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titleCBIIT TechScouts

What We Do

CBIIT TechScouts is designed to foster new collaborations, learn about opportunities to better serve our customers, engage CBIIT more broadly, and raise awareness of new techniques and technologies that promote innovation.

Central to the CBIIT Tech Scouts is the focus on gathering insight from the community with ideas and experiences on how emerging information, data-oriented, and software technologies can be used to improve scientific productivity and accelerate cancer research. 

Our Service Includes:

An email distribution list, allowing members to stay updated on the latest topics and trendsTo join: email Miles Kimbrough, subject 'TechScouts Access Request'
An annotated archive of topics and presentations, organized for future reference
A monthly summary found on CBIIt Central, providing a lightweight overview of recent trends
  • And finally, Monthly Show and Tell Sessions, opening the door for new ideas to be presented both in person and virtually
    1. To present: email Miles Kimbrough with topic and availability
  • Attachments

    Horizontal Navigation Bar Page

    Welcome to CBIIT TechScouts!

    We are a forum for promoting continuous improvement across CBIIT through the cross-fertilization of ideas, experiences and recommendations.


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    TechScouts Repository
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    titleTechScouts Archive
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    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

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    Topics Archive

    DateTopicWhoTopic IDNotesSummaryAction Items


    Globus Data Management Solution  TS-001
    • Globus, a cloud-authenticated data management and transfer platform, will be hosting a user-focused webinar on Tuesday, May 916th, to benefit those interested in exchanging datasets across a variety of sources.  The webinar will provide a high-level overview of Globus, steps to start using the service, and common use cases along the following topics:
    1. When, where, and why to use Globus?
    2. NIH account specs - distinction from Globus Plus
    3. What do system administrators need to set up managed endpoints?
    4. Which endpoints are already set up?
    5. How to set up Globus on your own desktop
    6. How to transfer and share data
    7. If sharing with collaborator, what info does collaborator need?  What do you need to give to collaborator?
    8. New Globus command line interface, allowing users to script their transfers
    9. Encryption, verification, and expected data transfer speeds as compared to other resources (e.g. FTP)
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    Show and Tell Archive

    DateTopicWhoNotesAction Items






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    Horizontal Navigation Bar Page

    Welcome to CBIIT TechScouts!

    We are a forum for promoting continuous improvement across CBIIT through the cross-fertilization of ideas, experiences and recommendations.


    Horizontal Navigation Bar Page

    What We Do

    CBIIT TechScouts is designed to foster new collaborations, learn about opportunities to better serve our customers, engage CBIIT more broadly, and raise awareness of new techniques and technologies that promote innovation.

    Central to the CBIIT Tech Scouts is the focus on gathering insight from the community with ideas and experiences on how emerging information, data-oriented, and software technologies can be used to improve scientific productivity and accelerate cancer research. 

    Our Service Includes:

    1. An email distribution list, allowing members to stay updated on the latest topics and trends
      1. To join: email Miles Kimbrough, subject 'TechScouts Access Request'

    2. An annotated archive of topics and presentations, organized for future reference

    3. A monthly summary found on CBIIt Central, providing a lightweight overview of recent trends

    4. And finally, Monthly Show and Tell Sessions, opening the door for new ideas to be presented both in person and virtually
      1. To present: email Miles Kimbrough with topic and availability




    Message Box

    General Support : Miles Kimbrough | | 240.276.5251

    Consultation and Guidance : Eric Stahlberg | | 240.276.6729

    Technical Support : George Zaki | | 240.276.5171