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Table of Contents


This section provides instructions for curating person records, including searching for and creating new persons, and assigning them roles.



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Managing Organizational Contacts




You must identify each organization, including each organizational contact, uniquely.

titleInformation on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

How to Manage Organizational Contacts


Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
Options for assigning roles to an organization

If there are...


Do this

No organizational contact records displayed

You want to add a role

Proceed to the next step.

One or more organizational contact records displayed

The information for them is correct

Proceed with other aspects of the organization curation.

One or more organizational contact records displayed

The information for them is incorrect

In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and proceed to the table below.


Field Label



Type the title of the contact role.

Role Status*

If the associated contact has not been curated (i.e., it is pending), select Pending. Otherwise, select Active.

Contact Type*

Select the appropriate contact type. Valid values are as follows:

  • IRB
  • Responsible Party
  • Site


  1. To change the information in the address section, click Edit.
    - or -
  2. To delete the address information, click Remove.
    - or -
  3. To add another address, click Add Postal Address.


Complete the remaining Contact Information fields.


Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.


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Managing Other Person Identifiers




You must identify each person in the P/O Curation Portal uniquely in any given role.

titleInformation on Tab Labels

The Person Details page displays all details about the person provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the person that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role label on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

How to Manage Identified Persons


Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
Options for assigning roles to a person

If there are...


Do this

No person identifier role records displayed

You want to add a role

Proceed to the next step.

One or more person identifier role records displayed

The information for them is correct

Proceed with other aspects of the person curation.

One or more person identifier role records displayed

The information for them is incorrect

In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and proceed to Select Affiliated Organization.


Complete the rest of the Assigned ISO II (International Organization for Standardization Instance Identifier) fields to create a unique identifier for the affiliated organization in its current role. Select or enter the appropriate information in the text fields and drop-down lists. Fields are described in the following table. Items with an asterisk are required fields.


Field Label






Indicate whether the identifier is intended for human display and data entry. Select TRUE to indicate that it is displayable; and FALSE if it is not.




Type the identifier that, when joined with the root, identifies the organization/role as a unique object.


Identifier Name


Type the human-readable, descriptive name for the namespace represented in the root.




For instructions, refer to the following pages:

Page Tree
rootCurating Persons




Type the name of the parent organization that guarantees its global uniqueness.




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Changing the Person Curation Status




The curation status you select for a record affects the way in which the CTRP displays and stores it, as follows:

  • Nullified – Record is a duplicate of another trial. Record remains in the CTRP database, but is no longer displayed. If you nullify a record, you must select a duplicate (i.e., the record you want to keep),to replace it. For complete instructions, see Resolving Duplicate Records.


    You can not nullify an organization that has been assigned a structural role owned by CTEP-ECM (Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program-Enterprise Core Model).

  • Active – Record is accurate and complete. Record is displayed in the Inbox.


    If the P/O Curation Portal receives a request for a change in the record, it displays the record in the Inbox marked as “Change Request.”

  • Inactive – Record is no longer valid. Or, an entity role or relationship is no longer valid.
  • Pending – Record is inaccurate or incomplete; or, CTEP has updated the role and the CTRO has not yet reviewed the record or changed the status to "Active" or "Nullified". Record remains in the CTRP database, and is displayed in the Inbox unless it is nullified.

How to Change the Curation Status

  1. In the Basic Identifying Information section, select the current status from the New Status drop-down list.
    Basic Identifying Information section of the Person Details page, with list of statusesImage Removed
    Basic Identifying Information section – Status Selection  
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

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Deleting Person Records




The CTRP system retains all records, even after you have deleted them. However, the system does not display deleted records. They remain in a Nullified state, and are not available for curation.

How to Delete a Person Record

  1. Navigate to the record you want to delete. See Navigating Records in Tables or Searching for Person Records .
  2. In the Action column for a given person, click Curate.
    The Person Details page displays all details about the person provided to date.
    Basic Identifying Information section of the Person Details page, with list of statusesImage Removed
    Person Details Page – New Status List
  3. From the New Status drop-down list, select NULLIFY.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Save.

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Importing CTEP Person Records




You can import existing person records from CTEP to the P/O Curation Portal rather than entering them into the system manually. The P/O Curation Portal system populates its records with the CTEP data based on the CTEP IDs you provide. Persons imported from CTEP are designated "Pending" until they have been curated. When the curator changes the status of the organization to "Active", the system changes any associated research organizations or health care facilities that have CTEP IDs to "Active" automatically.

How to Import CTEP Person Records

  1. On the main menu, in the Person section, click CTEP Import.
    The CTEP Person Import page appears.
    CTEP Person Import pageImage Removed
    CTEP Person Import Page
  2. Do one of the following to import the data:
    • To import multiple records simultaneously, under File, click Browse, and navigate to the file containing the IDs you want to upload. The file must be in the form of a text document, with each of the CTEP IDs listed individually on one line.
      - or -
    • To import individual records, in the CTEP ID field, enter the CTEP ID of the organization record you want to import. This function enables you to import new organizations as they are added in CTEP rather than having to import an entire batch of records that you may have imported previously.
  3. Click Upload.

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Searching for Person Records




The P/O Curation Portal displays person records in the Inbox that are available for curation. You can search for a particular person in the list by sorting records (see Navigating Records in Tables , or, to search for a particular person in the CTRP system, you can query the database using a number of predefined search criteria.

How to Search for a Person


On the main menu, under Person, click Search.
The Find Person(s) page appears.
Find Person(s) page with search criteria fieldsImage Removed
Find Person(s) Page


Provide as much information as you can about the person. You are required to provide at least one search criterion.
The following table describes the available search criteria other than name and email address.
Organization search criteria

Search Criteria


Organization Affiliation

Enter part of the organization’s name, or, to narrow your search, type the entire name.

CTEP Person Identifier

Enter the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program's identification number.


Enter the number that NCI assigned to the person.


Select the current curation status. For status descriptions, see Changing the Curation Status .

Address Information

Enter or select information in the address fields.

Has Pending CRS Role(s)Select this check box to limit your search to person records that have Clinical Research Staff roles pending curation.
Has Pending HCP Role(s)
Select this check box to limit your search to person records that have Health Care Provider roles pending curation.
Has Pending OC Role(s)
Select this check box to limit your search to person records that have Organizational Contact roles pending curation.
Has Pending OP Role(s)
Select this check box to limit your search to person records that have Other Person Identifier roles pending curation.

If you select two or more pending role check boxes, search results include only those person records that contain all selected pending role criteria. For example, if you select the Has Pending CRS Role(s) and Has Pending HCP Role(s) check boxes, the results include only those person records that have both pending CSR roles and pending HCP roles.


titleSearch tip

If the person you were looking for is not listed, you may have searched too narrowly (that is, you may have provided too much information about the person). If the list of results is very long and contains many persons that are similar to yours, you can narrow your search by providing more information. If you still don’t find your person in the CTRP system, you can register it as a new one. For instructions, see  Creating New Person Records.

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