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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Sharma, DeepakMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] x
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar


Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus


Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 38 (September 1, 2016 – September 14, 2016)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint38

We are wrapping up the current sprint, working on Docker script updates, LexEVS 6.4.1 documentation, and Migrating to NCI's Nexus Server.

We will need a discussion on prioritizing 6.5 work.

6.4.1 Deployment/Testing status

Discussion Points:

  • Tracy/Rob will verify 6.4.1 runtime on data QA.
  • Tracy suggested that they will move the 6.3 indexes up first and then the 6.4 indexes.
    • It was noted that the 6.4 meta thesaurus takes a long time to index.
  • October is the target date to get LexEVS 6.4.1 up to production
  • lexevs-service 1.5.1 needs to be built and tested on QA.
  • There is a build artifact issue on anthill pro.  It cannot find an artifact.
  • Mayo team is looking into this issue.

Decision Points:

OWL2 Loader Discussion

  • Jira
    serverNCI Tracker
  • Thesaurus/OWL2 Source

Discussion Points:

  • OWL2 loader fails loading the NCI Thesaurus. 
  • There are 3 different issues uncovered.
  • 2 of the 3 issues are resolved at this point.  The last issue should be resolved this weekScott noted that if we load without the preferences file, the size of the field will break the code.

Decision Points:

  • Tracy suggested and Rob agreed using the preferences file for the column width.
  • Scott to share these suggestions with Gilberto and see if he agrees.

NCI Nexus Server Migration Update

Discussion Points:

  • Cory tarred up the Mayo releases and third party directories and SFTPed them to NCI.
  • We are waiting for Sarah to add them to NCI's Nexus server.
  • When Sarah is done, Cory will update the LexEVS builds to point to NCI's Nexus service and test
  • Sarah requested an SFTP site to allow for Mayo to send a copy of our Nexus repository  (as jars) to them.
  • Once the jars are uploaded, Sarah will add them to the NCI Nexus repository.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users
  • Alexander

No new news.

REST CTS2 DiscussionCraig set the next meeting for
6.4.1 Documentation

Discussion Points:

  • Cory sent out link to updated pages for 6.4.1.
  • 6.4 top level describes overall changes, but
SSL and LexEVS 6.4

Discussion Points:

  • 6.3 will continue to run in parallel with 6.4.1 has specific changes.
  • If we change 6.4.1 - Runs only on security level TLS v1.0 .  Any higher levels of TLS will cause LexEVS Remote API to fail.
  • HTTP requests will be forwarded to HTTPS - This is only for testing on DEV/QA.
  • Here are the specific rules for STAGE/PROD:

    • Apache is being used as a proxy, it will handle https for tomcat/lexevs.  Both http & https are enabled now in the lower tiers for testing.  In production, a client must connect using https, and if it attempts to use http it can be redirected to https; however, the client must be able to switch over to https on redirection.

Decision Points:

  • HTTP requests will not be forwarded to HTTPS.  This will be shut off.
    • Gilberto said this is how it will work at the end of year.
    • Only HTTPS will be supported.
  •  Scott will email and confirm with Jacob that he is shutting off HTTP on QA.
  • to 6.4, it may appear as overarching for 6.4.x changes. 
  • Rob suggested adding a Readme from the distributions.   Such as a readme.html file.

Decision Points:

  • Create a 6.4.x page and then have 6.4.1 release notes as children page.
  •  Mayo team to work with Tracy/Rob to come up with suggestions for documentation changes.
    • Cory will set up a meeting.
Mavenization of Remote Client

Discussion Points:

  • Scott has completed this task of migrating this project to a maven project.
  • Tracy mentioned that there are projects that will pull in this client project using maven.

Decision Points:

  • Scott to verify that the remote client can be pulled into another project using maven.
DevOPs Meeting Update

Discussion Points:

  • Meeting for Mandeep to understand our LexEVS automation process at the application layer and what issues we have.
  • He discussed the possibility of having Mayo show our work at a dev ops workshop in the future.

Decision Points:

Contract renewal/planning

Discussion Points:

  • The current contract ends at the end of September, 2016.
  • There are documents on the wiki to that NCI will need to sign off on for the contract.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External UsersNo new user information this weekLexEVS 6.4.1 Documentation

Discussion Points:

  • Larry suggested that the team should review the 6.4.1 wiki documentation.

Decision Points:

Cory to complete the 6.4.1 documentation and send links out to changes for the team to review.
Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Deepak - 
  • Cory - Sept 8-926-30 (office move)
  • Scott - Sept 26-30 (office move)
  • Craig - Sept 8-9


  •  Rob - September 26-30

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
