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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Sharma, DeepakMayo 
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] 
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar

Alkis, BarryNIH/NCI [C]x

Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus

Close issue 


serverNCI Tracker

2016.02.092016.04.10 Open

Create JIRA issue to update CTS2 service to use Apache Commons Collections Version 3.2.1 (security issue)

2016.03.092016.03.30 Open
CraigCreate JIRA issue to remove caCore legacy code2016.04.202016.04.30 Open
CoryUpdate wiki to describe what DBs are supported/tested going forward2016.04.272016.04.30 2016.07.13DoneOpen

Set up an ARC meeting for LexEVS 6.4 (no meeting needed)



Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 33 34 (June 23July 7, 2016 – July 620, 2016)

LexEVS S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint Status#SprintStatus-Sprint34

Cory is working on LexEVS 6.4 Agile Development - Sprint Statusdocumentation

Scott is working on an OWL2 loader issue

We are investigating lexevs-1999 - TreeServer API fails on RadLex, Version 3_13_1.

We added lexevs-2078 to this sprint. 

RC.2 Deployment and Verification

  • Tin to provide testing feedback
  • Jacob AHP install feedback

LexEVS External Users


Lexevs API 6.4.0.RC.2 is deployed on DEV. This was done manually by Rob. Jacob is still working on the AHP deploy process and expects to have it completed today.

Testing (Tin):

  • Automation script tests are half way complete.
  • There is a single character issue. Kim is adjusting his code to fix this issue.
  • There is also a single bracket search issue: {Provider}
    • Scott suggested that the Lucene search algorithm is slightly different in 6.4.
    • We have a different approach to cleansing our characters in the search. We are using a standard analyzer in Lucene for this.
    • Scott will investigate further why the query with the brackets is failing for the test use case.

Kim will create a new JIRA issue for the {Provider} issue.

Overview of QA Process (Test Plan)

  • Integration tests between LexEVS and the latest browser?

  • Are there tests specifically for LexEVS API?  Distributed API?  CTS2?

  • JIRA issues verified for LexEVS 6.4

For LexEVS 6.5, we would like to see QA testing done earlier during the development process.

Automated tests go through the term browser and through Selenium automated scripts.

CTS2 and URI Resolver - Tin has a set of manual scripts to test these services. Tin will run these tests on QA.

JIRA issue testing - Tin will run Junits associated to the JIRA issues. Tin will run these tests on QA.

getIsPreffered() 6.4 Investigation

  • Cory to discuss investigation findings
getIsPreffered() - Prioritize JIRA Issue
  • Jira
    serverNCI Tracker

This can wait until is not needed for LexEVS 6.5 (if it wasn't fixed in 6.4)

TODO: verify if this was fixed in 6.4.

 LexEVS External Users

4 as Rob does has a workaround.

We are assuming this is a loader issue. We agreed to explicitly provide a true/false value for preferred in the loader code.

TODO: Cory will update LEXEVS-2020 with the proposed resolution and exit criteria.

Addition of 2078 to this sprint

Map Issue

This will not be in LexEVS 6.4.

Larry would like us to come up with a plan and try to fit it into the LexEVS 6.5 schedule.

Refer to issue

serverNCI Tracker



This has been fixed in Sprint 34.
CBIIT Infrastructure Technology Catalog Update

We should discuss when MySQL should be upgraded to 5.7 or Maria DB 10.x. We are currently on MySQL 5.5.

We also discussed the possibility of node.js being included in the tech stack.

Docker and a Docker repository would also be a good addition.

TODO: Mayo team will send Gilberto a summary note for this discussion.

LexEVS External Users

HL7 loader - This may be a source issue. Allameda is the author of this content.

Rob mentioned that the MIF loader worked for him.

Scott will follow up with the user to see if they can use the HL7 MIF loader.

It is also possible that the user is not subsetting the HL7 version correctly.


RF2 Content - Our loaders don't support RF2 (Australian content).

We will need to discuss how to proceed with Larry.

Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Scott - July 15th - 20th
