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Registry Help Topics v4.4
Registry Help Topics v4.4



This page contains the following topics:

Table of Contents


This page contains select topics that help you to understand and use the NCI CTRP Registration Site. You can find more comprehensive documentation in the NCI Clinical Trials Reporting Program Registration Site User's Guide.


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AnchorcreateaccountcreateaccountCreating CTRP Registration Site Accounts Include PageCTRPdoc:Creating CTRP Registration Site Accounts v3.6CTRPdoc:Creating CTRP Registration Site Accounts v3.6

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AnchorregisterregisterCreating New CTRP Registration Site Accounts Using caGrid or NCI Credentials Include PageCTRPdoc:Creating New CTRP Registration Site Accounts Using caGrid or NCI Credentials v3.6CTRPdoc:Creating New CTRP Registration Site Accounts Using caGrid or NCI Credentials v3.6

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AnchorloginloginLogging In to the CTRP Registration Site Include PageCTRPdoc:Logging In to the CTRP Registration Site v3.6CTRPdoc:Logging In to the CTRP Registration Site v3.6

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AnchorsearchtrialssearchtrialsSearching for Trials Include PageCTRPdoc:Searching for Trials v3.6CTRPdoc:Searching for Trials v3.6

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AnchorsubmittrialsubmittrialMain Steps for Registering Trials Include PageCTRPdoc:Main Steps for Registering Trials v3.6CTRPdoc:Main Steps for Registering Trials v3.6

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AnchorsearchresultssearchresultsWorking with Search Results Include PageCTRPdoc:Working with Search Results v3.6CTRPdoc:Working with Search Results v3.6

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AnchorviewresultviewresultViewing Trial Details Include PageCTRPdoc:Viewing Trial Details v3.6CTRPdoc:Viewing Trial Details v3.6

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AnchoredittrialedittrialEditing Trial Details Include PageCTRPdoc:Editing Trial Details v3.6CTRPdoc:Editing Trial Details v3.6

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AnchorsiteadminsiteadminGranting and Revoking Administrative Authority Include PageCTRPdoc:Granting and Revoking Administrative Authority v3.6CTRPdoc:Granting and Revoking Administrative Authority v3.6

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AnchormanageownershipmanageownershipManaging Organizational Access Through Trial Ownership Include PageCTRPdoc:Managing Organizational Access Through Trial Ownership v3.6CTRPdoc:Managing Organizational Access Through Trial Ownership v3.6

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AnchordisplayownershipdisplayownershipDisplaying and Removing Trial Ownership Include PageCTRPdoc:Displaying and Removing Trial Ownership v3.6CTRPdoc:Displaying and Removing Trial Ownership v3.6

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AnchormyaccountmyaccountManaging Your User Account Profile Include PageCTRPdoc:Managing Your User Account Profile v3.6CTRPdoc:Managing Your User Account Profile v3.6

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AnchorupdatetrialupdatetrialUpdating Trials Include PageCTRPdoc:Updating Trials v3.6CTRPdoc:Updating Trials v3.6

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AnchoramendtrialamendtrialAmending Trials Include PageCTRPdoc:About Trial Amendments v3.6CTRPdoc:About Trial Amendments v3.6

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AnchorpdfconversionpdfconversionConverting Documents to PDF Include PageCTRPdoc:Converting Documents to PDFsCTRPdoc:Converting Documents to PDFsReturn to top of page