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The NBIA Data Retriever is a software product you can download and install so that you can download radiology images from from the TCIA Radiology Portal. This guide documents the command-line interface (CLI) of the NBIA Data Retriever. See the Cancer Imaging Archive User's Guide to learn how to use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the TCIA Radiology Portal.

Installing the NBIA Data Retriever on Linux

If you are using Linux, you can access NBIA Data Retriever's command-line interface, which does not require the desktop environment.

If you do not already have the NBIA Data Retriever installed on your Linux machine, refer to the following commands.


titleInstalling the NBIA Data Retriever DEB package












Note that an RPM package is also available for operating systems that don't support *.deb packages.

Running the NBIA Data Retriever on Linux


In the two sample commands that follow, the -l <credential file> option is only required when the manifest file contains series from restricted collections. It is unnecessary when the manifest file only contains series from public collections.

  • To run the NBIA Data Retriever on CentOS, run the following sample command.

    Code Block
    /opt/NBIADataRetriever/NBIADataRetriever --cli <location>/<manifest file name>.tcia -d <parent location>/<download directory> -l <location>/<credential file> -v –f
  • To run the NBIA Data Retriever on Ubuntu, run the following sample command.

    Code Block
    /opt/nbia-data-retriever/nbia-data-retriever --cli <location>/<manifest file name>.tcia -d <parent location>/<download directory> -l <location>/<credential file> -v –f

    A credential file is a text file that passes the user's credentials in the following format:

    Code Block

    The parameters "userName" and "passWord" are case-sensitive.

CLI Parameters

The options available for the command line interface are described in the following table.

If you use the NBIA Data Retriever CLI with the -v, -f, or -q options, and want to access restricted collection(s), put these options after the user credential parameters.


Required when the manifest file has series from restricted collections.

Optional when the manifest file has series from public collections only.


Resuming an Interrupted Download Using the CLI

If your download is interrupted, you can resume it using the CLI in the following way.

