Page History
LexEVS 6.4.1
Release Highlights Include:
- Update LexEVS to use Lucene 5.2.1
- OWL2 and loader enhancements
- Admin script updates
- HTTPS enhancements
- New
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- New
LexEVS 6.4
.1 - Features Implemented
Feature | Summary |
LEXEVS-784 | OWL2 Loader - annotation on association, object + annotation (v1) |
LEXEVS-868 | Upgrade LexEVS to Lucene 5.X |
LEXEVS-1271 | Add to documentation of Entity Centered query documentation |
LEXEVS-1335 | Loader - OWL2: Load of OWL2 sources will deal with only and exactly restrictions |
LEXEVS-1336 | Loader - OWL2: Load of OWL2 sources will deal with has role relationships from "some" restrictions |
LEXEVS-1338 | Loader - OWL2: Load of OWL2 sources will deal with tagged obo namespace values as resolvable properties |
LEXEVS-1450 | Admin Script: LoadValueSetDefinition script should output confirmation message |
LEXEVS-1731 | Allow exclusion of anonymous classes optionally in dynamic resolution of a value set definition. |
LEXEVS-1884 | Update URI resolver URL to point to NCI's URI resolver |
LEXEVS-1151 | Loader - OWL2: Investigate OBI Load - why loading of named instances (individuals) don't appear in the browser. |
LEXEVS-1152 | Loader - OWL2: Investigate OBI Load - why restrictions on a class are not being seen in the GUI |
LEXEVS-1153 | Loader - OWL2: Investigate NDFRT Load - why restrictions on a class are not being seen in the GUI |
LEXEVS-1160 | Loader - OWL2: NDFRT Loader - Restrictions on a class not displayed in the browser. |
LEXEVS-1299 | Loader - OWL2: Unable to associate property code with property label. |
LEXEVS-1339 | Loader - OWL2: Entity or BFO_0000001 has qualifier value that is not resolved |
LEXEVS-1976 | Loader - OWL2: Investigate to determine if complex property loader directives are hard coded |
LEXEVS-2030 | Loader - OWL2 history annotation should be represented as an IRI |
LEXEVS-1338 | Loader - OWL2: Load of OWL2 sources will deal with tagged obo namespace values as resolvable properties |
LexEVS 6.4.1
- Defects Fixed
Defect | Summary |
LEXEVS-826 | RRF loader - staging table column width needs to be increased for AUI1 and AUI2 |
LEXEVS-828 | Investigation of serialization error on mapping api |
LEXEVS-829 | Mapping extension iterator delivers incorrect or infinite number of next() values |
LEXEVS-850 | Mapping Extension API Coded Node Iterator implemenation is defective |
LEXEVS-851 | Tree extension returns nodes from another scheme in multi-namespace search |
LEXEVS-852 | The buildJsonPathFromRootTree method returns JSON string with no namespace. |
LEXEVS-853 | Missing restrictions after OWL2 load |
LEXEVS-854 | Codes get prefixed with a namespace |
LEXEVS-855 | NDFRT OWL2 loads restrictions as anonymous classes |
LEXEVS-942 | MRMAP loader doesn't load all available mappings |
LEXEVS-946 | OBI hierarchy is broken |
LEXEVS-957 | Mapping iterators do not work on distributed |
LEXEVS-970 | Identify issues associated to "OWL2 loader not backwards compatible with OWL1 sources" |
LEXEVS-980 | Unable to retrieve source and target versions of a mapping coding scheme through Relations API. |
LEXEVS-999 | MedDRASecurity OutOfMemoryError issue. |
LEXEVS-1017 | Unable to access extension.xsd from Mayo's server. |
LEXEVS-1033 | OBI SupportedNamespaces data issue. |
LEXEVS-1034 | NPO SupportedNamespaces data issue. |
LEXEVS-1037 | Loader - HL7: HL7 SupportedNamespaces data issue. |
LEXEVS-1055 | LexEVS OWL2 loader fails when there is no network connectivity |
LEXEVS-1143 | Load through GUIs is one-at-a-time |
LEXEVS-1158 | OBI Loader - Named instances (individuals) not displayed in the browser. |
LEXEVS-1159 | OBI Loader - Restrictions on a class not displayed in the browser. |
LEXEVS-1165 | GUI - Filter out resolved value set definitions from the coding scheme dropdown. |
LEXEVS-1169 | Admin Script: LoadMedDRA script instructions/example is wrong |
