If you are a model owner, you can import updates to registered models:
Download the "Model Import/Update Template" from Templates and Instructions for Bulk Imports and Matching.
Start with a fresh template for each import.
- Import only updates. If you import existing content, the system checks the Element and Characteristic Physical names and updates any values to what is imported.
Populate your copy of the template with information about the models that you want to import. The following table provides instructions for each column in the model import template. Column names with asterisks are required:
As you populate your file, keep in mind the following points:Column Name Instructions Location After Import DO NOT USE Leave empty. None *Batch User Enter a batch user name in each row. You can provide any text in this column. The system does not validate this column. Model Import - Update grid *Batch Name Enter a batch name in each row. The combination of Batch User and Batch Name must be unique. Model Import - Update grid *Seq ID Specify a unique sequence ID in each row in the batch. The system uses this ID during processing of the batch. (Not editable after import.) Characteristic List detail ("SEQ_NBR") *Model Name Specify the name for the model as assigned by the model owner. (Not editable after import.) Model Import - Update grid ("Imported Model Name") *Model ID Specify the unique identifier for the model in caDSR. Model Import detail ("Model Based on Imported ID/Version") *Model Version Specify the version of the model that is registered in caDSR. Model Import detail ("Model Based on Imported ID/Version") Element Long Name Specify the long name for the element in caDSR assigned by the model owner. Element List grid and details
*Element Physical Name Specify the name of the element in the physical database. The physical names must match the data model/file names exactly, including case sensitivity. The system uses this name in the mapping rules. This is also for users who need to write programming language implementations of the rules. (Not editable after import.) Element List grid and details Element Description Specify the model owner's description of the model element. Element List grid and details Element Type Each cell in this column has a drop-down list of all valid element types (Table, Node, Class). Select an element type from the list. This usually depends on the type of model. Element List grid ("Imported Element Type") and details Characteristic Long Name Specify the long name of the characteristic. This column has no format restrictions. Characteristic List grid and details *Characteristic Physical Name Specify the name of the characteristic in the physical database. The physical names must match the data model/file names exactly, including case sensitivity. The system uses this name in the generated transformation rule. (Not editable after import.) Characteristic List grid and details Characteristic Order Specify the preferred order of the characteristic within the element, if you want to sort the list of characteristics by something other than alphabetical order. (Not editable after import.) Characteristic List grid and details Characteristic Description Specify the description of the characteristic. Characteristic List grid ("Imported Definition") Characteristic Type Each cell in this column has a drop-down list of all valid characteristic types (Column, Attribute, Property). Select a valid value from that list. Characteristic List grid Characteristic Min Length Specify the minimum length of the characteristic. Characteristic List grid ("Min Length") Characteristic Max Length Specify the maximum length of the characteristic. Characteristic List grid and details ("Max Length") Characteristic Data Type Specify the data type of the characteristic, such as integer or varchar(50). Characteristic List grid and details ("Data Type") Characteristic UOM Specify the unit of measure of the characteristic. Characteristic List grid and details ("UOM") Characteristic Mandatory? Specify one of the following values:
- Mandatory
- Not Mandatory
- Expected
If you specify Expected, also specify Null in the Characteristic Default column.
Characteristic List grid and details ("Mandatory") Characteristic PK? Specify whether the characteristic is a primary key (or part of a primary key) for the element. Characteristic List grid and details ("Primary Key?") Characteristic Default Specify the default value for the characteristic. Characteristic List grid and details ("Default Value") CDE ID Specify the CDE public ID. Characteristic List grid and details ("Related CDE Public ID") CDE Version Specify the CDE version number. Characteristic List grid and details ("Related CDE Version") Characteristic FK? Specify whether the characteristic has a parent via foreign key association. Characteristic List grid and details ("FK (Yes/No)") FK Element Physical Name Specify the parent element name, if the characteristic is a foreign key. Characteristic List grid and details ("FK Element Physical Name") FK Characteristic Physical Name Specify the name of the foreign key element characteristic. Characteristic List grid and details ("FK Element Characteristic Physical Name") Comments Specify comments. (Not editable after import.) Characteristic List grid and details ("Imported Comments")
- You may add additional columns to your file for taking/keeping notes after the last template column, but the column names must be unique.
You can use your Delete key to clear the contents of one or more individual cells, but do not delete entire rows or columns.
- The system uses the Physical Name of Element and Characteristic to match the import to existing content. Therefore, an import cannot change the physical names. If you need to change the physical name, do so in the front end using the Model Maintenance tool, as described in Maintaining Models and Model Mappings.
- Use the Microsoft Excel "Save As" feature to save your copy of the template as CSV.
- Import the file into OneData:
- Log in as described in "caDSR II Database System Account Setup" (https://service.cancer.gov/cadsr-curation?id=nci_ext_kb_article&sysparm_article=NCI-KB0015599). The home page appears.
From the Manage menu, select Manage Data. The Manage Data page appears. Select Model Import-Update. The Model Import-Update page appears.
You can click https://service.cancer.gov/cadsr-curation?id=nci_ext_kb_article&sysparm_article=NCI-KB0014994).
to add pages like this to your favorites, as described in "Favorites QR" (- From the Import menu, select Conceptual Object Import.
- Select the Model Import v2 row and click Import (between Add New Mapping and Go To Data Manager).
Under Source Information, in the Import from File row, click Choose File. Navigate to and select your CSV file from your desktop.
Click Import at the bottom of the page. The system displays a message with the status of your import.
To review the models, elements, and characteristics you have imported from your file:
Click Go To Data Manager. The Model Import-Update page reappears.
Specify search criteria, such as all or part of your Batch Name. The format for the Date Last Modified field is MM/DD/YY (such as 03/05/22).
Click Apply Filter. A grid appears with one row per model. For a description of each column, hover over the column name.
- Click the (edit) icon in the row you want to view. A detail page appears for the selected model.
Click the Model Element List node. A grid appears with one row per model element.
- Click the edit icon in the row you want to view. A detail page appears for the selected model element.
Click the Model Element Characteristic List node. A grid appears with one row per model element characteristic.
- Click the edit icon in the row you want to view. A detail page appears for the selected model element characteristic.
- In each detail page, you have the following options:
- To view the next item from your imported file, click the Go to the next page icon (the icon after Rows x of xxx).
- To view the list of items again, click Display Values.
- Make changes in editable fields and click Save. The system confirms the change.
At this point, you can refresh the CDE associated with the updated model, as described in Refreshing the CDE Associated with a Model.
Related topics:
- Troubleshooting Imports
- Adding Characteristic Mapping Rules - DRAFT 2024-10-25
- Adding Value Mapping Rules - DRAFT - 2024-12-04
1 Comment
Jan 02, 2025Ben Warzel revision comment:
I believe what you refer to here as the "Model Import Template" is called Jira-3481-S57 Model Import v10.xlsx. It would be good to either refer to it as Jira Model Import or to change the filename on the templates page, just to make it easier to track down quickly.
There are more opportunities for hyperlinks in steps 4 a and b.
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