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Activities completed this month
  1. Demo docker submissions to Emily Townley who is designing a MIDRC challenge. I should have a non-gpu and a gpu submission ready soon
    1. Status:
      1. Deploy GPU VM through DTI subscription - COMPLETE
      2. Test out submissions and have MIDRC folks test them as well - COMPLETE
      3. Make some changes to UX workflow for dockersubmimssions - 99% COMPLETE. Debugging final deployment issue
  2. Kheops report is finalized and we just received word from Joel (from Kheops) that OHIF only saves length measurements. I will add that detail to the report and hand off to Ulli. - COMPLETE
  3. Didn't quite get around to fixing the codalab deployment on nci's network. A docker issue crept up again and I had to wait for Kevin Olexa to disable "cylancecsv", some sort of anti-virus software.
    1. UPDATE 1: We have fixed a server issue with Apache that wasn't allowing css and js files to be served to the front end. 
    2. UPDATE 2: We have a new issue where specific AWS js files related to container storage are not being served and it's causing competition upload to stall and not complete as data cannot be communicated to AWS.
  4. We were able to see Kendall from ACR and deploy the DMIST data on 3 clients and 1 server. The basic setup works. I need to replicate this on azure credits we have that are being provisioned (We have them but are undergoing a security check before resources are provisioned). In the meantime there is a tutorial I need to do better understand the framework, but I have a good general flow for now.
  5. Put DBTEX2 on medici-challenges.
Planned for next month
  1. ONGOING - Continue the Federated Learning Document about integrating MedICI and Federated Challenges.
    1. Document is pending some additional notes. We are currently working with ACR (American College of Radiology) to deploy some Federated Learning clients and servers and this will greatly help me understand the complexities involved with setting up Federated learning challenges. Next month hopefully I'll have a better idea of what goes into setting up a system like this. 
  2. Submit an ePoster to AAPM by the end of June.
  3. Add DAIR challenge (Dr. Mazurowski's challenge part 2) to
Bi-weekly Meeting #1

13 May  

Bi-weekly Meeting #2

26 May


  • Got access to DTI Azure Active Directory


  • BMMR Challenge has launched


  • DAIR Challenge has launched


  • Got access to ACRs VMs for Federated Challenges


  • CodaLab to launch and the UI works at NCI!


Task in Progress

DescriptionStatusCreation DateClose Date

Investigated Kheops




Every time I log in to the system there is an unforeseen complication keeping me from working on the project. I believe we are just working out the kinks. Soon I should get a a couple hours to finish this off. 
DescriptionMitigationRankStatusCreation DateRealizationClose DateNCI codalab port to python3 with jQuery updateMake this a higher priority1In progress