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Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayo
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayo
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C]
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C]  

Kuntipuram, Kumar

Haber, MargaretNIH/NCI



Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus


Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 58 (June 8, 2017 – June 21, 2017)

16X237 Agile Development - Sprint Status#16X237AgileDevelopment-SprintStatus-Sprint58
LexEVS REST Services

Discussion Points:

Goals of REST API from CTRP and others

  • Much simpler format with just thesaurus content
    • Harmonized with the REST (JSON) output with the CTS2 service.   This will make it compatible with users of both CTS2 output (JSON) and this REST service.
    • Is there an easier REST API to put on the top of CTS2?
  • There are current users of CTS2 REST service, so we need to make sure any API changes will have a similar format.
  • EntityDescription vs RDF label - how do we harmonize the data.
  • CTS2 is generic.  The NCI team is suggesting going to a more specific (RDF OWL) model for a thesaurus API.
    • Current SPRARQL REST calls to StarDog returns JSON (OWL2 model).

Decision Points:

  • Tracy requested from the LexEVS team: mapping to/from lexgrid↔OWL.
  • Kim will share with the Mayo team the output/format he has from SPRARQL REST calls to StarDog. 
  • Mayo team will see if anyone in our group has triple store expertise that may be able to answer questions from NCI.
 Tier Deployment - Update
DEV Blade - Update
  • Moving up the tiers
  • LexEVS Admin

Discussion Points:

  • has been loaded and verified on Dev.

Decision Points:

  • Tier Deployment
    • Data deployment
  • Cory will create LexEVS build and will request Jacob to install on DEV and then DATA_QA.

Docker - Next Steps Discussion

  • LexEVS Admin testing

Discussion Points:

Discussion Points:

  •  There is a meeting set for Monday to discuss creating NCI Docker containers.

Decision Points:

Value Set Architecture

  • Update
  • Discuss Definitions
  • Publish Valueset = Yes
  • Hierarchy

Docker - Next Steps Discussion

Discussion Points:

  • There is continued discussion on how to determine value sets and hierarchies.
  • We will look at enhancing the value set API more for better performance.

Decision Points:

  • We agreed to use the term browser definition if it exists, otherwise we will use the entity definition.  This assumes that the information will stay in the scrubbed version of the OWL2 XML.
    • NCI agreed to this.
  • We need to keep the publish value set flag in the scrubbed version of the OWL2 XML..
    • NCI agreed to this.
  • Rob will send out the details on the hierarchy structure and what flags/properties will be there.
  • Kim will need to update to use the modified API in the term browser after Scott makes his changes. 
    • Jason agreed.
  • lexevs-system-test Docker script is pulling Docker images from the internal NCI Nexus server. 
    • Working with systems team on configuring this withing Jenkins the server.
  • On Monday we discussed with the systems team what it would take create a lexevs deployable container as a prototype on a Dev server.
    • The systems team is a few months out on this work.
    • The Mayo team will start to design and develop Docker images with non-NCI specific software.

Decision Points:

Value Set Architecture

  • Update

Discussion Points:

  • Working on miscellaneous issues on the value set workflow.
  • Moving toward replacing the hierarchy implementation.
    • We will need to understand the current hierarchy structure and how it is handled in the browser

CTRP discussion

  • API Requirements
  • Opportunity to use transitive table and/or Graph closure exposed via REST-ful services

Discussion Points:

  • Craig requested that any meeting minutes from the meeting last week be shared with the team.
  • We need to understand the CTRP's project boundaries and requirements for the different teams.
  • There are no action items for the team at this time
    • .

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users

  • Raphael (Brazil)

Discussion Points:

Decision Discussion Points:

  • Scott helped this user set up the Remote API. 
Decision Points:
  • Craig to set up meeting with ASU and our NCI/LexEVS team.
Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Cory - 6/19 - 6/23
  • Scott - 7/27 - 7/28, 7/31- 8/1
  • Craig -


  • Tracy
  • Rob June 16,19
  • Kim
  • Larry - 6/23 - 6/29


serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject in (= LEXEVS ) AND fixVersion = "LexEVS 6.5 ORDER BY priority DESC .0" or fixVersion = "LexEVS"
