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Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 52 (March 16, 2017 – March 29, 2017)

16X237 Agile Development - Sprint Status#16X237AgileDevelopment-SprintStatus-Sprint52

We are looking at getting 6.5.0 release out.  Our intent is to limit any additional changes besides the above fixes in sprint 52.

We will have a build for both and 6.5.0 branches for the fixes put into sprint 52.

LEXEVSREM-60 - This issue works locally.  It was suggested that we build 6.5.0 without this issue instead of waiting for the next build in the next sprint. 

After 6.5.0 release issues are complete, we will start to look intoworking on the following:

  • Value Set Architecture
  • REST Architecture
  • DevOps/Docker work will continue in the background

Data Services

  • Bob K. has transitioned from data services to CTS2.  We are not aware of any others that are using it.
  • CTRP was using this service at one point.
  • This service is removed in 6.5.0.
  • LexEVS 6.4 will remain up for a while in case there are still users that rely on the data services.
OWL2 Release Update

Discussion Points:

  • NCI will verify the OWL2 load from our latest LexEVS build from this sprint 52.

Decision Points:

DEV Blade - 6.5.0 Snapshot
  • Testing update
  • Install LexEVS admin
  • Load value sets with new script

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

  • Cory will update the ticket he created to install the Lexevs Admin on the server, nciws-d790.

Value Set Loading

  • Update

Discussion Points:

  • Scott mentioned our thoughts on how we could load and verify the future value set loads.
  • We will discuss this architecture in the coming sprint.

Decision Points:

  • Scott will be using the latest value set load script to test on Dev.

Tree Extensions in 6.5

  • Update

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

REST API Discussion

Discussion Points: 

Decision Points:

  • Mayo team planning on setting up some meetings to discuss requirements.
Docker - Next Steps Discussion

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

JSON format for OBO

  • Gilberto

Discussion Points:

  • The OBO group is working on a JSON representation for OBO.
  • They support This supports JSON and YAML formats.
  • Gilberto suggest suggested that Lexevs could potentially create a new loader using this JSON format.

Decision Points:

  • Gilberto will send out documentation on this to the group.
LexEVS External Users

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Cory - April 3-5
  • Scott - Possible
  • Craig -


  • Tracy
  • Rob
