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02 Sep



Unknown User (hechtt)

Committee MemberPresentAbsent







Debbie KnappX
Toby HechtX
Anju Singh
Unknown User (parchmentr)X


  • Discuss updates to ICDC and define emerging strategies and priorities

Box Folder

Outstanding Action Items

Discussion items

Talking Points
Steering Committee Meeting UpdatesUnknown User (parchmentr)
  • Guest speaker, Daniel Promislow on Dog Aging Study that has been funded, interventional trial
  • Speakers will join the Steering Committee on the 20th.
ICDC Site Updates
  • Data submission
  • Development priorities
    • Indicator for dogs participating in multiple studies (dependent on certain pieces of metadata)
    • Widget on project pages to render an overview of the sample profiles 
    • Ability to obtain available extended metadata from table downloads in the UI
  • Site review
    • Possible evaluation from broader research community
    • Successful production release on September 16th
      • Twitter communications: 
        Widget Connector
    • Site review
      • ICDC is in the queue for the user research study from the CRDC user research team, expected report back by December
      • MTA
    Next release: Sept 13thICDC is targeting quarterly releases
    ICDC Next Phase
    • Motivate data submitters
      • Potential to instantiate a MTA in order to provide incentive for data submissions
    • Potentially involve other institutes to obtain a broader spectrum of data and disease types
    • Small group needed for brainstorming
    DGAB UpdatesKuffel, Gina
    OtherPihl, Todd
    (NIH/NCI) [C]
    Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C]Reminder:  No August meeting
    • Addressing the submission of data from other groups, candidate publication list
    • Contacting authors for Shaying's pan-cancer study

    Minutes (Not Verbatim)

    TP- Next expected release is Sept. 13th. There is a new multi-study participant feature that illustrates canines that were enrolled in multiple studies, this feature is reliant on metadata, such as the biobank_id to discern this designation. Another feature in progress is the extension of the amount of data available for download through the user interface to be inclusive of all metadata that has been loaded into the data commons, at the moment this extended metatdata is only available through the API. Are there other priorities that we should be aware of? ICDC is aiming for quarterly releases.

    TH- Do we have any data on the microevironment, anything other than omics type data?

    TP- We do link out to TCGA and other imaging repositories.

    TH- We need to capture immune modulators and other types of trials, we need a way of adding that type of data such as treating dogs with various agents, canine biopsies, circulating tumor DNA, etc.

    CS- Flow data was considered for ICDC. We talked about getting the numbers, but maybe we need to get the raw data. We didn't address if we would bring in raw flow cytometry data.

    TP- Nothing prevents us from getting that type of data into our data model.

    CS- If we could maybe provide small financial support that may help people get over the hump and encourage data submission.

    TP- Let me talk to Ralph to see if we can find a path to use the honorarium to do this.

    TH- We are below on spending, we could use that.

    TP- It may come with a ceiling that we need to live with, but we can try to get a mechanism in place.

    RP- We do have a mechanism in place that involves a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), no ceiling on that. We can look into this, it comes out of the legal office, maybe we can set up a conference between the 4 of us

    TH- Potentially open this up ICDC up to other institutes, the concern is the amount of data that we currently have, we need to get more data ingested and assess the level of interest from other groups. I have a feeling that other institutes do not have this type of platform.

    AL- The National Institute of Aging has an ongoing study on aging canines, there could be immunological data available.

    TH- We would need to ensure to tag this type of data so that it is findable by disease type, so that researchers interested in cancer related data could find that data easily.

    AL- Dog is a good translational model for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and others.

    JO- Also for narcolepsy.

    AL- Additionally, genomic inherited diseases such as renal failure and muscular dystrophy.

    AL- We are currently working on osteosarcoma whole genome data from clinical specimens and are looking to obtain canine specific bioinformatic support. We need to establish best practices for how canine data is analyzed

    Action items

    DK- Data may be coming into ICDC from the Promislow and Rod Page from Colorado State.

    TH- In the Aging study are they looking at specific breeds?

    DK- Several represented. Working heavily with the Broad and data made available there. The cancer data may be available to be deposited into ICDC.

    EK- One of the reasons we pushed for user research on canine is we have a lot of flexibility to make improvements. It will be interesting to do this at this stage and then possibly again in the future. Please send relevant questions for the study if they exist.

    RP- We may need NCI to take a look that the MTA once it is drafted. Claudia Hayward has been working with this on us.

    TH- I can make arrangements for that.

    RP- Not an acquisition, just a reimbursement.

    TH- NCI should at least take a look and give their approval. Regarding tech transfer, will commercial companies use this data? Is there an issue with a commercial company using ICDC data to make a product? 

    EK- Data use guidelines are coming soon.

    TH- Keep these policies consistent with other data commons.

    TH- Need to start seriously thinking about the next Task Order. We need a small group to brainstorm and present to the Executive Committee and then the Steering Committee. Not sure if Debbie can be involved because she is external. I propose myself, Connie, Erika, and Ralph. I'm not getting any feedback from anyone about what they think we should be doing. 

    CS- Maybe include Elaine, to include a non-cancer perspective.

    TH- Let's plan for mid-November. Can we talk more with John Otridge and determine his role. What about Anju? I will reach out to Anju.

    TH- All authors working with canines will now know if they have additional data.

    AL- We have many folks in the SC that may have pipelines that exist, others may be willing to share their pipelines.

    CS- I have a grantee that we should talk with about sharing pipelen

    AL- Not many people understand molecular implications of canine lymphoma, little cross-validation of IHc. Not fair to say they don't match, the right set of tools is needed. 30% of case load is Lymphoma. Such a diverse disease.

    Action items