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Wiki Markup

h1. {page-info:title}

h2. Core Component

h3. Core Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | BaseService | org.lexevs.cts2 | BaseService | -- |

h3. Read Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | BaseReadService | org.lexevs.cts2 | BaseService | -- |

h3. Query Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | BaseQueryService | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | CodedNodeSet,   CodedNodeGraph | -- |
| Operation | restrict | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | restrictTo<element> method calls | -- |
| Operation | union | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | union | -- |
| Operation | intersect | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | intersect | -- |
| Operation | difference | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | CodedNodeSet.difference | -- |
| Operation | count | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService | size of the list results of query | -- |

h3. Import and Export Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | ImportExportBase | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | clearLog | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | getLog | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | BaseExportService | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | getStatus | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | export | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | BaseImportService | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | getStatus | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | import | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |
| Operation | validate | org.lexevs.admin.load | ? | -- |

h3. Update Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | UpdateService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | validateChangeSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | putChangeSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | listChanges | Not Available | Not Available | -- |

h3. History Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | BaseHistoryService | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | readChangeSet | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | resolve | ? | ? | -- |

h3. Maintenance Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | BaseMaintenanceService | | ? | Instead of a BaseMaintenanceService super class, LexEVS inlines these methods in the various authoring interfaces |
| Operation | createChangeSet | | ? | -- |
| Operation | readIteratableChangeSet | | ? | -- |
| Operation | readChangeSet | | ? | -- |
| Operation | updateChangeSetMetadata | | ? | -- |
| Operation | commitChangeSet | | ? | -- |
| Operation | rollbackChangeSet | | ? | -- |
| Operation | updateChangeableMetadata | | ? | -- |
| Operation | deleteChangeable | | ? | -- |
| Operation | newProperty | | ? | -- |
| Operation | newResourceTarget | | ? | -- |
| Operation | newLiteralTarget | | ? | -- |
| Operation | newEntityReferenceTarget | | ? | -- |

h3. Temporal Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||

h3. Specialized Functional Area

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||

h2. Services

h3. Code System Catalog and Version Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Service Area | CodeSystemCatalogServices | Not Available | Not Available | The idea of a CodeSystem is not present in LexEVS. A CodeSystemCatalogEntry is an abstract notion of a LexEVS CodingScheme. It does not contain version information and is strictly metadata. |
| Class | CodeSystemCatalogReadService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | exists | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | read | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemCatalogQueryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolve | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemCatalogHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemCatalogMaintenanceService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | createCodeSystem | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | updateCodeSystem | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Service Area | CodeSystemVersionCatalogServices | org.lexevs.cts2.query | CodeSystemQueryOperation | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemVersionCatalogReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | CodeSystemQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystems | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystems | -- |
| Operation | existsCodeSystemVersionForCodeSystem | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getCodeSystemDetails | -- |
| Operation | getCodeSystemVersionForCodeSystem | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getCodeSystemDetails | -- |
| Operation | existsVersionId | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getCodeSystemDetails | -- |
| Operation | getCodeSystemByVersionId | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystems | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemVersionCatalogQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | CodeSystemQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.resolve | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.resolveAsList | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemVersionCatalogHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | CodeSystemVersionCatalogMaintenanceService | | CodeSystemAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createCodeSystemVersion | | createCodeSystem | -- |
| Operation | updateCodeSystemVersion | | addCodeSystemProperties | -- |

