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National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
Protege 1.4.2 Release Notes
24 September 2010

Product Changes

The objective of this release of Protege 1.4.2 is to provide the remaining feature requests and bugs fixes found in previous Protege releases that have been determined to be a priority for the final release of Protege.  Currently, there is no development planned after the 1.4.2 release.

New Feature Highlights
* 2948:  Object properties available in role construction dialog are restricted according to the domain of the class that the role is being asserted on

* 6082:  Forward and Backward navigation buttons have been enabled in the NCIEditTab.

* 16121:  Buttons to make a class Defined or Primitive have been added to the NCIEditTab.  If the entire list of Necessary conditions is to be made Necessary and Sufficient, the conditions don't need to be made defining one at a time, pressing the appropriate button makes all these conditions N&S.  The same applies to making a class primitive starting from a defined class.  Individual conditions can still be made either defining or non-defining as necessary.

* 21375:  Internal format of complex properties has been modified.  An xml schema is now used to specify the format.  This affects batch editing jobs that include complex properties.  The format to use for DEFINITION and ALT_DEFINITION in a batch edit is:

<ncicp:ComplexDefinition xmlns:ncicp=""><ncicp:def-definition>Text of DEFINITION.</ncicp:def-definition><ncicp:def-source>NCI or some other</ncicp:def-source><ncicp:attr>some attribution</ncicp:attr><ncicp:Definition_Reviewer_Name>Someone's name</ncicp:Definition_Reviewer_Name><ncicp:Definition_Review_Date>a date in YYMMDD format</ncicp:Definition_Review_Date></ncicp:ComplexDefinition> 

If no attribution is required the entire set of tags can be eliminated from the above.  And the format for a FULL_SYN is:

 <ncicp:ComplexTerm xmlns:ncicp=""><ncicp:term-name>some term</ncicp:term-name><ncicp:term-group>PT or another type</ncicp:term-group><ncicp:term-source>NCI or another source</ncicp:term-source><ncicp:source-code>some code</ncicp:source-code> </ncicp:ComplexTerm>

If no source code is required the entire set of tags can be eliminated from the above.  

Behavior To Be Aware Of

A number of GForge items were created that need additional comment. With the exception of GForge items 23284, 23276, and 23057 (see below), which will be addressed in 1.4.1, the items listed here have been closed.

  • 19949 Return of 60,082 results for a search

Searching complex properties or the rdf:ID (:NAME) with specific Contains queries will result in the entire vocabulary being returned, as if a single wildcard character was the query string. This is because complex properties contain embedded XML and the rdf:ID contains a full URI. For instance, the following searches will return the entire NCIt vocabulary

entity searched    query string
FULL_SYN            name
FULL_SYN            group
FULL_SYN            source
FULL_SYN            >
:NAME                 /
:NAME                 :
:NAME                 http
:NAME                 Thesaurus
:NAME                 owl

Similarly, a Contains search for "reviewer" or "source" in DEFINITION will return all the concepts with a DEFINITION property.

By the same token, doing Exact searches on the above properties and the :NAME will fail unless the complex property value or URI is entered in its entirety.

  • 23284 Batch edit to delete associations needs full association rdfs:ID

This is deemed an inconsistency in behavior and is slated for a fix in 1.4.1. For now, editors need to be aware that deleting associations in batch requires that the association's rdf:ID be entered in its entirety.

List of New Features

GForge number

Brief description of item












List of Bug Fixes

Other Items Closed

The defects in the following list were not reproducible, or were fixed as a by-product of refactoring, or were related to configuration setup.

GForge number

Brief description of item





















CORE Product Dependencies

No caCORE dependencies. This software is used for editing and maintaining NCI Thesaurus and BiomedGT

Release History




Jun 07


Sept 07


Dec 07


Feb 08


May 08


Jul 08

1.2.3 Patch

Aug 08


Mar 09


Sep 09


Jan 10


Sep 10

  • No labels