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{info:title=LexEVS is supported by the Vocabulary Knowledge Center.}For more information on receiving support, please visit the [Vocabulary Knowledge Center|].{info}
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h2. Tool Overview

LexEVS 6.0 is the current embodiment of work started under the LexBIG project (LexGrid Vocabulary Services for caBIG®), which was founded as part of caBIG® development activities. Over time, this technology was adopted as the strategic infrastructure for the caBIG® community and NCI's Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS).

NCI's EVS is a big user of the LexEVS services, but there are many others. You can consume controlled terminologies hosted by NCI's EVS without setting up your own servers to do so. Seeing what NCI has done with EVS is a good way to learn about what LexEVS can do. Refer to the [NCI EVS Overview page|] and the [EVS Wiki|] for further information.

Under the covers of LexEVS is a collection of programmable interfaces that provide users and developers with the ability to access either controlled terminologies available from the [NCI EVS Project|] or your own terminologies. NCI's installation of LexEVS is not only a tool for the community to use. but also an example of what you can build for your organization. By building your own installation of LexEVS you get to control the content. You can have any set or subset of terminologies and mappings that you want. One installation can be used by multiple applications in your enterprise.

In short, LexEVS includes the following components: 

* Terminology Server - An enterprise level terminology server
* Java API - A Java interface based on the LexGrid Object Model 
* REST/HTTP Interface - Offers basic HTTP based query mechanism from which results are returned in either XML or HTML formats 
* SOAP/Web Services Interface - Provides a programming language neutral Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) 
* Distributed API - A Java interface based on the LexGrid data model and relies on a LexEVS Proxy and *Distributed LexEVS Adapter to provide remote clients access to the native LexEVS API 
* LexEVS Grid Services - An interface which uses the caGRID infrastructure to provide access to the native LexEVS API via the caGRID Services
* Developers GUIs - Server administration, query testing, and value set development can be performed by a developer

The name LexEVS came into use to highlight the merging of LexGrid, LexBIG, and EVS technologies, and is manifested in the LexEVS software releases. LexEVS is the entire suite of tools. In this suite, LexGrid is the underlying model for standard storage of controlled vocabularies and ontologies. The LexBIG API is the set of services that EVS adapters use to store and retrieve terminology metadata. LexEVS APIs are a combination of convenience methods and the LexBIG API (combining LexBIG and the EVS adapters into one set of services). For detailed information, refer to the [LexEVS architecture overview|LexEVS 6.0 Architecture].

After you have a chance to get familiar with the LexEVS suite, consider looking through our [LexEVS functionality overview|LexEVS 6.0 Highlights]. This lays out everything that can be done from a developer's or ontologist's point of view.

h3. What's New

LexEVS 6.0 is the latest release. This release is primarily about alignment with standards. Other significant functionality, especially in the areas of authoring APIs, value sets, mappings, and exporters top the list of enhancements, is:

* LexEVS 6.0 adds comprehensive support of the [Common Terminology Services - Release 2|VKC:Common Terminology Services 2] functionality as described in the [Health Level Seven (HL7)|VKC:Health Level 7] CTS 2 Draft Standard for Trial Use ([DSTU|]).
* LexGrid Model and database updates to support CTS 2 (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 Information Models]_)
* Loader and data access layer changes to support CTS 2 functions
* Additional versioning and value set / picklist functionality to support CTS 2 functions (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 Value Set and Pick List Definition Guide]_)
* New OWL/RDF Exporter (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Administration 2 - Export Operation API]_)
* XML exporter enhancements to provide filtered export of code system (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Administration 2 - Export Operation API]_)
* New Authoring API services to support CTS 2 functions (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Authoring 2 - Code System Authoring Operation API]_)
* New Query API services to support CTS 2 functions (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Query 3 - Concept Domain Query Operation API]__,_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Query 4 - Usage Context Query Operation API]__,_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Query 5 - Value Set Query Operation API]_)
* Associations/Mappings enhancements to support CTS 2 functions and user requirements (_See_ _[LexEVS 6.0 CTS2 Authoring 1 - Association Authoring Operation API]_)

h3. Previous Releases

For help with a migration from previous releases, refer to the [LexEVS 6.0 Migration Tips for 5.x Users].

To see any of the previous releases, refer to the [LexEVS roadmap|LexEVS Release Roadmap].

h2. Installation and Downloads

h3. For Beginners

Please visit [1 - LexEVS 6.0 Installation Overview]. Once you are familiar with the different environments that can be installed, then start with the [LexEVS 6.0 Installation Guide].

h3. Installation Options

Refer to the [LexEVS 6.0 Installation Options] to understand the significance of each download file for each LexEVS environment that can be installed (Local Runtime, Distributed, and Grid Services).

