Page History
- Stage0
- Data available for 87,264 compounds
- 75,196 inactive (growth inhibition <70% in all strains)
- 12,068 active (growth inhibition of at least 70% in at least 1 strain)
- 5,777 active in all strains
- Download Stage0 Dataset
- Comma delimited file with NSC, DIFFINH (the difference between the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), AVEINH (the average of the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), STRAIN
- File is 3.4 MB (zipped) and unzips to 14.6 MB
- Data available for 87,264 compounds
- Stage1
- Data available for 14,837 compounds
- At the high dose (50 microM)
- 5,491 inactive (growth inhibition <70% in all strains)
- 9,346 active (growth inhibition of at least 70% in at least 1 strain)
- 5,433 active in all strains
- At the low dose (5 microM)
- 12,244 inactive (growth inhibition <70% in all strains)
- 2,593 active (growth inhibition of at least 70% in at least 1 strain)
- 1,007 active in all strains
- At the high dose (50 microM)
- Download Stage1 dataset
- Comma delimited file with NSC, DIFFINH (the difference between the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), AVEINH (the average of the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), STRAIN, microM
- File is 915KB (zipped) and unzips to 5.0 MB
- Data available for 14,837 compounds
- Stage2
- Data available for 2,189 compounds
- 475 inactive
- 1,714 active
- 692 have similar activity in all strains
- Download Stage2 dataset
- Comma delimited file with NSC, STRAIN, DIFFINH (the difference between the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), AVEINH (the average of the duplicate growth inhibition measurements), microM
- File is 691KB (zipped) and unzips to 3.8 MB
- Data available for 2,189 compounds
Email questions to: Susan Holbeck []Â