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TABLE1 Example Subset of the Investigation File Format







Study Factor Name


solvent medium

Study Factor Name Term Accession Number



Study Factor Name Term Source REF



Study Factor Type



Study Factor Type Term Accession Number



Study Factor Type Term Source REF




The field names in an investigation file are organized vertically in the first column. These fields are divided into 11 sections as defined by ISA-TAB. These sections are:


Investigation person first name---The first name of a person who is the point of contact for the investigation.

Investigation person middle mid initials---The middle initial(s) of a person who is the point of contact for the investigation.


Investigation person affiliation--- The name of the organization to which the point of contact belongs.

Investigation person roleroles--- The term which classifies the role(s) performed by person who is the point of contact for the investigation.

Investigation person role roles term accession number--- Identification number of a term selected from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary, if the term is entered as a value for investigation person role.

Investigation person role roles term source REF--- Name of the ontology or controlled vocabulary from which a term is selected and entered as a value for investigation person role.


Study person first name---The first name of a person who is the point of contact for the study.

Study person middle mid initials---The middle initial(s) of a person who is the point of contact for the study.


Study person affiliation--- The name of the organization to which the point of contact belongs.

Study person roleroles--- The term which classify the role(s) performed by person who is the point of contact for the study.

Study person role roles term accession number--- Identification number of a term selected from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary, if the term is entered as a value for study person role.

Study person role roles term source REF--- The name which identifies the source from where the term for study person role is selected. This name should match one of the names entered in the term source name field.


Study protocol version---A semicolon-delimited (";") list of parameter names used as an identifier in the ISA-TAB-Nano Study or Assay files A protocol parameter is a constant associated with a protocol, which is not varied as part of an experiment.

Study protocol parameter parameters name---A semicolon-delimited (";") list of parameter names used as an identifier in the ISA-TAB-Nano Study or Assay files. A protocol parameter is a constant associated with a protocol, which is not varied as part of an experiment.

Study protocol parameter parameters name term accession number---Identification number of a term selected from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary, if the term is entered as a value for the study protocol parameter name.

Study protocol parameter parameters name term source REF---The name which identifies the source from where the term for study protocol parameter name. This name should match one of the names entered in the term source name field.

Study protocol component components name--- A semicolon-delimited (";") list of names identifying the components of a protocol. Component names include instrument names, software names, and reagent names.

Study protocol component components type--- The term to classify the protocol component, for example, instrument, software, and reagent.

Study protocol component components type term accession number--- Identification number of a term selectInvestigationFileTermGlossary.xlsed from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary, if the term is entered as a value for the study protocol component type.

Study protocol component components type term source REF--- The name which identifies the source from where the term for study protocol component type is selected. This name should match one of the names entered in the term source name field.