h3. Entity Description Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Class | EntityDescriptionReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | availableDescriptions | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainEntitisWithName | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | existsInCodeSystem | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAllConceptDomainEntities | -- |
| Operation | readByCodeSystem | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAllConceptDomainEntities | -- |
| Operation | readEntityDescriptions | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainEntitisWithName | -- |
| Class | EntityDescriptionQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | CodeSystemQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystem | org.lexevs.cts2.quer | listCodeSystemConcepts | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystemVersion | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts | -- |
| Operation | restrictToEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.resolve | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.resolveAsList | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsEntityReferenceList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.resolveAsList | -- |
| Operation | isEntityInSet | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | intersectEntityList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystemConcepts.intersect | -- |
| Class | EntityDescriptionHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestServiceChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestServiceChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getServiceHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | EntityDescriptionMaintenanceService | | CodeSystemAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createAnnotationPropertyDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createAnonymousIndividualDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createClassDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createDataTypeDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createDataPropertyDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createNamedEntityDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createNamedIndividualDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createObjectPropertyDescription | | createConcept | -- |
| Operation | createPredicateDescription | | createAssociationType | -- |
| Operation | updateEntityDescription | | updateConcept, updateConceptProperty | -- |
| Class | EntityDescriptionTransformService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | toEntityDescriptions | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | fromEntityDescriptionList | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | fromEntityDirectory | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | AssociationHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestServiceChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestServiceChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getServiceHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | AssociationMaintenanceService | | AssociationAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createAssociation | | createAssociation | -- |
| Operation | addAssociation | | createAssociation | -- |
| Operation | updateAssociation | | updateAssociationStatus | -- |
| Class | AdvancedAssociationQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | AssociationQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsGraph | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAssociations | -- |
| Operation | AssociationQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | AssociationQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystemVersion | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAssociations | -- |
| Operation | restrictToSourceEntity | org.lexevs.cts2.query | computeSubsumptionRelationship | -- |
| Operation | restrictToPredicate | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAssociations | -- |
| Operation | restrictToTargetEntity | org.lexevs.cts2.query | computeSubsumptionRelationship | -- |
| Operation | restrictToTargetLiteral | org.lexevs.cts2.query | computeSubsumptionRelationship | -- |
| Operation | restrictToTargetExpression | org.lexevs.cts2.query | computeSubsumptionRelationship | -- |
| Operation | restrictToSourceOrTargetEntity | org.lexevs.cts2.query | computeSubsumptionRelationship | -- |
| Operation | getSourceEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getAssociationDetails | -- |
| Operation | getPredicates | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getAssociationDetails | -- |
| Operation | getTargetEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getAssociationDetails | -- |
| Operation | getAllSourceAndTargetEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getAssociationDetails | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAssociations.resolve | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAssociations.resolveAsList | -- |
| Class | AssociationReadService | ? | AssociationQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | read | ? | listAssociations | -- |
| Operation | exists | ? | listAssociations | -- |
| Operation | readByExternalStatementId | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | existsByExternalStatementId | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | AssociationTransformService | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | toAssociationFormat | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | fromAssociationList | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | ReasoningService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | classify | Not Available | Not Available | -- |

h3. Value Set Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Service Area | ValueSetCatalogServices | Not Available | Not Available | The idea of a ValueSet is not present in LexEVS. A ValueSetCatalogEntry an abstract notion of a ValueSet. It does not contain version information and is strictly metadata. |
| Class | ValueSetCatalogReadService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | exists | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | read | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | ValueSetCatalogQueryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystem | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToContainedValueSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToPropertyReference | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToDefinitionEntities | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolve | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | ValueSetCatalogHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | ValueSetCatalogMaintenanceService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | createValueSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | updateValueSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | ? | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ValueSetQueryOperation | -- |
| Class | ValueSetDefinitionReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ValueSetQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listValueSets | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listValueSets | -- |
| Operation | existsDefinitionForValueSet | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getValueSetDetails | -- |
| Operation | readDefinitionForValueSet | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getValueSetDetails | -- |
| Class | ValueSetDefinitionQueryService | ? | ValueSetQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystem | ? | listValueSets | -- |
| Operation | resolve | ? | listValueSets.resolve | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | ? | listValueSets.resolveAsList | -- |
| Class | ValueSetDefinitionHistoryService | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | ValueSetDefinitionMaintenanceService | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createExternalValueSetDefinition | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addExternalValueSetDefinition | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createCompleteCodeSystemReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addCompleteCodeSystemReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createCompleteValueSetReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addCompleteValueSetReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createPropertyQueryReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addPropertyQueryReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createAssociatedEntitiesReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addAssociatedEntitiesReference | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | createSpecificEntityListDefinition | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | addSpecificEntityListDefinition | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | removeDefinitionEntry | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | ResolvedValueSetLoader | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | load | org.lexevs.cts2.admin.load | ValueSetLoadOperation.load | -- |
| Operation | contains | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ValueSetQueryOperation.listValueSets | -- |
| Operation | delete | | ValueSetAuthoringOperation.removeValueSet | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ValueSetQueryOperation.getValueSetDetails | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsEntityDirectory | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | contains | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsCompleteSet | ? | ? | -- |

h3. Concept Domain Catalog and Binding Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Service Area | ConceptDomainCatalogServices | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainCatalogReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainEntitisWithName | -- |
| Operation | existsDefiningEntity | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | readByDefiningEntity | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainBindings | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainCatalogQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainEntity | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainEntitisWithName | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainCatalogMaintenaceService | | ConceptDomainAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createConceptDomain | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | updateConceptDomain | ? | ? | -- |
| Service Area | ConceptDomainBindingServices | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainBindingReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainBindings | -- |
| Operation | existsURI | org.lexevs.cts2.query | isEntityInConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | readByURI | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainBindings | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainBindingQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | ConceptDomainQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToConceptDomain | org.lexevs.cts2.query | getConceptDomainBindings | -- |
| Operation | restrictToContexts | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | restrictToValueSets | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAllConceptDomainIds | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listAllConceptDomainIds | -- |
| Class | ConceptDomainBindingMaintenanceService | | ConceptDomainAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createConceptDomainBinding | | createConceptDomain | -- |
| Operation | updateConceptDomainBinding | | updateConceptDomainProperty | -- |

