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Sprint Dates



Sprint Goals

  • Transition the production tier to Fargate 
  • Deploy release candidate to production
  • Resolve data discrepancies between environments
  • Add copy URL to the Dynamic Query
  • Implement updated design for the Clinical Data tab
  • Implement updated design for the Supporting Data tab
  • Solve query issues for Global Search
  • Address all bugs classified as "Release Blockers"
  • Freeze code base and deploy Release Candidate
  • Conduct Design QA of the 2023 Q3 Release Candidate

Sprint Jira Issue Types

Jira Charts
serverNCI Tracker

Completed in Sprint 

Jira Charts
serverNCI Tracker

Sprint Schedule

DateScrum CeremonyPurpose

Sprint KickoffInitiate new sprint


Sprint Pre-planning Review tasks targeted for next sprint and identify clarifications needed, apply initial story point estimations and initial projected assignees


Sprint PlanningReview prioritized tasks, assert assigned stories, assert final story point estimations, review story points by assignee


Sprint Review & RetrospectiveDemo work completed, discuss what went well and what can be improved

Software Release Information

DateBuild TypeFront-End VersionBack-End VersionFile System Version


Internal Beta Release4.0.0.18114.8.1.1402.3.1.74


Internal Beta Release4.0.0.18114.8.1.1432.3.1.74

DevOps Post-Mortem (High impact to release schedule)

All of the other ICDC environments have been migrated to Fargate, but because prod is still running on EC2 we are seeing a kernel mismatch preventing the BE docker container from loading up successfully. We can not fix this unless we change the version of the Ubuntu operating system (centos 7) on the EC2 instance, which may or may not fix the issue. Alternatively, we can run the command in privilege mode, which introduces high risk from a security perspective.The recommended solution (by our DevOps team) is to instead complete the migration of production to Fargate, which means we have to work with the CloudOne team to change the ALB and the DNS and update all of the Terraform scripts, but this approach will require a full testing of the deployment first at a dummy url ( and lockstep support from the CBIIT CloudOne team. This is all to say that worst case scenario the release could be delayed another 2-3 weeks. 

Jira IssueDescriptionNotesPath Forward
ICDC-3403Change the Production ALB to support FargateIn the production tier there is currently a set of resources defined for the fargate environment (running side by side with the current prod infrastructure) that will need to be configured to be available publicly. The main change that will need to be made is to make the new ALB publicly accessible, this should be done through terraform so that it is applied consistently if there are further updates needed in the future through terraform.
ICDC-3404Update DNS for Fargate for the ICDC Production environment

Sprint Retrospective

ICDC Sprint 2 3 Retrospective