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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. You will be notified of the new build number.  For example: nci-1.00v
  2. On the dev machine go to /local/project and create a directory "mkdir nciedittab-dev-1.00v"
  3. Enter the directory and checkout the project from git "git clone"
  4. The clone will create a directory "nci-protege5".   Enter into the scripts subdirectory "cd nci-protege5/scripts/"
  5. Run the build script, passing in the version number "./ nci-1.00v"
  6. Review the output for errors or build failures.
  7. Shutdown the protege server and explanation server (See below)
  8. Navigate to /local/content/protege/
  9. Move the protegeserver directory to a backup and create an empty folder in its place 
    1. "mv protegeserver protegeserver-bak"
    2. "mkdir protegeserver"
  10. Repeat the backup step for explanationserver and protegedesktop
  11. Copy the new protegeserver into the empty server directory "cp -r /local/project/nciedittab-dev-1.00v/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege-server/target/server-distribution/server/* ./protegeserver/"
  12. Copy the new protegedesktop into the empty desktop directory "cp -r 

    /local/project/nciedittab-dev-1.008/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege/protege-desktop/target/protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT-platform-independent/Protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT/* ./protegedesktop"

  13. Copy the explanationserver tarball to the explanationserver folder "cp /local/project/nciedittab-dev-1.00v/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/pellet/distribution/target/*.gz ./explanationserver/"  and untar it



Shutdown/Startup of Services


  1. Navigate to /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. To startup explanation server: “./pellet server —config /local/content/protege/protegedata/configdata/ start"
  3. To startup protege server: "./"
  4. Do "tail ../logs/protserv-console.txt" to check that the protege server is running.

Packaging Server for Deployment to Upper Tier

  1. Navigate to /tmp/protege and remove any files and folders there
  2. Copy up server directory -  cp -R /local/content/protege/protegeserver .
  3. Copy up explanation server - cp -R /local/content/protege/explanationserver .
  4. Package into tarball with version number - tar -cvzf protege-server-deployment-1.00v.tar.gz explanationserver protegeserver
  5. Copy tarball to /priv-file-repo/protege/deployment
  6. Move any previous versions to /priv-file-repo/protege/archive/deployment-package