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You must have an NCI username and password to use the Jaspersoft web application. Additionally, you must have special permission to run the reports.


This page tree describes how to run the CTRP Trials Count report, which provides the number of trials (trial count) registered in the Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP)


Types of Trials Included in the Trials Count Reports

The reports provide the number of trials (trial count) in each of the following trial types to date :




CCR Trials. Trials for which the Lead Organization is "NCI – Center for Cancer Research"


CTEP-ID for this organization is NCICCR

PO-ID for this organization is 16108126

and which do not have CTEP or DCP IDs.


each of several trial attributes.

Page Tree
rootRunning the CTRP Trials Count Report

The report lists trial counts by each of the following trial statuses:

  • Registered - Original submissions
  • Rejected - Original submissions rejected
  • Late Rejected - Original submissions rejected using the "Late Rejection Milestone"
  • On Hold - Original submissions currently on hold
  • Accepted - Original submissions accepted by the CTRP
  • Abstracted - Original submissions for which TSRs have been sent
  • Accrual - Submissions with accruals

Additionally, for each of the trial statuses, the report lists counts for interventional and non-interventional trials separately.

Trial Type Relationships

The following diagram illustrates the relationships between the different trial types.

Diagram that illustrates the relationships between the different trial types, as described in the textImage Removed

The diagram is divided in two parts horizontally. The top section comprises Complete trials; the bottom section comprises Abbreviated trials. Trial types and their relationships are represented as follows:

  • NCI managed trials (large red oval) comprise Complete trials only.
  • NCI sponsored trials (red oval with white outline inside the NCI managed trials shape) comprise a subset of NCI managed trials only.
  • CCR trials (rectangle with black outline) comprise a subset of NCI managed, but not NCI sponsored trials. Only trials for which the Lead Organization is NCI – Center for Cancer Research are included in this group. This group does not include trials with CTEP or DCP IDs.
  • Consortia trials (circle with dashed outline) comprise a subset of NCI managed, but not NCI sponsored trials; and Abbreviated trials.

Running Trials Count Reports

How to Run Accrual by Trial Reports

  1. Log into Jaspersoft at
    The Reports Home page appears.
  2. Click View Reports to access the list of accrual reports.
  3. In the Name column, click CTRP Trials Counts.
    The report displays all the trial counts to date.



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