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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Exports content from the repository to a file in the LexGrid canonical XML format.
ExportLgXML [-xc] [-an null] [-xall] -v null -u name -out uri [-xa] [-f]

  • -an,--associationsName Export associations with this name. Only valid with export type 'xa'

  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.
  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting XML file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -xa,-exportAssociations Type of export: export only associations.
  • -xall,-exportAll Type of export: export all content. Default behavior.
  • -xc,-exportConcepts Type of export: export only concepts.



    ExportLgXML -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "NCI Thesaurus" -v "05.06e" -f


Exports content from the repository to a file in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OBO file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.



    If the coding scheme and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.



    Available for Linux based OS only.



    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -f



    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "FBbt" -v "PRODUCTION" -f


Exports content from the repository to a file in OWL format.

  • -out,-output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OWL file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u,-urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v,-version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -f,-force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.



    If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.



    ExportOwlRdf -out "file:///path/to/dir" -f



    ExportOwlRdf -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "sample" -v "1.0" -f

LexEVS Loader Scripts


Loads a vocabulary file, provided in LexGrid canonical xml format.

  • -in,-input <uri> URI specifying location of the source file.
  • -v, -validate <level> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -a,-activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t, -tag <tagID> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.
    Load Example:


    LoadLgXML -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" -nf -a

    Validation Example:


    LoadLgXML -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" -v 0


Imports NCI History data to the LexEVS repository
LoadMedDRALoads a file specified in the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) format.

  •    -in,--input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the
  • source file
  •    -
  • mf,--
  • manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the
file containing version identifiers for the history to be loaded.
  • manifest file
  •    -v, --validate
  • <int> Perform validation of the
  • candidate  resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-
  • t'
option is
  • options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
  • 1 = Verify correct format for the entire file
  • -r, -replace If not specified, the provided history file will be added into the current history database; otherwise the current database will be replaced by the new content.
    Load Example:


    LoadNCIHistory -in "file:///path/to/history.file" -vf "[
    • 0 = Verify
    top 10 lines are correct format
    • document is valid
    •    -a, --activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
    •    -t, --tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.
    •    -cui  Uri to MRCONSO.RRF from the NCI Metathesaurus allows loading of CUI's  for a given term. (Slows load time considerably)

    Load Example:


    LoadMedDRA -in "
    asc" -a


    Validation Example:


    LoadMedDRA -in "file:///path/to/
    asc" -v 0


    Versions File Format Information


    Loads a file specified in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

    Load CUI Example:


    releaseDate | isLatest | releaseAgency | releaseId | releaseOrder | entityDescription


    Sample record:


    28-NOV-05 | false | [] | 05.10e | 26 | Editing of NCI Thesaurus 05.10e was completed on October 31, 2005.  Version 05.10e was October's fifth build in our development cycle.

    Loads optional XML-based metadata to be associated with an existing coding scheme.

    • -u,-urn <name> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
    • -v,-version <id> Version identifier.
    • -in,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the
    • XML file.
    • -v,-validate <int> Perform validation of the
    candidate resource
    • input file without loading data.  If specified, the '-
    • f',
    • and '-
    • o' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
    •   0 = Verify document is valid
    • -
    • o, -
    • overwrite If specified,
    indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
    • existing metadata for the code system will be erased. Otherwise, new metadata will be appended to existing metadata (if present).
    • -f,-force Force overwrite (no confirmation).



      If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection

  • -a, -activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t, -tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign
    • .



    nf -a
    • o



    -v 0


    Loads from an
    the HL7 Vocabulary mif file.



    Load of the NCI Thesaurus should be performed via the LoadNCIThesOWL counterpart, since it will allow more precise handling of NCI semantics.


    •    -in,--input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file.
    •    -
    • a, --
    manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the manifest file
  • -v, -validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -a, -activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t, -tag <id> An optional tag ID (
    • activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
    •    -t, --tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

    Load Example:


    LoadMIFVocabulary -in "file:///path/to/
    xml" -a



    LoadOWL -in "file:///path/to/somefile.owl" -v 0


    Loads optional XML-based metadata to be associated with an existing coding scheme.


    Loads mappings file(s), provided in UMLS RRF format. Specifically MRMAP.RRF and MRSAT.RRF.

