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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     

De Coronado, Sherri    

NIH/NCI    x

Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Sharma, DeepakMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] 
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar


Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus

Close issue 


serverNCI Tracker

2016.02.092016.04.10 Open


  • Sprint 3536
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 3536
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 3536
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • Sprint 3536
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • Agile Admin


Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 35 36 (July 21August 04, 2016 – August 320, 2016)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint Status

Tracy is working on Data deployment to DEV and QA

The indexes were created on DEV.  These indexes will need to be propagated to QA.  Tracy will be doing this move.

We closed out Sprint 35.

Tasks associated to the 6.4 release have been closed.

We will create a build that has the OWL2 loader changes.  This will be done in the next sprint

QA Tier Status

  • NCI-RITM0031271: New container on QA for the LexEVS 6.4 Remote API
  • NCI-RITM0031282: CTS2 AHP on QA
  • AppScan

LexEVS Remote API and LexEVS service (CTS2) have been deployed to QA.

Larry approved the test plan.

Tin will start the testing on QA. 

Next, the AppScan will be submitted.

LexEVS using HTTPs - Update

  • LexEVS - no impact
  • CTS2 - no impact / configuration
  • Remote API - changes needed
  • URI Resolver - no impact / configuration

Remote API - the client will need to change based on SSL changes.

Because the Remote  API client will need to change, we decided to not update LexEVS 6.3.  Instead, we will add the HTTPs  ability to LexEVS 6.4 and not LexEVS 6.3.

TODO: Cory will need to add a warning message that Remote clients will need to use SSL.  This should be added the notes about how to upgrade from LexEVS 6.3 to LexEVS 6.4.


Java 8 and Spring 4 update - not needed

We have found that the current versions of Java 8 and our current Spring 2.x are building and testing with one issue with CTS2.  Deepak will investigate further.

Deepak is using Java 8.92 in the Docker system test scripts.

LexEVS is running Spring 2.x.  At some point this should be updated to Spring 4.

Larry suggested the Mayo team should investigate the quickest path to getting the Remote API set up for HTTPs.

Tracy suggested that we have an HTTPs fix by the end of August.  The Mayo team will investigate to see if this is possible.

At this point we will not upgrade to Spring 4.

Priority for upgrades (in this order): HTTPs, CentOS 7, Java 8.

LexEVS 6.4.0 testing will continue and will be pushed up the tiers.

We will put the HTTPs changes only into LexEVS 6.4.1.  No Java upgrade.

Jacob/Tracy/Sarah can be contacted for configuration on DEV

TODO: We need to get an announcement on this change to users as soon as we understand the impact and the wiki updated for this.

 Data issues on ProdThis has been discussed and there is a plan is in place.
 6.5 PlanningCraig will explain the changes in detail next week when the board is completed.


QA Tier Status

  • Test update - Tin
  • AppScan

Discussion Points:

  • There were some indexing issues that have been fixed.
  • Tin is testing CTS2 today. 
  • When testing is complete, Tin will request an AppScan. This should be in the next few days

Decision Points:

  • Tin to request an AppScan when testing is complete.

LexEVS using HTTPs - Update

  • Configuration and test on NCI DEV
  • Lexevs Remote API
  • Lexevs Service (CTS2)

Discussion Points:

  • HTTPS updates have gone smoothly.  We have everything working in our local dev environments.
  • We are working with NCI to get everything configured for HTTPS on the NCI DEV environment.
  • We are still configuring CTS2 on DEV with Jacob to get this up and running.

Decision Points:

  • Scott will submit a ticket to create a Mayo DEV environment at NCI.
  • Larry suggested that we document how this will affect the end users.
    • Remote API Users
    • CTS2 Rest Users
CTS2 Testcase update

Discussion Points:

  • This was a Java 8 issue.  Deepak has committed a fix for it.
  • Jira
    serverNCI Tracker
  • All other LexEVS tests have passed our system tests.

Decision Points:

HL7 Content Load Issue

Discussion Points:

  • This is an issue for failing MetaThesaurus indexing around an HL73 large term
  • This will be a loader fix.

Decision Points:

  • The decision was made to truncate to the max size.
  • Since this is a simple fix, we agreed to add this issue to the current sprint to fix.
    • We should output an error to the console when we encounter this and add a keyword to search on.
 6.5 Planning

Discussion Points:

  • Mayo team has been grooming the backlog.
  • We don't need to migrate to Spring 4.
  • The task to remove caCore should be in the 6.5 release.
  • The CI server issues may not need to be fixed when we support 6.4 and above as they will be obsolete.
  • Tracy suggested upgrading the Lexevs build to maven.

Decision Points:

  • Scott requested that the team review the backlog and let us know if there is anything that has high priority.
  • Larry suggested that the tech stack upgrade (java 8, CentOS 7) may be the next release relatively soon.
OWL2 Loader verification

Discussion Points:

  • No testing has been done yet.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users

No issues.
Update on
serverNCI Tracker

Discussion Points:

  • Kim has a workaround for this.

Decision Points:

  • Kim will determine if his work around is sufficient or if we need a fix for this issue

LexEVS External Users

Brian added a couple comments to the issue.

Scott will follow up with some additional suggestions
  • .
Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Deepak - Sept 1-6?, Sept 5
  • Cory - August 5, 12, Sept 5
  • Scott - August 15, Sept 5
  • Craig - August 24 -29, Sept 5
