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 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
164CoryCory to add implementation to CTS2 implementations page.2014.04.30  on hold
197ScottDo a gap analysis on what the URI_Resolver logs and what NCI would like to know from these logs2014.6.18  on hold
200Larry/SherryQuery current LexEVS users about use of SOAP, REST or QBE services in the legacy caCORE api's2014.6.18  on hold
207CoryWrite issue against CTS2 OMG regarding the ability to return INACTIVE concepts only.2014.07.30  on hold
210Larry/GilbertoDetermine if there is a need to meet with the CTRP2014.07.30  on hold
212LarryInclude LexGrid XML Export as part of the 5.1 retirement notice. 2014.07.30  

on hold

224ScottURI Resolver - Provide overview of how to access the URI Resolver2014.09.03  

on hold

225ScottURI Resolver - Look at TLAMP and VSAC service to determine usage of URI Resolver2014.09.03  on hold
244CraigPlan meeting with Tracy to discuss collaborative LexEVS development process2014.12.03  open
246CoryInvestigate if possible to use Apache as a proxy for NodeJS (if an issue with security appscan)2014.12.10  

on hold

262Mayo TeamDiscuss Automated Testing/Deployment strategy2015.01.28  done
263CraigWork with Larry to set up meeting for Automated Testing/Deployment strategy2015.01.28  done
264RobUpdate download links once code on NCIP Channel2015.01.28  


266CraigSet up Lucene Search Review2015.02.18  


270ScottAdd note to 6.3 release notes mention the change in behavior in 6.2 active not active.2015.03.11  done
271CoryAdd note to 6.2 wiki to mention the change in behavior in 6.2 active not active.2015.03.11  open
271ScottSetup meeting for Friday 3/13/15 to review final OWL fixes2015.03.11  done
272Scott/CoryReview the RRF loader and determine what is hard-coded and needs to be tracked when changes are made.  This is to be placed on the wiki2015.03.11  open
273CraigSend updated Lucene road map to the whole group.2015.03.11  done
274CoryDiscuss with Gilberto the creation of a CTS2 Framework JIRA project.2015.03.18  open
275CoryCreate a JIRA issue for the JSON serializer issue - date format.2015.03.18  open
276ScottContinue to investigate OWL2 differences on the DEV system at NCI.  This is the last issue before finishing 6.3.2015.03.18  open
277ScottAdd SNOMED Load Documentation to the Project Meeting agenda for next week.2015.03.18  open
278ScottAdd the browser 2.7 scope/release (with respect to the LexEVS 6.3 release) to the Project Meeting agenda for next week.2015.03.18  open
279TracyRequest sample code of how CTRP is calling the CTS2 services.2015.03.18  open
280Mayo TeamLook into FishEye for JIRA2015.03.18  open


  • Helped Tracy look at OWL2 loads.  
  • Migration docs for distributed and CTS2
  • SNOMED loader documentation.
  • External Support
  • Framework Build Process
  • SNOMED loader documentation.
  • Framework Build Process
  • Planning
