Page History
LexEVS 6.6.0- Features Implemented
LEXEVS-5243 | Spring 3.1.0 has been identified as a security risk and must be updated |
LEXEVS-4941 | Admin: Make Lexevs startup more robust around empty configuration properties |
LEXEVS-5229 | Update system test Lexevs-remote to run maven |
LEXEVS-5279 | Create Batch Implementation for AssociationTargets/Quals/Contexts |
LEXEVS-5280 | Create Batch Implementation for Entities/Properties/Quals |
LEXEVS-5310 | Get maven working inside firewall |
LEXEVS-5244 | Investigate Scope Of Work by Updating the Dependency Definitions |
LEXEVS-5266 | Coding Scheme Dao Updates and Verification |
LEXEVS-5270 | Update/Test IbatisEntityDao for Mybatis upgrade |
LEXEVS-5269 | Update Spring Batch Loads to Run Under Latest Batch Implementation |
LEXEVS-5262 | Update/Create tests for Registry DAO |
LEXEVS-5259 | Create a Testing Strategy for Granular DAO methods |
LEXEVS-5254 | Update ibatis.associations tests |
LEXEVS-5246 | Update LexEVS Dao Code from Ibatis to MyBatis implementation |
LEXEVS-5245 | Use MyBatis converter tool to update Ibatis xml to mybatis xml |
LEXEVS-5264 | Create and Validate Tests for Property Dao |
LEXEVS-5271 | Update and test CodedNodeGraphDao |
LEXEVS-5272 | Update Value Sets |
LEXEVS-5298 | Update Tests for Local LexEVS |
LEXEVS-5305 | Unit testing on Dev |
LexEVS 6.6.0 - Defects Fixed
LEXEVS-4903 | Loader: Fail OWL and/or value set load when asserted value set has no values |
LexEVS Remote - discontinued
LexEVS CTS2 Service 2.0.0 - Features Implemented
CTS2FW-149 | Update CTS2 test app |
LexEVS CTS2 Service 2.0.0 - Defects Fixed Â