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titleContents of this Page
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titleAt a Glance Details

caBIG® AIM Data Model and Toolkit

  • Version Number and Release Date: 3.0 October 2010 (Data model)
  • Primary audience: Investigators, researchers, implementers, workstation vendors, clinicians interpreting and manipulating images
  • Grid Enabled? Yes
  • Compatibility Level: Legacy
  • Installation Level: Advanced - technical team required for installation
  • System Requirements:
    • MS Windows 2000 or better, 512 MB RAM or better
    • MS Visual Studio 2005 (SP1)
    • Source code available. Binaries available for Windows.

Tool Overview

Wiki Markup
{multi-excerpt:name=AIM}AIM is the first project to propose and create a "standard" means of adding information and knowledge to an image in a clinical environment, so that in the future image content can be easily and automatically searched. AIM provides a solution to the following current imaging challenges:
* No agreed upon syntax for annotation and markup
* No agreed upon semantics to describe annotations
* No standard format (for example, DICOM, XML, HL7) for annotations and markup

The solution is made up of various components, including the AIM Model and Toolkit, AIM Template Service, AIM Template Builder, [AIM Data Service], and AIM on ClearCanvas® Workstation. The AIM Model and Toolkit defines common descriptive elements for an image. AIM Template Service is a web service application that makes it possible for you to publish and download AIM templates created using a caBIG® Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) tool such as AIM Template Builder. AIM Template Builder allows you to generate a set of well-defined questions and answer choices to facilitate collecting the annotations and markup of an image in a XML document. The AIM Data Service then stores the XML documents in a database via caGrid. [AIM on ClearCanvas® Workstation|AIM on ClearCanvas Workstation Documentation] is reference implementation of the AIM model.{multi-excerpt}

Installation and Downloads

titleSome AIM component downloads are in .rar and .war file compression formats.

.rar is a proprietary archive file format that supports data compression, error recovery, and file spanning. Both proprietary and free programs are available for accessing such files. A tutorial on accessing .rar files, including a free extractor, is available.

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.war files (short for Web application Archive) are Java archive files used for packaging and distribution of Web applications. .war files often contain a collection of JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries, and static Web pages (HTML and related files). More information can be found in the Wikipedia article.

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Background information on Java Web applications is available.

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Include Page
AIM Release History
AIM Release History


Help with Downloading Files in Archive Format

Forum and Support


Defects and Feature Requests

Open Source Development

Contact Application Support for information about open source development and AIM.

Presentations, Demos and Other Materials

Documentation and Training