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Download Files

For those familiar with LexEVS who just want to directly download files, visit [LexEVS 6.0 Download Files].

h3. Widget Library

The [LexEVS Widget Library] lists many widgets that have been developed for use by particular customers. These widgets have been found to be potentially useful to a wider audience. Each widget has a description for you to use in deciding if you'd like to dig deeper and find out the usefulness of the widget in your application.

h3. Local Runtime Fixes

If you already have LexEVS 6.0 installed, fixes are now available:
|| Filename || Description ||
| [6.0.1ReadMe|] | Contains a list of the fixes and functions included in this release. |
| [6.0.1lbPatch.jar|] | LexEVS 6.0.1 patch. This file is installed after LexEVS 6.0 has already been [installed|LexEVS 6.0 Installation Guide].\\
Copy this file into the \{LEXEVS_HOME\}/runtime directory. |

{include:VKC:Code Download Disclaimer to Include}

h2. Documentation and Guides

h3. Release Notes and Readme

The LexEVS 6.0 release notes and readme can be found on the [downloads|LexEVS 6.0 Download Files#LexEVS Release Notes] page.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Installation Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Installation Guide] outlines the supported configurations and technical installation instructions for LexEVS Vocabulary Services for caBIG®.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Administration Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Administration Guide] outlines the environment configuration from the perspective of an existing installation.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 API/Programmer's Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Programmer's Guide] explains the LexEVS API (services, extensions, utilities, and GUI); also many related APIs.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Design and Architecture Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Design and Architecture Guide] explains the LexGrid model and the LexBIG services.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Value Set and Pick List Definition Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Value Set and Pick List Definition Guide] explain the LexEVS 6.0 Value Set and Pick List Definition documentation.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Loader Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 Loader Guide] is intended for a LexEVS developer and provides information about the loaders provided, mapping, and how to create your own loaders using the loader framework.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 OWL Export Guide

The [LexEVS 6.0 OWL Export Guide] will take you through the steps necessary to export content in OWL/RDF format.

h3. LexEVS in SpringSource MVC Maven Project

The [LexEVS in SpringSource MVC Maven Project] guide will show you how to use a local instance of LexEVS in a Spring 3.0.x MVC project and how to deploy it to a Tomcat server from within the SpringSource Tool Suite.

h3. LexEVS 6.0 Javadocs

There are several parts to the LexEVS Javadocs to consult depending on what you are looking for.
* If you have a local application accessing a Local Runtime, view the [Local Runtime Javadoc|] online.
* To interact with a LexEVS server that is hosting terminologies remotely, whether it be your own or the services at NCI, view the [Distributed Javadoc|] online.
* If you are using the Grid Analytical Services, view the [Grid Analytical Services Javadoc|] online.
* The Grid Data Service for LexEVS sits behind a caGrid interface. Most users do not reach this service via the Java API and in fact only a single method in the caGrid API is of interest. It can be found in the [Grid Data Service Implementation|].

To download any of the Javadocs above, go to the [Javadocs section|LexEVS 6.0 Download Files#LexEVS Source Code.2C JavaDocs.2C and Examples] on the downloads page. You will find one download including all the Javadocs.

h3. Release Notes and Readme

The LexEVS 6.0 release notes and readme can be found on the [downloads|LexEVS 6.0 Download Files#LexEVS_Release_Notes] page.

h2. Support

{include:LexEVS Support Links to Include}

h2. Contributions

In the spirit of open source caBIG invites you to participate in the community.  The contribution process is described in [LexEVS Community Code Contribution]. LexEVS source code is in [NCI SVN|].

h2. Presentations and Demos

h3. Recent

* [LexEVS 6.0 Highlights Presentation|LexEVS 6.0 to Include^LexEVS_6.0_Highlights.ppt] (397 KB)
Scott Bauer
February 17, 2011

* [LexEVS REST APIs demo at HHS and NIH the Health 2.0 Hack-a-Thon|Hack-A-Thon 2011 NCI Blue - LexEVS REST API]
Larry Brem
June 11, 2011

* [caBIG Annual Meeting Semantic Infrastructure v2|]
Charlie Mead, Jane Brzozowski, Cecil Lynch, Raghu Chintalapati, Craig Stancl
September 14, 2010

h3. Earlier Presentations

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h2. Additional Resources

{include:LexEVS Additional Resources Links to Include}

* [LexEVS 6.0 Design Document|]

* [Common Terminology Services - Release 2 Information|VKC:Common Terminology Services 2]

titleLexEVS is supported by the Vocabulary Knowledge Center.

For more information on receiving support, please visit the Vocabulary Knowledge Center.
