properly, then thumbnails images may not appear in the web application search results.




gov.nih.nci.ncia.image.path.pattern NCICBIMAGE/documents/,data/dataset_p01/,data/dataset_d01/

Location to place zipped files created by the NBIA web application for download.



Location to place files for download through an external FTP server. 


If remote search is enabled, this is the name that will be used in the search form to search THIS node.

There is a separate property that governs the name of this node but as  viewed from other instances of NBIA. 

It is likely that these two properties should agree, but it isn't mandatory.




Determines the max character length of data representation in the UI tier



FTP server URL used for informing users about where to download the larger size files


The value of this property should ALWAYS be “localhost:<port>” where <port> have the exact same value as ${jboss.server.jndi.port}.
If this is not configured properly the zipping of DICOM image files for download will not work properly. 

localhost:45200 (port is the JBoss JNDI port)


This property determines whether the installation is at ncicb or somewhere else (other). 



This property determines whether the installation is at ncicb or somewhere else (other). 
This governs certain aspects of the UI such as where the link to reset a password will point to.

ncicb, other

The email address of the user administrator

gov.nih.nci.ncia.jboss.public.urlNBIA's URL for the portalhttp://localhost:45210/ncia/

This is the URL that the Download Manager will use to retrieve DICOM images from. 

This should typically be the same host and port of the JBoss Tomcat server. 

The webapp context and file path should always be the same unless deployment has been customized.



Whether or not public search will be enabled for this instance.

yes or no


If enabled_guest_account=yes then this is the name of the CSM user that will blessed as the user for all public searches. 

This user should likely only be provisioned to be associated with PUBLIC protection elements.



If this is set to no, then only the WebStart based Download Manager will be available to all userse. 

If this is set to yes, then the "classic" download feature will still be available that allows downloading zip
 files of DICOM images through HTTP and/or HTTP

yes or no for the Email sent to CBIITUser registration to LDAP to access the National Biomedical Imaging Archive (NBIA)

If User wants to see Collections such as MR, CT, US etc in the Simple Search Page. By default it's set to false.

true or false
discover.remote.nodesWhat remote nodes the user want to see i.e Dev, Stage, Prod etc. Deprecated after NBIA 5.2 Version.true or false body parts the User wants to Search for such as Abdomen, Brain, Chest etc.true or false


For a given installation, this is the URL to the grid service FOR THAT INSTALLATION itself.
If this is not set properly, and remote search is enabled, then the local node will appear twice in the
 list of searchable nodes. 

Once for the "local" search, and additionally for its grid interface (if it is registered with the index service).

If set to false, the collection criteria selection control will not appear in the classic search UI. 

This should only be set to false if a given instance of NBIA has, and only will ever have, 
only one collection/project to search through.

true or false


If set to false, the NBIA web application will not attempt to discover other instances of NBIA to search
 through the caGrid Index Service.

In other words, no remote nodes will appear at the top of the classic search page if this is set to false.

true or false Number of retry to download images for Download Manager



Property Name




If you want to exclude starting server after the completion of installation. Default is false.true or false


If you want to exclude CTP. Default is set to false.true or false


If ctp-client should be excluded or not. Default is set to false.true or false


If you want to exclude database or not. Default is set to false.  For the first time installation, please leave this property commented out so that database schema can be created.
true or false


If JBoss Backup should be excluded. Default is set to false.
true or false


If CTP Client backup is excluded. Default is set to false.true or false


If CTP server backup should be excluded. Default is set to false.true or false


Configure the JBoss for running NBIA should be excluded or not. Default is set to false.

For the initial installation of NBIA, configure JBoss is necessary.  So just leave this property to be commented out.

true or false


Exclude NBIA API or not. Default is false.true or false


Property Name



nbia.api.oauth2.client.idUnique ID given by authorization server during registration to the client applicationnbiaRestAPIClient
nbia.api.oauth2.client.secretThe password supplied to identify the client.ItsBetweenUAndMe expiration time in seconds before which the transaction has to be performed.7200

TomcatConfiguration Tomcat Configuration Properties

Property Name



gov.nih.nci.ncia.tomcat.homeWhere tomcat is installed/local/content/apache-tomcat-7.0.68
database.driverThe database driver.  Please do not change the value of the property.  If the database used is MySQL, just comment out the same property for Oracle and un-comment out the property for MySQL.  Vise versa for Oracle database.

For MySQL database:


For Oracle database:


database.driver.jarThe jar name of database driver.  Please do not change the value of the property.  If the database used is MySQL, just comment out the same property for Oracle and un-comment out the property for MySQL.  Vise versa for Oracle database.

For MySQL database:


For Oracle database:


database.driver.jar.src.urlThe url for downloading database driver library. Please do not change the value of the property.  If the database used is MySQL, just comment out the same property for Oracle and un-comment out the property for MySQL.  Vise versa for Oracle database.

For MySQL database:


For Oracle database:



JBOSS_HOMEThe JBoss home directory. If it is also set as a system environment variable, make sure it has same value here as the value defined for system environment variable.C:\\apps\\nbia_eap6\\jboss-eap-6.2
JBOSS_BASE_DIRThe base directory of JBoss. It is needed because of the concept of JBoss profile, in which the standalone directory is not always under JBOSS_HOME.C:\\apps\\nbia_eap6\\jboss-eap-6.2\\standalone
csm.api.jarThe name of CSM API jar. Do not change the value of the property.csmapi-5.2.jar
csm.api.jar.src.urlThe source url for CSM API jar. Do not change the value of the property.${csm.api.jar}
csm.api.jarThe name of CSM API bouncy.castle.jarThe name of bouncy castle jar. Do not change the value of the property.bcprovcsmapi-jdk15on-15.512.jar
bouncycsm.castleapi.jar.src.urlThe source url for bouncy.castle.CSM API jar. Do not change the value of the property.${bouncycsm.castleapi.jar}
jbossallbouncy.clientcastle.jarThe name of jbossall client bouncy castle jar. Do not change the value of the property.jbossallbcprov-clientjdk15on-5.1.051.GAnci.jar
jbossallbouncy.clientcastle.jar.src.urlThe source url for jbossall client bouncy.castle.jar. Do not change the value of the property.${jbossallbouncy.clientcastle.jar}
mysql.driver.jarThe jar name of MySQL Driver. Do not change the value of the property.mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar
mysql.driver.jar.src.urlThe source url for MySQL driver.  Do not change the value of the property.${mysql.driver.jar}
oracle.driver.jarThe jar name of Orcle driver. Do not change the value of the property.ojdbc14-
oracle.driver.jar.src.urlThe source url for Oracle driver. Do not change the value of the property.${oracle.driver.jar}