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Versions Compared


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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     x

De Coronado, Sherri    

NIH/NCI    x

Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo 
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne   

Kuntipuram, Kumar



 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
164CoryCory to add implementation to CTS2 implementations page.2014.04.30  on hold
197ScottDo a gap analysis on what the URI_Resolver logs and what NCI would like to know from these logs2014.6.18  on hold
200Larry/SherryQuery current LexEVS users about use of SOAP, REST or QBE services in the legacy caCORE api's2014.6.18  on hold
207CoryWrite issue against CTS2 OMG regarding the ability to return INACTIVE concepts only.2014.07.30  on hold
210Larry/GilbertoDetermine if there is a need to meet with the CTRP2014.07.30  on hold
212LarryInclude LexGrid XML Export as part of the 5.1 retirement notice. 2014.07.30  

on hold

224ScottURI Resolver - Provide overview of how to access the URI Resolver2014.09.03  

on hold

225ScottURI Resolver - Look at TLAMP and VSAC service to determine usage of URI Resolver2014.09.03  on hold
244CraigPlan meeting with Tracy to discuss collaborative LexEVS development process2014.12.03  on hold
281ScottTry to replicate what CTRP did to break our service (retrieve a tree through CTS2).2015.03.25  on hold
282Mayo TeamLook into implementing graph node in CTS2 for the path to root method (and path to leaf).2015.03.25  on hold

Document across all 6.x versions that LEXEVS-623 doesn't work (unless you use the local API).

Note that this may be fixed in future releases.

2015.05.20  done
285ScottCreate JIRA task to review how mapping is implemented and see if there is a short term fix to increase the performance for multiple maps.2015.05.20  done
286RobAttempt to load OBI with OWL2 loader and review the results2015.05.20  done
288LarryPrioritize the MRMAP loader issues.2015.05.27  2015.06.05doneopen
289ScottLook into OBI issues2015.06.03  2015.06.05doneopen
290ScottDiscuss with Craig extra effort to create next gen indexes against actual LexEVS loaded content2015.06.03  2015.06.05doneopen
291RobLook into getting information allowing creating a subset of MRMAP for larger subsets involving SNOMEDqSNOMED2015.06.03  2015.06.10doneopen
292ScottRe-evaluate 5.1 Lucene use depending on possible update of Luke2015.06.03  2015.06.05doneopen
293JasonCheck into Mayo being designated a trusted site2015.06.03  open294ScottScott to check into Security Training




ScottSprint 5
  • Sprint 6 Planning
CorySprint 5
  • Sprint 6 Planning
CraigSprint 5
  • Sprint 6 Planning
  • Agile Admin


Sprint Status

Current Sprint - Sprint 5 (May 13, 2015 - June 2, 2015)

LexEVS 6.4 Agile Development - Sprint Status




Upcoming Sprint - Sprint 6 (June 3, 2015 - June 24, 2015)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint Status#SprintStatus-Sprint6
Sprint StatusPlanning

Issue Grooming

  • Prioritize JIRA issues

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS and fixVersion=6.4 AND issuetype = Bug AND status = Open

Prototype Results

  • Scott to present results
Results show an acceptable rate of performance.  Some interest expressed in running the next iteration against the content loaded into LexEVS.  Scott to discuss with Craig.

OBI Loader

  • Rob to provide status - loaded with OWL 2 loader - results?
OWL2 loader fails against OWL one.  OWL2 should be able to load any OWL source.  OBI has a number of namespaces in the same coding scheme.  Class cast exception characterizes the exception.  At least need to be investigated in next sprint.  Scott to look into the exception and the possibility of providing output specific to the content item.  Focus on namespaces. 

The following issues are the highest priority and, if possible, be put in the current or next sprint.

  • LexEVS-942 Need to determine a path to fix this.  This is the highest priority one as of now.
  • LexEVS-970 This was a use case that was missed in the original development work.  This needs to be fixed as well.

Prototype Discussion

  • Prototype complete
Need to make a decision on what version of Lucene to use after Scott does some additional research.

MRMAP Loader

  • Update from Rob (grepping the subset mappings)

serverNCI Tracker

JIRA item is updated with the results.  DB timeout was increased from 8 to 24 hours and it still timed out

MRMAP Loader

  • Prioritization from Larry

Rob to look into getting the SNOMED to ICDx mappings loaded after grepping out a subset with help from Brian Carlson.  If this doesn't work out we may have to push this into an upcoming sprint.

6.3 Status

  • Update from Tin

Note from Larry that they are going from QA to Stage.

It may be on production in the next week or twoSCM team is working on an Anthill pro track for this.  Tin will update when track is created and application is deployed.

Lucene Version Update - 4.10.4

  • Based on existing tooling to support our development.


Tracy to ask SIMA about use of 5.1 and what kind of tooling they are using.  Scott to keep track of developments on github


  • Luke support
  • Prototype working with 5.1
  • 5.2 released on June 7

Lucene release 5.2 has been released.  We agreed that we will evaluate 5.2 to see if it works for the prototype.

We also will need to determine if Luke will work with 5.2.

At some point, we need to select a version and go with it.

Mayo as trusted site also VPN

:  Jason
Jason to check with them about this.  Possibility to provide laptops if needed. 

  • Update from Jason

Gilberto is waiting for some verification on what we can do

Remote apps will not allow you to run GUIs.

Terminology Updates on Dev and QA

  • Larry to discuss

Other interested parties agreed that QA should be updated with the latest terminology.

The open question is what should should be on DEV (i.e. current production data) and others?

Gilberto suggest the following:

  • Software DEV - data is stable
  • Data DEV - software is stable

Larry suggested we can add different Databases to DEV, if needed.

Tracy/Rob to lead this effort and work with systems.

External Request

  • epSOS request discussion

We agreed that we should set up a virtual meeting/demo.

Larry will look into setting up a meeting with them to discuss/demo.

Security TrainingNeeded by Friday.  Scott to check into this. 

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS AND (TYPE = bug or TYPE = "new feature") AND created >= 2015-0506-27 03 AND created <= 2015-06-03 10


serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVSCTS2 AND created >= 2015-0506-27 03 AND created <= 2015-06-03 10
