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titleDocument Information

Author:  Craig Stancl, Scott Bauer, Cory Endle
Team:  LexEVS
Contract:  16X237
Client:  NCI CBIIT
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services


Dev Ops and Automation Discussion
Agenda ItemPurpose/GoalsProposed DurationParticipantsTime/Date RestrictionsRequested / Proposed ByAdded to Schedule

NCI Systems Discussions

  • Nexus Deployment Discussion
  • May combine the second hour with the Dev discussion with Jacob.
2 hoursSarah Elkins and the SCM team  Mayo Team
Triple store/RDF Discussion
  • Discuss what Triple stores would be used for in parallel with LexEVS
  • Text searching
1 hour  Mayo Team
  • CI and Docker Status/Roadmap
  • Tech Stack Upgrades
  • Nexus Deployment Discussion
    • Current status of LexEVS artifacts on NCI Nexus server
    • Discuss current technical challenges.
  • CI and Docker Status/Roadmap
    • Discuss how to set up a DEV environment with CentOS 7
    • Does this require a complete recompile of the OS?
    • A separate DEV environment for Mayo Team
    • Discuss the current status of the Docker scripts used to build/test LexEVS components.
    • Discuss NCI's current status and future plans to use Docker.
    • Discuss security challenges associated with NCI's environment and Docker.
1 hourMandeep Singh Mayo Team
User Group Discussion - CTRPTeam to share how they are using LexEVS and additional usage requirements they may have.1 hourCTRP team Mayo Team
  • Tech Stack Upgrades
    • Discuss DB upgrade: MySQL 5.6 vs. MariaDB (10.1 Supported 2017.01)
  • Dev VM setup
2 hours

Sarah Elkins and the SCM team 

Jacob and Systems team

First Hour for Nexus Discussion.

Second hour for the remaining topics

Mayo Team/LarryYes
Triple store/RDF Discussion
  • Discuss what Triple stores would be used for in parallel with LexEVS
  • Text searching
  • Searching on Roles (Gilberto, Kim)
1 hour User Group Discussion - caDSRTeam to share how they are using LexEVS and additional usage requirements they may have.1 hourcaDSR team Mayo Team 

User Group Discussion


  • CTRP
  • caDSR
  • GDC
Team to share how they are using LexEVS and additional usage requirements they may have.1 hourGDC team  Mayo Team 
RESTful API Discussion
  • Discuss requirements for continued development of REST services. This will include both CTS2 and separate REST-ful API.
  • Browser: Discuss requirements for remote API and CTS2 REST-ful API.
2 hours1 hour  Mayo Team 
LexEVS OWL and RRF Mapping Discussion

Determine requirements and propose solution for OWL and RRF mapping.

  • Determine if there are lexevs model changes neededUse case: many to many mapping.
1 hour  Mayo Team 
Value Set and Mapping Data with Hierarchical structure Discussion

Determine requirements and propose options to hierarchical structure and mapping.

  • Discuss how VS could retain their multiple hierarchical structure that it came from.
  • What changes would be needed to CTS2 for this.
2 hours1 hour  Mayo Team 
Value Set management and workflow

Discuss requirements for value set version management and workflow management and supporting technology.

  • Rob to give a demo of their current workflow and the scripts they use.

Schedule for Thursday

2 hours  Mayo Team 
Lucene Discussion

Propose additional features of Lucene to be used within LexEVS.

  • Specialized capabilities for complex chemical names and genetic names.
2 hours1 hour  Mayo Team 
LexEVS Admin GUI

Discuss current and future requirements.

  • GUI
    • Consider a web based tool.  A simple way to look at the data.
  • Command Line
1 hour  Mayo TeamLexEVS Related Publications

Discuss if there is any interest in creating future publications.

Discuss related documentation.
1 hour  Mayo Team
FHIR and terminology services (CTS2)Harold to provide update on CTS2 and FHIR.1 hour  Sherri 
OWL Restrictions in LexGrid Model

Discuss approach and propose additional features.

  • Discuss how to provide mapping into multiple coding schemes.
  • Determine if there are lexevs model changes needed.
  • Loader considerations.
30 minutes  Mayo Team 
EVS Project Group Discussion
  • Discuss specialized search use cases

1 hour

(Wednesday at 1:00)

    Mayo Team
Future Architecture Discussion

Discuss OWL2, RRF, LexEVS, CTS2, Browser, etc and propose a roadmap.

2 hours  Mayo Team
DEV Environment

Discuss how to set up a DEV environment with CentOS 7

  • Does this require a complete recompile of the OS?
  • A separate DEV environment for Mayo Team
  • Discuss the current status of the Docker scripts used to build/test LexEVS components.
  • Discuss NCI's current status and future plans to use Docker.
  • Discuss security challenges.
1 hourJacob, Systems, Mayo Team Larry
Tech Stack Upgrades
  • Discuss DB upgrade: MySQL 5.6 vs. MariaDB (10.1 Supported 2017.01)
1 hourJacob Larry
PrioritizationDiscuss roadmap and priorities (Friday)2 hours  SherriYes