LEXEVS-1172 | LexEVS GUI - Value Set Loader dialog should allow multiple loads |
LEXEVS-1192 | OBI property qualifiers not being loaded |
LEXEVS-1204 | Fix mapping scheme resolution issues for new lucene |
LEXEVS-1255 | Implement property type query for lucene |
LEXEVS-1264 | Load NCIt to OWL2 for to evaluate potential issues |
LEXEVS-1266 | Investigate options for reimplementing scoring over multiple indexes |
LEXEVS-1296 | lbGUI cleanup script fails when no metadata is present |
LEXEVS-1305 | lbGUI refresh button does not fully refresh indexes |
LEXEVS-1306 | lbGUI coding scheme activation fails |
LEXEVS-1309 | Dev branch on CI server will pass tests to a certain degree |
LEXEVS-1333 | CodedNodeSetImpl constructor should throw a resource unavailable exception |
LEXEVS-1337 | Loader - OWL2: Anotation uses individuals |
LEXEVS-1340 | Query against missing index creates obscure error message |
LEXEVS-1386 | Under some circumstances, Tree extension fails while running on the browser against OBI |
LEXEVS-1418 | Admin Script CleanUpMetadata is broken |
LEXEVS-1419 | Admin Script ExportOBO is broken |
LEXEVS-1420 | Admin Script LoadRadLexProtegeFrames is no longer used |
LEXEVS-1421 | Admin Script LoadUmlsBatch is broken |
LEXEVS-1422 | Admin Script LoadMedDRA is broken |
LEXEVS-1423 | Admin Script RemoveResolvedValueSet is broken |
LEXEVS-1424 | Admin Script LoadResolvedValueSetDefinition is broken |
LEXEVS-1425 | Admin Script LoadUMLSHistory.bat is broken |
LEXEVS-1426 | Admin Script RemoveIndex.bat is broken |
LEXEVS-1427 | Correct Namespace Functionality in path to root implementation |
LEXEVS-1430 | Loader - Batch Loader: Rxn Batch Loader Extension Fails to load |
LEXEVS-1431 | Update cleanup test for improved CI service test running |
LEXEVS-1520 | Inactive Coding Schemes can be queried |
LEXEVS-1521 | Some property qualifier based searches do not return values |
LEXEVS-1522 | Lazy Loadable Code to Return Fails on a single value |
LEXEVS-1523 | Under some conditions, queries to newly tagged terminologies cause a failure. |
LEXEVS-1524 | Mapping Node resolve to iterator fails |
LEXEVS-1525 | Under some circumstances, resolved value set does not return expected results |
LEXEVS-1526 | XML export does not work except for associations |
LEXEVS-1552 | Cleanup Utility fails |
LEXEVS-1572 | Post load manifest fails on association update |
LEXEVS-1575 | Transient Unit test failure in Mapping Extension AP |
LEXEVS-1615 | Clean Up script only registers and does not create new Indexes |
LEXEVS-1625 | RRF Loader loads apparent duplicates of SMQ property values |
LEXEVS-1628 | I want LexEVS 6.4 to perform subsecond searches on multiple coding scheme and larger single index searches |
LEXEVS-1729 | Unexpected behavior found in searching value set using LexEVSValueSetDefinitionServices API. |
LEXEVS-1757 | Utility method in SearchExtension |
LEXEVS-1871 | GUI UMLSBatchLoader fails |
LEXEVS-1948 | Loader - OWL: Complex properties hardcoded in OWL Loader |
LEXEVS-2016 | Loader - HL7: entityCode format needs to be updated |
LEXEVS-2078 | Lexevs install script completes with an error - gui/ does not exist anymore |
LexEVS Remote API 6.4
.1 - Features Implemented
Feature | Summary |
LEXEVSREM-2 | Provide HTTPs for LexEVS Remote API |
LexEVS Remote API 6.4
.1 - Defects Fixed
Defect | Summary |
LexEVS Remote Client 6.4.1 - Features Implemented
LexEVS Remote Client 6.4.1 - Defects Fixed
Defect | Summary |
LexEVS CTS2 Service 1.5.1
- Features Implemented
Feature | Summary |
LEXEVSCTS2-35 | CTS2 does not provide property qualifier support |
LEXEVSCTS2-36 | Parameterize the URI resolver service URL for CTS2 LexEVS-Service |
LEXEVSCTS2-37 | Update URI resolver URL to point to NCI's production URI resolver |
LexEVS CTS2 Service 1.5
.1 - Defects Fixed
Defect | Summary |
LEXEVSCTS2-45 | LexEVSResolvedValueSetService Test fails with Java 1.8 |
LEXEVSCTS2-53 | CTS2 Service fails to resolve entities for HL7 terminology loaded from MIF |