h3. Map Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Service Area | MapCatalogServices | Not Available | Not Available | The idea of a MapCatalog is not present in LexEVS. A MapCatalogEntry is an abstract notion of a Map. It does not contain version information and is strictly metadata. |
| Class | MapCatalogReadService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | exists | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | read | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapCatalogQueryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictByCodeSystem | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictByValueSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolve | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapCatalogHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapCatalogMaintenanceService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | createMapCatalogEntry | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | updateMap | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Service Area | MapVersionServices | -- | -- | In LexEVS, A MapVersion is represented by a CodeSystem. For all  MapVersion Read/Maintenance/Query functionality, see CTS2 CodeSystemVersion. |
| Class | MapVersionReadService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | exists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | read | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | existsMapVersionForMap | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | readMapVersionForMap | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | entryExists | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | readEntry | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Class | MapVersionQueryService | org.lexevs.cts2.query | CodeSystemQueryOperation | -- |
| Operation | restrictToCodeSystems | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | restrictToValueSets | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | restrictToEntities | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | resolve | org.lexevs.cts2.query | -- | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | org.lexevs.cts2.query | listCodeSystems | -- |
| Operation | mapVersionEntities | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.CodedNodeSet | -- | All normal LexEVS CodedNodeSet Operations are valid for a Mapping CodingScheme in LexEVS |
| Operation | mapVersionEntityReferences | org.LexGrid.LexBIG.CodedNodeSet | -- | All normal LexEVS CodedNodeSet Operations are valid for a Mapping CodingScheme in LexEVS |
| Class | MapVersionHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLatestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapVersionMaintenanceService | | CodeSystemAuthoringOperation | -- |
| Operation | createMapVersion | | createCodeSystem | -- |
| Operation | updateMapVersion | | updateCodeSystem | -- |
| Operation | createMapEntry | | AssociationAuthoringOperation -- createAssociaiton | -- |
| Service Area | MapEntryServices | -- | -- | MapEntries are represented in LexEVS through Associations in the org.LexGrid.LexBIG.CodedNodeGraph interface. Also see 'org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extension.Generic.MappingExtension' for more MapEntry Query functionality. Additionally, MapEntries can be represented through an org.LexGrid.LexBIG.CodedNodeSet. |
| Class | MapEntryReadService | see MapEntryServices remark | -- | -- |
| Operation | exists | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | read | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | MapEntryQueryService | see MapEntryServices remark | -- | -- |
| Operation | resolve | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | ? | ? | -- |
| Operation | restrictToTargetEntities | ? | ? | -- |
| Class | MapEntryHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapEntryMaintenanceService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | createMapEntry | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | updateMapEntry | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | addMapSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | removeMapSet | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | addMapTarget | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | updateMapTarget | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | removeMapTarget | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | MapResolutionService | see MapEntryServices remark | -- | -- |
| Operation | resolve | ? | -- | -- |
| Operation | resolveEntityList | ? | -- | -- |

h3. Statement Services

|| {color:#0000ff}{*}Implementation{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}CTS 2 Service or Interface Specification{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Module or Package{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}LexEVS Service or Interface{*}{color} || {color:#0000ff}{*}Remarks{*}{color} ||
| Service Area | StatementServices | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | StatementReadService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | exists | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | read | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | StatementQueryService | Not Available | Not Available | LexEVS does not support the granularity of a CTS2 Statement. |
| Operation | restrictToResourceSubjects | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToEntitySubjects | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToPredicates | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToResourceTargets | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToEntityTargets | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | restrictToModelAttribute | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolve | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | resolveAsList | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Class | StatementHistoryService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getEarliestChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getLastChangeFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| Operation | getChangeHistoryFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |

Needs to be placed in the tables above.
| URIResolution | -- | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| URIResolution | URIResolutionService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | addMapping | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | changeCanonicalURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | getURIAliases | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | removeAllMapsFor | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | removeMapping | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriToCanonicalURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| VersionResolutionService | VersionResolutionService | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriToCanonicalURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriToAbstractResourceURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriToVersionedResourceURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriAndVersionToVersionedResourceURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
| -- | uriAndTagToVersionedResourceURI | Not Available | Not Available | -- |
