NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     x

De Coronado, Sherri    

NIH/NCI    x

Safran, Tracy

NIH/NCI    x
Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne   

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Sprint Status

Current Sprint - Sprint 7 (June 24, 2015 - July 8, 2015)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint7

Lucene Version Update

  • Scott to provide update on 4.10 vs 5.2.1

Scott has the block join prototype working against Lucene 5.2.1.  

We reviewed the new performance numbers of this prototype.  Overall, the performance is better.

Scott will send out the performance spreadsheet.

We will plan on using Lucene 5.2.1.  Both Mayo and NCI have agreed to go forward with Lucene 5.2.1.

Sprint Planning

Issue Grooming

  • Prioritize JIRA issues

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS and fixVersion=6.4 AND issuetype = Bug AND status = Open


Sprint 7 will start Thursday (2015.06.25) to allow for NCI to assist with issue grooming.

Additional items to work on in Sprint 7:

  • Add time for Scott to get block join prototype working with Lucene 5.1.
  • LEXEVS-970  
    • Exit criteria - fully backwards compatible.  OWL1 is a subset of OWL2.  Any OWL1 load issues should be fixed in the OWL2 loader.
    • If NCI thesaurus is loaded with OWL2 - we may need to create new jUnits for the OWL2 load.
    • TODO: Gilberto suggested a separate meeting to review junits and how OWL1 loads are different than OWL2 loads.
      • TODO: Craig to create JIRA tasks for this investigation/planning work.
  • LEXEVS-946 - This fix would be part of LEXEVS-970.
  • LEXEVS-942  - Will start the implementation in Sprint 7 for this

    LexEVS-999 - Issue happens in both STAGE and PROD using remote.  This is a low priority issue.

    6.3 Deployment Status

    • FINAL tagging in GIT (Cory)
    • LexEVS/CTS2 Service PTE - AHP build process (Cory)
    • CTS2 Deployment Status (NCI)
    • 6.3 Download Deliverables - Announcement (Rob)

    NCI Nexus;Mayo~browsestorage

    Mayo Maven has all the artifacts out there for 1.2.0.RC1.  We need to determine why the NCI mirror nexus server isn't being updated

    We will wait to make any announcements until the CTS2 Service is moved to PROD

    Mayo will update their JIRA deliverables when the release is complete.

    URLs will be updated when the announcements is made.

    CTRP release is aimed at 6.2.  When we dropped in the 6.3 release, it broke them, but the apache update fixed them.

    Discuss new search issues - Status (Cory)

    • Jira
      serverNCI Tracker
    • Jira
      serverNCI Tracker
    • Jira
      serverNCI Tracker

    No updates. Maven builds are taking priority.

    VPN and network evaluation

    • Update from Gilberto and Jason
     No updates yet.
    Face to Face Discussion (Larry/Mayo)We should consider a Face to Face meeting when we are closer to a 6.4 deployment.  We will coordinate as the 6.4 release gets closer.

    External Request

    • ?

     No additional requests.


    JIRA Issues

    Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)

    serverNCI Tracker
    jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS AND (TYPE = bug or TYPE = "new feature") AND created >= 2015-06-10 24 AND created <= 2015-0607-17 01


    serverNCI Tracker
    jqlQueryproject = LEXEVSCTS2 AND created >= 2015-06-17 24 AND created <= 2015-0607-24 01
