Page History
The following table is a list of publicly accessible DICOM based biomedical image archives. Following the table is an analysis of what was found upon reviewing each archive in August 2010.
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Supporting Institution(s) | Cancer Imaging Program, caBIG | NIAMS, caBIG | WUSTL, BIRN | Lab of NeuroImaging UCLA (LONI) | BIRN | BIRN | Lung Cancer Alliance | Optical Society of America | NIH, NDAR | Insight Journal | |||
Content Type | In Vivo Cancer Imaging | Osteoarthritis | Biomedical images and meta data | ADNI (Alzheimers), | Brain scans | ELUDE (Elderly Depression), | Patient-contributed Medical scans | Optical | Normal brain development | Biomedical images and meta data | |||
Archive Software | Image Data Archive | custom | custom | ||||||||||
Login account required | For advanced site features or limited access data sets, but is not required for accessing public data | Yes | For accessing limited access data sets, but not for public data | Yes, via email address. Used only for providing links for downloading data. |
| For accessing limited access data sets, but not for public data | No | For accessing limited access data sets, but not for public data | Yes | For accessing limited access data sets, but not for public data | |||
Explicit data sharing policy | Yes, with options for uploading fully open or limited access data sets | Yes, found here | No |
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Accepting new data | Yes, with approval from NCI CBIIT/CIP |
| Yes, users can register accounts and upload data |
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Central curation/review | Yes, performed by CBIIT/CIP staff |
| No |
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Availability/Uptime | ~99%, hosted on a redundant production system at NCI CBIIT |
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Project- or Collection- based groupings? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Size of Current Volume | ~3TB |
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number of DICOM Tags query-able | ~90 | ~90 |
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DICOM transfer protocol | For submission, but not download | For submission, but not download |
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methods to download DICOM data | Web (zip), FTP, Java Webstart client | Web (zip), FTP, Java Webstart client |
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Helpdesk Support |
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Affiliation with Journal | No | No | No |
- Function BIRN Data Repository -
- Contains 5 data sets according to the BIRN data page (but it's actually 4).
- On the home page it displays a description of each data set and then presents pre-packaged data files in a drill down tree style menu which lists what appears to be individual patients in some cases, individual image studies in others.
- Querying across the data is possible using meta data. It does not appear query against DICOM tags is possible.
- The site itself seems to be a custom web site, not something that could be easily used for other archives.
- Downloads happen in the browser. You choose what you want to download, it is processed on the server and there is an alert that notifies you when your "job" is ready for download. Testing a 100mb patient download I was notified pretty quickly that my job was done, but getting the job page to load took about a minute before I was presented with a small table of information and buttons to actually download the file. Pressing the download button resulted in saving a .TAR file to my computer. TAR structure contained many subdirectories sorted by study then series and so on. Images contained DCM file extension and there were also a couple XML files included with some meta-data.
- The data sets include the following (but the last one is not yet posted, may never be since this was done in 2007):
- BrainScape Resting State fMRI Dataset 1 - This dataset includes seventeen healthy subjects with four resting state fixation scans plus one T1 scan and one T2 scan.
- BrainScape Resting State fMRI Dataset 2 - This dataset includes ten healthy subjects scanned 3 times with 3 conditions: eyes open, eyes closed, and fixating in addition to two anatomical scans (T1 and T2).
- Neuroimaging Calibration Study (Phase II) - The FBIRN multi-site dataset of subjects with schizophrenia and controls includes functional MRI images, behavioral data, demographic, and clinical assessments on 253 subjects from around the US.
- Traveling subjects study (Phase I) - This dataset includes five healthy subjects imaged twice at each of ten FBIRN MRI scanners on successive days.
- NIRL Imaging Database -
- Uses XNAT for the archive software (unsure what version or if any major customizations were made)
- Contains both image data and meta-data
- Includes the following data sets:
- Efficient Longitudinal Upload of Depression in the Elderly (ELUDE) - The ELUDE dataset is a longitudinal study of late-life depression at Duke University. There are 281 depressed subjects and 154 controls included (435 total patients). An MR scan of each subject was obtained every 2 years for up to 8 years (total of 1093 scans). Clinical assessments occurred more frequently and consists of a battery of psychiatric tests including several depression-specific tests.
- Multisite Imaging Research In the Analysis of Depression (MIRIAD) - A multiple institution study of structural MRI, including raw PD and T2 MRIs and derived measures of white matter changes, basal ganglia and other regions. Demographic and extensive clinical assessment data is available for each case. (100 patients)
- XNAT Central XNAT-
- As of Aug 10, 2010 the site contains 169 projects, 2567 patients. However the quality and access of these appears to vary greatly, ranging from well curated data sets to pure garbage sets that were made by people testing how Central XNAT works.
- A subset of the collections mentioned on the BIRN data web page ( are hosted here including the following:
- mBIRN Calib -
- This data set consists of spoiled gradient-recalled echo magnetic resonance imaging data from 5 healthy volunteers (four males and one female) scanned twice at four sites having 1.5T systems from different vendors (Siemens, GE, Marconi Medical Systems).
- This set consists of a cross-sectional collection of 416 human subjects aged 18 to 96, including individuals with Alzheimer's disease; T1-weighted MRI scans obtained in single scan sessions are included. Additionally, a reliability data set is included containing 20 nondemented subjects imaged on a subsequent visit within 90 days of their initial session.
- mBIRN Calib -
- NLM Imaging Methods Assessment and Reporting (IMAR) - According to the site, "The goal of the NLM's IMAR program is to provide data, methods, and computational resources for the quantitative comparison of image segmentation, registration, and computer-aided diagnosis methods." The main page says it contains 2 private/limited access data sets and 1 public data set.
- Retrospective Image Registration Evaluation (RIRE) - Supposedly limited access (perhaps the full data set is?), but seems to have 18 test cases of rigid multi modality head scans and 1 training case accessible to the public.
- Public Data Standards - Contains 5 cases of "Livers and liver tumors with expert hand segmentations", 4 cases called "Zebrafish time series", and ~110 cases under "Designed Database of MR Brain Images of Healthy Volunteers" which is accompanied by some patient demographics.
- National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC) - Provides 10 different Collections/Communities consisting of ~13 GB of data
- Full listing of their data sets can be found in this subsection of the Insight Journal archive -
- Kitware - Provides a variety of public medical images
- The site includes 7 items and indicates that "Most items in this collection consist of DICOM scans that have been anonymized and 3D reconstructions of those DICOM data in the MetaImage format."
- Full listing found at
- Insight Software Consortium (ISC) - "Featuring software, data, and articles of the Insight Software Journal and the ISC."
- Consists of 2 Communities, one which has ISC related papers and another which contains actual image and meta data.
- Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK) - Contains two image collections, one of which is "CIRS Multi-modality Phantom - CT Image" and the other being "Ultrasound 3D CIRS 57 phantom data set"
- Common Toolkit (CTK) - 5 items including what appears to be 3 cases from JHU, a "Head Axial DICOM" case, and "MRI Phantom - 6 directional acquisitions".