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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     x

De Coronado, Sherri    

NIH/NCI    x

Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] 
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] x

Kuntipuram, Kumar




AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
Craig/LarryFollow up with Jose (CTRP) in January 2016 to see if we can assist them and understand their requirements.2015.12.162016.01.31 Open
ScottSummarize the namespace issue (LEXEVS-1427).  This summary should be in the JIRA item itself.2016.01.062016.01.312016.01.12Done
Scott/CoryDetermine if LEXEVS-1516 (Value Sets) issue is a LexEVS issue or not.2016.01.132016.01.312016.01.20Done
ScottRequest additional support from Mark about the the VPN issues.2016.01.132016.01.31  
ScottFollow up with CaDSR team to see if they still have lucene questions.2016.01.132016.01.31  


  • Sprint 21
  • Sprint 22 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 21
  • Sprint 22 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 21
  • Sprint 22 planning
  • Agile Admin


Sprint Status

Current Sprint - Sprint 21 ( January 07, 2016 – January 20, 2016 )

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint21

Sprint Planning

Issue Prioritization

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS AND (TYPE = bug or TYPE = "new feature" or TYPE ="Improvement" or TYPE ="Inquiry") AND created >= 2016-01-13 AND created <= 2016-01-20


Recent CTS2 Service Related Issues (within last week)

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVSCTS2 AND created >= 2016-01-13 AND created <= 2016-01-20


Issue Grooming

Prioritize JIRA issues (fix version 6.4)

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS and fixVersion=6.4 AND issuetype = Bug AND (status = Open or status = "Reopened")


Triple-Store/SPARQL Discussion

This discussion is to touch base with three different groups to bring everyone up to speed on the latest developments: Northrup Grummond, Mayo, and Gilberto.

Jason - Now has a "customer managed" VM set up.  Still need to move the existing triple store to this VM.

Jason's team also looked at NCBO OWL converter.  They had an issue with NCI OWL being converted (RRF to turtle).

Scott asked what is the use case for the triple store? NCI suggested the following:

  • To expose NCI thesaurus
  • Expose a SPARQL endpoint
  • Anything that will help the browser to display relationships

Another use case would be for a triple store over the Metathesaurus.

Gilberto suggested two use cases:

  • In general, a SPARQL endpoint could be used for better semantic web integration.  To facilitate queries across systems (federated queries) for the NCI thesaurus.
  • Specific for LexEVS,  it should either support a general endpoint or integrate the functionality within our codebase.

Scott suggested that if a SPARQL endpoint is behind LexEVS, our hierarchy API (isA relationships) would call the endpoint instead of the underlying DB now.

  • Larry mentioned that the endpoint may be used for other relationships than just the hierarchy API mentioned above.

Graph DB vs. Triple store - there hasn't been a decision to go with one or the other.  If a graph DB works better for LexEVs, than this would be an option.

Gilberto mentioned that the paper review is complete.  They will be getting demos from vendors:

  • Alegro Graph
  • Stardog
  • Virtuoso

CTRP Planning

  • Update from Larry
No Update.

Value Set Resolution

Namespace issue

  • Summary review

serverNCI Tracker

Scott summarized the namespace issue that is documented in JIRA item LEXEVS-1427.


CTRP Planning

  • Update from Larry
No updates.

Deployment Artifacts

  • 6.4 (lucene)

6.4 artifacts have changed.  There is no longer an lbRuntime.jar anymore.  AntHill Pro will probably need to be updated.  Manually, we could probably just update the lexbig.jar

Tracy will deploy 6.3 snapshot.  She will take the artifacts and deploy on DEV and DATA_DEV.

Scott/Cory will update 6.4 DEV with the lucene snapshot.

TODO: Mayo to update the formal build process documentation for AntHill Pro for 6.4.


Tracy has a ticket to update the group to lexevsdb.  Jason has implemented the change.  If the problem still persists, we will need to debug this issue.

Tree Extension IssueValue Set Resolution

serverNCI Tracker

We will start looking at this issue in our next sprint.

Rob stated that the remote API returns all values while the local API only returns one value.

TODO: We need to understand if this is a LexEVS issue or not.  We should look at this during the current sprint.

 VPN Update

Scott mentioned that the connection is working correctly now.  However, it is still slower than we would like.

CI and DevOps will be interested in assisting us in determining the performance issues.

TODO: Scott to request additional support from Mark.

Term Browser Testing 


Scott reviewed this issue and this will need further investigation.  Depending on how critical this is, it may need to be looked at during the next Sprint.

Jason mentioned this is critical for the next release of the browser - release 2.8. 

The scenario is when you pull up a tree, and click on the "..." it freezes the whole tree.

Jason said they are planning to deploy in April.  We will need to prioritize this issue to be completed before then.  Larry suggested that we work on this right after the lucene issues are fixed.

Search Extension Testing

The search extension API is now complete.  We would like to understand the use cases from the NCI team. 

We will need to test 6.3 and 6.4 in a test harness to determine any performance issues.

In 6.3, search (query across a large number of systems) could take a long time (timeout after 5 minutes).

LexEVS External UsersNo updates.
Nexxus TestingScott is able to log into Ant Hill Pro.  He should be able to test the build/deploy when the new Nexxus system is deployed on Saturday 2016.01.30LexEVS External Users

No Updates.

We discussed CaDSR's implementation with lucene.

TODO: Mayo to ask CaDSR team if they still have lucene questions.

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
