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Diversity Sets

for For more information see

Diversity Set VII

Plate maps (plates 4907-4926) DIV7_PlateMaps.csv

Structures in SD file format:

Part 1: DIV7_4907-4916.sdf

Part 2: DIV7_4917-4926.sdf

Diversity Set VI

Plate maps (plates 4860-4879) - DIV6_Plate Maps_v2.csv 

Structures in SD file format:

Part 1:  DIV6_4860-4869.sdf

Part 2:  DIV6_4870-4879.sdf

Diversity Set V

Plate maps (plates 4805-4824) - DIV5_platemap.csv

structure in SD file format - Div5_2DStructures_Oct2014.sdf


Diversity Set IV

Plate maps (plates 4770-4789) -


structure in SD file format - Div3_2DStructures_Oct2014.sdf



Mechanistic Set


for more information see

Plate maps (plates 4930-4940) - MEC7_Platemaps.csv

Plate maps (plates 4896-4906) - MEC6_Platemaps.csv

Plate maps (plates 4880-4890) - MEC5_Plate Maps.csv

Plate maps (plates 4847-4857) - MechDiv4_platemap.csv

Plate maps (plates 4827-4837) - MechDiv3_platemap.csv

Mechanistic Set MEC7 Structures is SD file format - MEC7.sdf

Mechanistic Set MEC6 Structures is SD file format - MEC6.sdf

Mechanistic Set MechDiv3 Structures in SD file format - MechDiv3.sdf


Structures in SD file format - Mech2_sept2013.sdf

Approved Oncology Drugs Set XI

for more information see

Plate information in excel format:

AODXI_Plate Details_v2.xlsx

Plate maps (plates 4927-4929) - AODXI_PlateMaps.csv

Structures in SD file format - AODXI.sdf

Approved Oncology Drugs Set X

for more information see

Plate information in excel format:

Plate maps (plates 4893-4894) - AODX_PlateMaps.csv

Structures in SD file format - AODX.sdf

Approved Oncology Drugs Set IX

for more information see

Plate information in excel format

Plate maps (plates 4891-4892) - AOD9_Plate Maps_17DEC18.csv

Structures in SD file format - AOD9.sdf

Approved Oncology Drugs Set VIII


Structures in SD file format - AODIV_Sept2013.sdf

Natural Products Set V

for more information see

Plate maps (plates 13190760-13190761) - NP5_Plate Map.csv

Structures in SD file format - NP5_Structures.sdf

Natural Products Set IV


Plate maps (plates 13160330-13160331) - NP4_map.csv

Strucures Structures in SD file format - NatProd4.sdf


Plate maps (plates 13120880-13120881) - NatProd_3_PlateMap.csv

Strucures Structures in SD file format - NatProd_3_structures.sdf 

Natural Products Set II

for more information see

Plate maps (plates 13091250-13091251) - NatProd_2_PlateMap.csv

Strucures Structures in SD file format - NatProd_2_structures.sdf


Older Mechanistic Sets

  • Nov 2000
  • Aug 2006
  • Jun 2008
  • Nov 2009
  • Oct 2011
