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Comment: Deleted mention of legacy API, based on 4/28 reply from Denise.

For caDSR II, the URL has been updated slightly from the legacy caDSR but returns the data in the same format as legacy caDSR.

To invoke this interface for the caDSR II API interface, use a URL in the form outlined below. 




<Target Format>

Result format (GetXML, GetJSON, or GetHTML). Use the prefix Get followed by the format (one of XML, JSON, or HTML) concatenated as one word:  

  • If your Target Format is XML, use … /GetXML?query= … to return Target in the form XML.
  • If your Target Format is JSON, use … /GetJSON?query= … to return Target in the form JSON.
  • If your Target Format is HTML, use … /GetHTML?query= … to return Target in the form HTML.


Result class name. Use a valid caDSR Class name, such as DataElement or Form. For a full list, refer to the caDSR II Domain Class Browser:

For example, use … query=Form[ … ] to return caDSR Form class information.


The criteria class that identifies the association to be traversed when retrieving the target/result class. The Criteria constrain the target/result based on the associated ID and ID_VALUE pair or pairs that you provide in the square brackets [ … ].

You can nest Criteria in the square brackets [ … ]. If the Criteria is the Target, then you can use a shorthand and the system assumes the Criteria to be equal to the Target. (This is considered Implicit Criteria.)

  • Implicit Example: Use GetXML?query=DataElement[@publicId=62] to return a Data Element with Data Element publicId=62 in XML format.
  • Nested and Implicit Example: Use GetXML?query=Form[Protocol[@preferredName=C3D ADOPTER TEMPLATES],@publicId=2392775] to return Form with Protocol preferredName=C3D ADOPTER TEMPLATES and Form publicId=2392775


Attribute of the Criteria class used to constrain the query. For more than one attribute, use a comma between each attribute. The query performs the AND operation for all ID and ID_VALUE pair parameters you have provided for the Criteria class you have identified.

  • For version: Do not use both @version and @latestVersionIndicator together. Specify @publicId=x,@version OR specify @publicId=x,@latestVersionIndicator.
  • Otherwise, one or more ID-criteria pairs may be used.

For example, use [@publicId= …] combined with the ID_VALUE to identify the constraints for the result returned.


A string identifying the qualified criteria class data to be used as a filter on the result set:

  • For @latestVersionIndicator use =Yes or =No. Yes returns the latest version of the publicId, No returns all versions. 

For example, use [@publicId=62,@version=6] to identify a qualified criterion for the class specified in <Target>. 

The following examples demonstrate the differences between the legacy caDSR format and the caDSR II format:

A legacy caDSR (old) example:


A caDSR II (new) example:






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