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This chapter describes the process for creating and managing user accounts in caIntegrator. It also discusses the processes for managing ownership and access to studies in caIntegrator.


  1. A potential user requests a user account in caIntegrator. See Registering as a New caIntegrator User.
  2. You, as a caIntegrator administrator, check if the User already exists in caIntegrator. If not,  create the new User.
  3. Link the new user User to a User Group. A "group" is a collection of users. Check if the requestor's User Group already exists in caIntegrator. If not, create a new User Group.
  4.  Link the User Group to a Protection Group . Check if the Protection Group (for example, "Columbia University Protected Studies"), containing the studies to which this new user wants access currently exists. If not, create a new Protection Group

    titleProtection Group Access

    If the Protection Group already exists, contact the Organizational Contact person to confirm that it is OK to give this person access to this Protection Group.

  5. Give the requestor's User Group access to the Protection Group. See Assigning a User Group to a Protection Group.


At this point, you can add the new user to a user group where you can assign roles to the user, and the user group to a protection group where you can assign limited visiblities to the new user.


It is possible for administrators to use a 3rd-party tool to create caIntegrator users and passwords, then link this system to UPT. For more information about this option, contact CBIIT Application Support.


Adding a User to a User Group


  1. Confirm if the user is an LDAP user or not. If the user is an LDAP user, then this person must change their password using the NCI password change utility. Skip the rest of these steps. If the user is not an LDAP user, then continue with the rest of these steps.
  2. Log into UPT as caIntegrator Admin.
  3. Find the user that you want to change. Click the User menu option, then Select an Existing User.
  4. Enter the name of the user you are looking for and click Search. If you define no criteria, UPT returns a list of all caIntegrator users.
  5. Select the radio button next to the name and click View Details.
  6. In the page that opens, shown in the following figure, replace the User Password and Confirm Password fields with the new password.
    UPT page for changing users passwords, described in text
  7. At the bottom of the page click Update.

