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LexEVS Architecture Overview

LexEVS software architecture and implementation is designed to facilitate flexibility and future expansion in the research community. The purpose of LexEVS is to enable individual Cancer Centers and others to use the provided EVS services and if desired, install local instances of vocabularies.


LexGrid is the model used to store terminologies. The LexGrid Model is Mayo Clinic's proposal for standard storage of controlled vocabularies and ontologies. The LexGrid Model defines how vocabularies should be formatted and represented programmatically, and is intended to be flexible enough to accurately represent a wide variety of vocabularies and other lexically-based resources. The model also defines several different server storage mechanisms (e.g., relational database, LDAP) and a an XML format. This model provides the core representation for all data managed and retrieved through the LexBIG system, and is now rich enough to represent vocabularies provided in numerous source formats including:


This common model is a critical component of the LexGrid project. Once disparate vocabulary information can be represented in a standardized model, it becomes possible to build common repositories to store vocabulary content and common programming interfaces and tools to access and manipulate that content. The HL7/OMG Common Terminology Services (CTSCTS2) and LexBIG API are two examples of APIs able to query information stored in the LexGrid Model.

For more information see the LexGrid Background Information.

What is LexBIG?

LexBIG is the set of services that EVS adapters use to store/retrieve terminology metadata. LexBIG is a more specific project that applied LexGrid vision and technologies to requirements of the research community. The goal of the project is to build a vocabulary server accessed through a well-structured application programming interface (API) capable of accessing and distributing vocabularies as commodity resources. The server is to be built using standards-based and commodity technologies. Primary objectives for the project include:


  • Application Service Layer - accepts incoming requests from all public interfaces and translates them, as required, to Java calls in terms of the native LexEVS API. Non-SDK queries Queries are invoked against the Distributed LexEVS API, which handles client authentication and acts as proxy to invoke the equivalent function against the LexEVS core Java API. The caGrid and SDK-generated services are optionally run in an application server separate from the Distributed LexEVS API.
    The LexEVS caCORE SDK services work directly against the database, via Hibernate bindings, to resolve stored objects without intermediate translation of calls in terms of the LexEVS API. However, the LexEVS SDK services do still require access to metadata and security information stored by the Distributed and Core LexEVS API environment to resolve the specific database location for requested objects and to verify access to protected resources, respectively. 

  • Core API Layer - Local Java API implementation that underpins all LexEVS API requests. Search of pre-populated Lucene index files is used to evaluate query results before incurring cost of database access. Access to the LexGrid database is performed as required to populate returned objects using pooled connections.

  • Data Source Layer - is responsible for storage and access to all data required to represent the objects returned through API invocation.


  • Clients: Local, Distributed, and caGrid clients, and SOAP, REST, QBE Clients.
  • Application Service: CTS2 (LexEVS Local Runtime), Distributed LesEVS, LexEVS caCORE API's.
  • Core API: LesEVS Model Objects Extended for CTS 2 = > DAO
  • Indexes and Data Source: Lucene Index Files and LexGrid DB
  • Optional Arangodb support for high speed graph resolution of terminology hierarchy and relationship graphs

LexBIG Architecture

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LexBIG Services


LexBIGServiceManager - The service manager provides a centralized access point for administrative functions, including write and update access for a service's content. For example, the service manager allows new coding schemes to be validated and loaded, existing coding schemes to be retired and removed, and the status of various coding schemes to be updated and changed.



Service Management Subsystem


  • IndexersVocabularies may be indexed to provide enhanced performance or query capabilities. Types of indexes incorporated into the LexBIG system include but are not limited to the following:
    • Lexical Match - for example, "begins-with" and "contains"
    • Phonetic - allows for the ability to query based on "sounds-like" entry of search criteria.
    • Stemming - allows for the ability to find lexical variations of search terms.
      Index creation is typically bundled into the load process. Architecturally speaking, however, this capability is decoupled and extensible.
    • Asserted Value Set Indexing – Indexes value sets separately from the source terminology
  • Loaders
    Vocabularies may be imported to the system from a variety of accepted formats, including but not limited to:
    • LexGrid XML (LexBIG canonical format)
    • NCI Thesaurus, provided in Web Ontology Language format (OWL)
    • UMLS Rich Release format (RRF)
    • Open Biomedical Ontologies format (OBO)
      As with indexers, the load mechanism is designed to be extensible from an architectural standpoint. Additional loaders can be supported by the introduction of pluggable modules. Each module is implemented in the Java programming language according to a LexBIG-provided interface, and registered to the loader runtime environment.
    • Asserted Value Set Definition Loads – References a database load of an Asserted Value Set Source terminology to interpret and load value set definitions to the data model based LexGrid schema.

Metadata and Discovery Subsystem


Lexical Set Operations provides methods to return a lists or iterators of coded entries. Supported query criteria include the application of match/filter algorithms, sorting algorithms, and property restrictions. Support is also provided to resolve the union, intersection or difference of two node sets.


Graph Operations support the subsetting of concepts according to relationship and distance, identification of relation related source and target concepts, and graph traversal. Additional operations include enumeration and traversal of concepts by relation, walking of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), enumeration of source and target concepts for a relation, and enumeration of relations for a concept.


History provides vocabulary-specific information about concept insertions, modifications, splits, merges, and retirements when supplied by the content provider. 

LexEVS CTS 2 Services



The CTS2 standard is actually a collection of relatively small standards and a set of assembly rules.


Key is that implementations can be shared – No one organization has to offer all services


XML Schema


  • used for REST, SOAP and JSON formatting


  • Includes item / directory / list


  • Read


  • Query


  • Update


  • Import and Export content
Component Standards
  • Code System
  • Code System Version
  • Entity Description
  • Association
  • Value Set
  • Value Set Definition
  • Resolved Value Set
  • Map
  • Map Version
  • Map Entry
  • Concept Domain
  • Concept Domain Binding
  • Statement

Assembly Rules

  • Each component can be implemented by itself or in conjunction with other components
  • Components reference other components via:
  • URI’s – if the referenced component is not known to the service
  • HREF’s (optional) – if the referenced component IS known to the service

LexEVS CTS2 Documentation

LexEVS 6.x CTS2




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