    • -inMap
  • -u,-urn <name> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v,-version <id> Version identifier.
  • -in
    • ,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the
    • MRMAP source file.
    • -

    • inSat,-

    validate <int> Perform validation of the input file without loading data.  If specified, the '-f', and '-o' options are


    Imports NCI History data to the LexEVS repository.

    • -in,-input <uri> URI specifying location of the history file
    • -vf,-versionFile <uri> URI specifying location of the file containing version identifiers for the history to be loaded.
    • -v, -validate <level>Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-r' option is ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
      0 = Verify document is valid
  • -o, -overwrite If specified, existing metadata for the code system will be erased. Otherwise, new metadata will be appended to existing metadata (if present).
  • -f,-force Force overwrite (no confirmation).



    If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.

      • 0 = Verify top 10 lines are correct format
      • 1 = Verify correct format for the entire file
    • -r, -replace If not specified, the provided history file will be added into the current history database; otherwise the current database will be replaced by the new content.
      Load Example:




    • "-



    LoadMetadata -in "
    • ]"



      Validation Example:


      LoadNCIHistory -in "file:///path/to/history.file" -v 0


      Versions File Format Information:


      releaseDate | isLatest | releaseAgency | releaseId | releaseOrder | entityDescription


      Sample record:


      28-NOV-05 | false | [] | 05.10e | 26 | Editing of NCI Thesaurus 05.10e was completed on October 31, 2005.  Version 05.10e was October's fifth build in our development cycle.


    Loads a file specified in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

    • -in,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
    • -v,-validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
      • 0 = Verify document is valid
    • -nf,-noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
    • -a, -activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
    • -t, -tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


      LoadOBO -in "file:///path/to/file.obo" -nf -a



      LoadOBO -in "file:///path/to/file.obo" -v 0


    Loads an OWL file.



    Load of the NCI Thesaurus should be performed via the LoadNCIThesOWL counterpart, since it will allow more precise handling of NCI semantics.


    • -in,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
    • -mf,--manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the manifest file
    • -v, -validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
      • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
      • 1 = Verify document is valid
    • -a, -activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
    • -t, -tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.




      LoadOWL -in "file:///path/to/somefile.owl" -v 0

     Loads an OWL file. You can provide a manifest file to configure coding scheme# meta data.


    •    -in,--input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
    •    -mf,--manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the manifest file
    •    -lp,--loaderPrefs<uri> URI or path specifying location of the loader preference file
    •    -v, --validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:
    •          0 = Verify document is well-formed
    •          1 = Verify document is valid
    •    -a, --activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
    •    -t, --tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

     Load Example:




    LoadOWL2 -in "file:///path/to/somefile.owl" -v 0

    Loads Value Set Definition content, provided in LexGrid canonical xml format.

       -u, The valueset definition URI to use
       -l, The list of coding schemes to revolve against. The format is codingschemeName::version
       -csVersionTag, The tag to use for resolving coding scheme
    Load Example:


    LoadResolvedValueSetDefinition -u \"Automobiles:valuesetDefinitionURI\" -l \"Automobiles::version1, GM::version2\" -csVersionTag \"production\" ""



    Loads a file in LexGrid Text format.


       -in,--input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file

       -d, --delimiter <character> defaults to tab the character used to delimit pair or triple components and the nesting.

       -mf,--manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the manifest file.

       -v, --validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:

          0 = Verify document is valid

       -a, --activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.

       -t, --tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Load Example:


    LoadText -in "file:///path/to/file.txt" -a
    LoadText -in "file:///path/to/file.txt" -v 0

    Loads UMLS History


       -in,--input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file

       -v, --validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data.  If specified, the '-a' and '-t' options are ignored.  Supported levels of validation include:

          0 = Verify document is valid

       -a, --activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.

       -r, --replace Replace exisiting file.

       -t, --tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

    Load Example:


    LoadUMLSHistory -in

    Loads mappings file(s), provided in UMLS RRF format. Specifically MRMAP.RRF and MRSAT.RRF.

  • -inMap,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the MRMAP source file.
  • -inSat,-input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the MRSAT source file.


    LoadMrMap -inMap
    MRMAP.RRF -inSat
     LoadUMLSHistory -in "file:///path/to/
    folder" -v 0

    Special Batch Loading Functions
