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- If you want to import a worksheet into Confluence as a table and edit the table in Confluence from now on, you can paste the cells into the Confluence editor and save the page.
If you want to import a worksheet into Confluence as a file, you can import it with the Excel macro. An example follows.
Excel file ^Excel_Spreadsheet_Row_Two_Yellow_508_compliant.xls name Excel_Spreadsheet_Row_Two_Yellow_508_compliant.xls Confluence does not render color. (As a test, the second row in the above example was yellow in Excel.) For instructions, refer to the Excel for Confluence documentation:
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName ExitDisclaimer nopanel true PageWithExcerpt wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName ExitDisclaimer nopanel true PageWithExcerpt wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include