Page History
Sprint Status | Current Sprint - Sprint 25 (March 03, 2016 – March 16, 2016) LexEVS 6.4 S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint StatusStatus#SprintStatus-Sprint25 We identified a couple of issues with while updating the remote api with the latest 6.4 lexevs jars. These issues will be worked on in sprint 26. The performance work will also be finished up in sprint 26. |
Value set resolution issues at NCI
| Scott has been doing some research with the term browser against the DEV. When selecting the values, it is retrieving resolved coding schemes. Scott is getting values for Neoplasm from DEV. Scott was asking if the dynamic resolution is working for Kim. There have been changes/updates to the Neoplasm value set over the months.
Based on discussions from the morning meeting, we agreed that we should try updating permissions/ownership on the cvd files. Jacob was asking why the Neoplasm cvd file is owned by tomcatb (not tomcata)? If the file is "touched" by tomcatb, it shouldn't change the ownership. We also discussed just having one owner - tomcata. We will want to test the permission changes mentioned above first.
We all agreed that Jacob will change ownership to tomcata and change the permissions to be consistent for all cvd files on DEV. During the meeting,
Kim will test after this meeting and follow up with his findings.
Scott asked if we can we go to resolved value sets for all use cases? The NCI team mentioned there was an issue with the versions. That was why we used the cvd files. |
Dev Ops Meeting | Gilberto scheduled this meeting for this Friday at 12:00 noon Eastern time. |
LexEVS External Users | No updates |