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Sprint Status

Current Sprint - Sprint 5 (May 13, 2015 - June 2, 2015)

LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint5

Sprint Planning

Issue Grooming

  • Prioritize JIRA issues

serverNCI Tracker
jqlQueryproject = LEXEVS and fixVersion=6.4 AND issuetype = Bug AND status = Open

Remote API 6.2 and 6.3 support

  • Scott and Cory to provide update

Iterator (remote) - was broken in 6.3 (and in previous versions) and a partial fix was put in during the 6.3 development.

The local iterator works, but the remote iterator fails.  Any fix may break backwards compatibility. 

A fix may require a Spring fix (a new constructor). 

Who are the clients (ones that use the remote client)?  NCI as well as others that download and use it our open source release/code.

Further investigation needs to be done to determine the impact/compatibility with existing and previous versions.

Larry suggested that we note that this feature was broke in all previous versions of 6.  If you want this feature, then you need to get the latest version with the fix in it.

  • Browser would require to use the local API for this feature.

TODO - Document across all 6.x versions that this feature doesn't work (unless you use the local API)

TODO - Note that this may be fixed in a future release.

Mapping Extension Discussion

  • Rob to provide update

serverNCI Tracker

PDQ to NCIT map is the original.  Other maps are causing loading timeouts (like SMOMED mappings).

Scott recalls that the loader only loads a single map.

  • We may want to investigate loading all maps at once.
    • a valid Feature Request to add a parameter to indicate what map to use.
    • Even with this option, the load will still be slow as the code will still need to search the entire file.
  • A better feature is how we could make this a more streamlined loader. 

TODO - Review how this is implemented and see if there is a short term fix to increase the performance. (hold until next sprint)

CTS2 API Documentation

  • Cory to discuss hard-coded value usage in examples

serverNCI Tracker

Code system updates are twice a month.
For code system versions - use latest MedRA (17.1)
For mapping - MA to NCIT (last updated in 2012)
have robTracy/tracy verifyRob will verify once the changes are implemented.

OBI Loader

  • Rob to provide overview

serverNCI Tracker

In 6.2 we are not handling namespaces correctly

If Rob loads OBI w/o a preference file, he sees different results.

How do we declare root nodes in the preference files with multiple namespaces?

TODO: Rob will try loading with OWL2 loader and let us know the results.

MRMAP Loader

  • Rob to provide overview
serverNCI Tracker

Critical Partners Meeting

  • Larry to provide details
Larry to send out details of the meeting when they become available.
6.3 Status

Scott to review what Preston has tested.

After this, we should be ready to move the QA.

TODO: Mayo team to verify the latest code is tagged properly and update the PTE.
