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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI   x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
IS x
Lucas, Jason R
IS x
Bauer, Scott  Mayo x
Stancl, Craig
Mayo x
Endle,  CoryMayo x
Sharma, DeepakMayo x
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C] x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C] x
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar


Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus


Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 38 (September 1, 2016 – September 14, 2016)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint38

We are wrapping up the current sprint, working on Docker script updates, LexEVS 6.4.1 documentation, and Migrating to NCI's Nexus Server.

We will need a discussion on prioritizing 6.5 work.

6.4.1 Deployment/Testing status

Discussion Points:

  • Tracy/Rob will verify 6.4.1 runtime on data QA.
  • Tracy suggested that they will move the 6.3 indexes up first and then the 6.4 indexes.
    • It was noted that the 6.4 meta thesaurus takes a long time to index.
  • October is the target date to get LexEVS 6.4.1 up to production.

Decision Points:

OWL2 Loader Discussion

  • Jira
    serverNCI Tracker
  • Thesaurus/OWL2 Source

Discussion Points:

  • Scott noted that if we load without the preferences file, the size of the field will break the code.

Decision Points:

  • Tracy suggested and Rob agreed using the preferences file for the column width.
  • Scott to share these suggestions with Gilberto and see if he agrees.

NCI Nexus Server Migration Update

Discussion Points:

  • Cory tarred up the Mayo releases and third party directories and SFTPed them to NCI.
  • We are waiting for Sarah to add them to NCI's Nexus server.
  • When Sarah is done, Cory will update the LexEVS builds to point to NCI's Nexus service and test.

Decision Points:

LexEVS 6.4.1 Documentation

Discussion Points:

  • Cory sent out link to updated pages for 6.4.1.
  • 6.4 top level describes overall changes, but 6.4.1 has specific changes.
  • If we change 6.4.0 to 6.4, it may appear as overarching for 6.4.x changes. 
  • Rob suggested adding a Readme from the distributions.   Such as a readme.html file.

Decision Points:

  • Create a 6.4.x page and then have 6.4.1 release notes as children page.
  •  Mayo team to work with Tracy/Rob to come up with suggestions for documentation changes.
    • Cory will set up a meeting.
Mavenization of Remote Client

Discussion Points:

  • Scott has completed this task of migrating this project to a maven project.
  • Tracy mentioned that there are projects that will pull in this client project using maven.

Decision Points:

  • Scott to verify that the remote client can be pulled into another project using maven.
DevOPs Meeting Update

Discussion Points:

  • Meeting for Mandeep to understand our LexEVS automation process at the application layer and what issues we have.
  • He discussed the possibility of having Mayo show our work at a dev ops workshop in the future.

Decision Points:

Contract renewal/planning

Discussion Points:

  • The current contract ends at the end of September, 2016.
  • There are documents on the wiki to that NCI will need to sign off on for the contract.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users No new user information this week.
Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Deepak - 
  • Cory - Sept 8-926-30 (office move)
  • Scott - Sept 26-30 (office move)
  • Craig - Sept 8 -9


  •  Rob - September 26-30

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
