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When you are given caNanoLab login credentials, you will be assigned the Public role by default. Researcher, curator, and admin roles are also available. The following table describes the differences between these user roles.

To search Protocols, Samples or Publications in caNanoLab, you do not need to login or have any role.

User RoleActions and Access

The Public user role is assigned to all caNanoLab users. A logged in Public user can

  • Search for and view all publicly-available samples, protocols, and publications and access any items shared with the user.
  • Create, update, and share the Public user's own samples, protocols, and publications with user(s) and collaboration group(s).

    titleSubmit and Review
    To make a sample, protocol, or publication public, a Public user must submit the item for review first.

(and also Public)

A logged in Researcher can

  • Search for and view all samples, protocols, and publications and access any items shared with the Researcher. 
  • Create, update, and share the Researcher's own samples, protocols, and publications with user(s) and collaboration group(s).

    titleSubmit and Review
    To make a sample, protocol, or publication public, a Researcher must submit the item for review first.


(and also Public and Researcher)

Once logged in, you can

  • Search for and have Read-Write-Delete access to all samples, protocols, and publications in caNanoLab.
  • Annotate a sample.
  • Create, update, share, and make samples, protocols, and publications publicly-accessible.

  • Access Groups to manage collaboration groups.
  • Access Curation to review items for public access, and perform sample batch data metrics tasks.
  • Access Results to review batch data results.


Once logged in, you can

  • Access Admin to add and update user accounts. 
  • Perform task that a Public user can do.